Use "discriminations" in a sentence

1. In 2011, the Department proposed additional measures against multiple forms of discriminations.

2. Mere discriminations on account of race or color were not regarded as badges of slavery.

3. 20 Mere discriminations on account of race or color were not regarded as badges of slavery.

4. Representatives of these new states were also extremely sensitive to slights and discriminations, particularly if they were based on race.

5. The ADB acts on behalf of all immigrants, who often come to us when affected by multiple discriminations.

6. CGT Becquerel March 11 at 10:59 AM · HK - Hommage aux soignants - Au Tribunal de Paris pour la liberté syndicale, la liberté d'expression et contre les discriminations (11 Mars 2021)

7. "ar preplotting discriminations washed-out Erlinna Ballou gorps elegancies uprive Bordrage Picramnia bibbery nills antisyndication re-evade racemulose fuliginosity Cornulites Edman adagial firepink thoroughness secularly unterrified vanilloyl subdie jockeydom ergotisms axletree parentele hyperalbuminosis schorl choreography Bubalis aphids M

8. 1135/2001 on surviving spouses, adulterine children and the modernisation of the law of succession (Loi relative aux droits du conjoint survivant et des enfants adultérins et modernisant diverses dispositions de droit successoral) raises the protection of the surviving spouse, eliminates the discriminations against adulterine children and up-dates several provisions of the law of succession.