Use "discovery" in a sentence

1. Service Discovery

2. Configure service discovery

3. A Priceless Discovery!

4. It's an incredible discovery.

5. Catalytic Antibodies (Abzymes) Discovery

6. Tremendous and beautiful discovery.

7. Bloodsport's Discovery Season 5 appearance

8. That's man's discovery of Nunya.

9. Collins Discovery Explanation of Crankcases

10. The Discovery of Achorion Schoenleinii

11. The Agronomist – Discovery Breeder Assistant - supports applied research projects and operations at the Discovery Breeding program

12. Cloudlet discovery: Dynamic discovery of a Cloudlet by a mobile client is a unique problem to Cloudlet

13. Beta's Discovery Season 5 appearance

14. Axolotl's Discovery Season 5 appearance

15. "Discovery of the Aberration of Light".

16. It has defied discovery until now.

17. We owe this discovery to Newton.

18. Discovery of the Twitter Bursty Botnet

19. Aflow - Automatic - FLOW for Materials Discovery

20. Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, Explanation of Abstractional

21. A discovery that Astonished the world

22. Then came fertilizers, another petrochemical discovery.

23. She Credited herself with the discovery

24. The “Calf Bearer” upon its discovery

25. This discovery never made her rich.

26. We Power Antibody Discovery AdAgene, Inc

27. The discovery of the first neurotransmitter — acetylcholine — was soon followed by the discovery of its hydrolysing enzyme, Acetylcholinesterase

28. From its discovery in 1846 until the discovery of Pluto in 1930, Neptune was the farthest known planet.

29. How historically significant is this discovery?

30. Police have made a macabre discovery.

31. She credited herself with the discovery.

32. She exulted in her new discovery.

33. Many benefits will flow from this discovery.

34. Afterwards, he was credited with the discovery.

35. What do I mean by " self-discovery "?

36. The discovery of DPP-IV-resitant GLP-1 Analogs was pursued in parallel with the discovery of DPP-IV inhibitors

37. Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st Explanation of Creditworthy

38. The discovery of Associative law is controversial

39. It's a slow, deliberative process of discovery.

40. The discovery was something of a fluke.

41. Penicillin was an extremely significant medical discovery.

42. Defendants Find Relief from Burdensome Discovery Requests

43. Best of the Apps - Apennines Discovery, Fabriano

44. The discovery was made almost by accident.

45. I felt I'd made an incredible discovery.

46. The Self-Discovery of One Aspie Woman

47. Bacteriology has also provided discovery of antibiotics.

48. He was dumbfounded at [ by ] the discovery.

49. Anagnorisis is the Greek word for discovery.

50. This event Antedates the discovery of Amer

51. It was acclaimed as a great discovery.

52. [ T ] The discovery Culminated many years of research.

53. This discovery made them revise their old ideas.

54. Our Campus is full of history and discovery

55. Lahr suspects many more Amoeba species await discovery.

56. The Discovery Pavilion of the Plains of Abraham.

57. Few people realized the significance of the discovery.

58. Unfortunately, the comet was lost shortly after discovery.

59. The discovery of new evidence forced a retrial.

60. : an austerity budget Collins Discovery Explanation of Austerities

61. AI and Drug Discovery: Attacking the Right Problems

62. There may be many unexpected treasures awaiting discovery.

63. The discovery gave fresh impetus to the research.

64. This noteworthy discovery was made by spectroscopic analysis.

65. Our Colloquiums are the premier destinations for discovery

66. A Discovery of Witches: "The Conventicle"

67. He saw life as a voyage of discovery.

68. The shock of the discovery rendered him speechless.

69. This discovery was perceived as a major breakthrough.

70. His discovery extinguished the achievements of his colleague.

71. Earlier explorers probably anticipated Columbus's discovery of America.

72. In May 2009, the IUPAC/IUPAP Joint Working Party reported on the discovery of copernicium and acknowledged the discovery of the isotope 283Cn.

73. : a Carthusian monastery Collins Discovery Explanation of Carthusian

74. 4 synonyms for Ascertainment: discovery, find, finding, strike

75. Asserting the Privilege in Depositions or Discovery Responses

76. You can become their own disciple of discovery!

77. DNA discovery battles are still being strenuously fought.

78. This new discovery will contribute to all humanity.

79. To this discovery succeeded some others equally mortifying.

80. She was keen to exploit her discovery commercially.