Use "dirt pie" in a sentence

1. We've apple pie, lemon meringue pie and coffee rum pie and so on.

2. Burial dirt.

3. I say, if you want to make something dirt cheap, make it out of dirt -- ( Laughter ) preferably dirt that's locally sourced.

4. Sweet potato pie.

5. Pie Charts: A pie chart is placed over each object being shaded.

6. Excellent lamprey pie.

7. Each are like pie, but without the pie crust. Cobblers are typically …

8. 13 Favorite desserts include mince pie or pumpkin pie, plum pudding and fruitcake.

9. Dirt fouled the carburetor.

10. It was dirt cheap.

11. Please pass the pie.

12. Dorothy, slice-a pie?

13. What a tasty pie!

14. Have some more pie.

15. Pie Chart Button 015015 Creates a pie chart with value labels expressed as percentages.

16. That pie looks tempting.

17. Clabbered Dirt, Sweet Grass book

18. Without Cuticles, bacteria, dirt, and

19. Okay, you want the dirt?

20. I scraped the dirt off.

21. She swept the dirt out.

22. He hated untidiness and dirt.

23. Dirt infected an open cut.

24. This car is dirt cheap.

25. Fruit is dirt cheap here.

26. I got it dirt cheap.

27. Apple pie à la mode.

28. You prefer pie or strudel?

29. Antique American Pie Safe Cupboard.

30. That's Miss Hilly's special pie.

31. Pies / Tarts / Cobblers Pie recipes

32. We're having lemon meringue pie.

33. Basically, Coxcombs are pie charts

34. Cheeseparing (Thesaurus) cheesemaker cheese pie

35. He specially liked the pie.

36. That pie looks very tempting.

37. The meat pie is delicious.

38. Another piece of meat pie?

39. And deep-dish apple pie.

40. It doesn't suck up the dirt.

41. His clothes were covered with dirt.

42. We must filter out the dirt.

43. I got these shoes dirt cheap.

44. It's not dirt that causes acne.

45. This coat was dirt cheap informal .

46. Wilmar dirt-smirched Bespoused correctory moter

47. What does Attle mean? Dirt; filth

48. Dirt can collect in inaccessible places.

49. Good. One lemon meringue pie. And give my friend over here a piece of apple pie, too.

50. • His shoes were Caked with dirt

51. Clean: free from dirt or stain.

52. His coat was covered with dirt.

53. There was dirt on the pane.

54. That beggar's dirt is on you.

55. His clothes were covered in dirt.

56. The windows were encrusted with dirt.

57. Oh, shut your pie hole, yang.

58. Help yourself to some more pie.

59. Told you to trust the pie.

60. There's evidence of occlusion due to dirt in the nose and mouth, indicating the dirt has been inhaled.

61. And the pie à la mode.

62. Serve the pie with whipped cream.

63. Glaze the pie with beaten egg.

64. I like a meat pie best.

65. He polished off the whole pie.


67. My pie was in your hood.

68. He baited his hook with pie.

69. Is the pie a la mode?

70. As a shortcut for creating a 3 - D pie chart, click the 3 - D Pie Chart AutoFormat button.

71. Antiquarianise Antiquarianise apair apair aphorise aphorise apostatize apostatize apostille apostille appal appal apple pie apple pie approach approach

72. August. Apple pie a la mode.

73. 'Smeared' and 'Bleared' suggest dirt or defilement

74. There is some dirt on your nose.

75. This metal net filters out the dirt.

76. Wheels leave grooves in a dirt road.

77. Scrawny little thing all covered in dirt.

78. The jeep bumped along the dirt track.

79. Dirt and disease go hand in hand.

80. Pack the dirt firmly round the plants.