Use "dinar" in a sentence

1. Dromedary pretzels, only half a dinar.

2. LOS Almoravides, Dinar, ALMERIA, 522AD, VIVES.-1741, 4,2grs

3. The Bahraini dinar was introduced in 1965, replacing the Gulf rupee at a rate of 10 rupees = 1 dinar

4. Initially, Abu Dhabi adopted the Bahraini dinar but …

5. The dinar was pegged at par with the British pound until 1959 when, without changing its value, the peg was switched to the United States dollar at the rate of 1 dinar = 2.8 dollars.

6. Dinar Almoravide - Alí Ben Youssuf - Almeria 517/528 Ah - Gold Weight: 4.18 g Size: 26 mm In extremely good condition

7. The dinar dropped below TD 3 per Euro in April 2018 and continued to depreciate albeit at a slower rate than in 2017.

8. Bahraini dinar (BD) Currency Exchange Rate 1 USD equals 0.376 Bahraini dinar Population (2020 est.) 1,507,000 Population rank (2019) 153 Population projection 2030 1,756,000 Total area (sq mi) 297 Total area (sq km) 770 Density: persons per sq mi (2018) 5,131.4 Density: persons per sq km (2018) 1,981 Urban-rural population Urban: (2018) 89.3%

9. 'It's the only thing used, besides the Iraqi dinar, for commercial busine and trade, ' he said. 'As long as it stays pretty stable, we don't mind this. '

10. For Bahrain, the Bahraini dinar is supposed to be pegged at $1 USD to 0.37608 BHD, meaning that the country is willing to offer Bahraini dinars in exchange for U.S

11. La kuna croata , que son país emetor es candidat a l’Union Europèa (negociacions Blocadas dins lo corrent de 2005, represas dempuèi) ; lo dinar sèrbe , que …

12. El menor va informar als agents que tornaven d’un dinar amb el seu pare des del Masnou, que el pare havia Begut alcohol i conduïa fent esses per la carretera a molta velocitat