Use "dikes" in a sentence

1. Those dikes have burst.

2. Longtime Construction of Dikes

3. Huge sea dikes were constructed to protect the lower land behind the dikes

4. SpillBlockers, Berms, Dikes & Barriers

5. Now take the red-handled dikes...

6. Who Looks After the DIKES?

7. Through all the great dikes Hamburg has

8. Where can we cut the dikes?

9. Dikes and roads are not exactly the same problem.

10. The floods found a vent through the dikes.

11. 1.36 Ga granite dikes in Amphibolite (Blue Creek East Rt

12. Dikes and drainage systems need to be maintained and sometimes repaired.

13. Several mineralization types with economic potential were identified, including high-grade veins, carbonatite dikes, fenitic selvages of the carbonatite dikes, and altered syenite and other host rocks.

14. The geological age of these dikes is probably about 1250 Ma.

15. In the left dikes in the inner wall of Monte Somma.

16. Alongside its banks, dikes protect the peasants living on the plain below.

17. Immediate securing of damaged preventive infrastructures such as dams and dikes.

18. These polders would be flooded if the dikes were not constantly maintained.

19. Cabalantian was being protected by government-built dikes designed to stem the lahar.

20. Swollen by torrential rain, rivers overflowed their banks, breaking dikes and destroying bridges.

21. These rocks occur as small dikes or isolated veins within cumulus gabbros.

22. Send scouts to map the waterline and then count the fallen dikes.

23. Mapping and drilling indicates that occasional shoshonite and Banakite dikes occur adjacent and

24. Built mostly behind dikes, large parts of the Rotterdam are below sea level.

25. Absorbent socks, pillows, dikes, pans, skimmers and pulp for handling leaks and spills

26. Without dunes and dikes, this blue area would be flooded most of the time

27. River embankments broke in 70 places, destroying 27 bridges, while about 105 dikes were destroyed.

28. Furthermore, erosion and enhanced hydrodynamic forces counteract bioaccumulation in this lagoon cramped by dikes and causeways.

29. The lava of the dikes is somewhat more resistant to erosion than the rest.

30. Danger to the dikes made necessary the evacuation of ten of our congregations in the Netherlands.

31. This age-old system of water boards ensures that the dikes are well cared for.

32. Groen, quoted earlier, says: “Few people realize what could have happened had the river dikes given way.”

33. Huge levees, dikes, and pumping stations were put up, and more canals and roads crisscrossed the Everglades.

34. Currently, 27% of the Netherlands is below sea level protected by dikes, dunes, and beach flats.

35. Aztec settlers built their pyramid city on an island and created dikes to hold back floods.

36. And each terrace is a cultivated pond field, lined with earthen dikes and retained with stone walls.

37. clastic sediments. High-K andesitic to dacitic volcanics are interlayered with, and dikes cut, the clastic sediments.

38. The synvolcanic metagabbro dikes have extended the strike length of the volcanic section by at least 100%.

39. However, the Babylonians have controlled this watery wilderness by creating a complex system of dikes, sluices, and canals.

40. If there were a breach, water would cover the land behind the dikes to a depth of many feet.

41. Los diques y las presas alteran el Caudal del río.The dikes and dams alter the flow of the river

42. Beryl is a minor constituent of many granitic rocks and associated pegmatite dikes, in gneisses, and in mica schists

43. The paludier spends autumn through spring repairing the clay dikes and channels in the marshes and preparing his crystallizing pans.

44. The water flows freely into extensive floodplains covered until April when the dikes are closed again and the remaining water is drained.

45. Bitterns reside in the heart of the marsh, but trails in many refuges follow dikes and higher grounds that ring the outer perimeter

46. Ariegite bands and dikes formed, and isoclinal folding occurred while the peridotite was in the spinel lherzolite stability field (P > 10 kbar)

47. The boulder Batholith is a large intrusive body composed mainly of quartz monzonite, and is cut by plugs and dikes of alaskite and dacite

48. The system of dikes were rather upgrowth in the Tang Chang'an and Northern Song Dongjing, but space form of bridges was different in the two Capital Cities.

49. Lower-level lowlands, almost at sea level, are the result of recent alluvial deposition along the floodplain of present Fraser River channels and are protected from flooding by dikes.

50. Northeasterly trending, tholeiitic, low-alkali basaltic dikes which cut the Archean rocks of northeastern Manitoba have yielded a paleomagnetic pole at 114°W, 28°N, α95 = 12°.

51. Banakite (biotite andesite) dikes contemporaneous with the infill of the inner caldera by the Morrisons Pool Formation show predominant NW trends, with variation between E-W and NNW

52. Because the stones were being used to reinforce dikes as well as to build churches and dwellings, the Drenthe Landscape Administration enacted a law on July 21, 1734, protecting the dolmens.

53. Spill containment barriers like SpillBlocker Spill Containment Dikes goes down fast for spill emergencies and secondary containment solutions like Collapsible Berms allow you to contain liquids in remote locations.

54. Andesite, any member of a large family of rocks that occur in most of the world’s volcanic areas. Andesites occur mainly as surface deposits and, to a lesser extent, as dikes and small plugs.

55. A suite of alkaline lamprophyre dikes emplaced in centers I and II rocks of the Coldwell alkaline complex is composed of camptonites with calcite ocelli, camptonites with quartz macrocrysts, amphibole camptonites, monchiquites, and sannaites.

56. This fact, along with evidence concerning chemical composition of the rock, suggests that these dikes represent tholeiitic magmas contaminated at depth, mainly by a support of alkalies and volatile constituents and perhaps also barium.

57. A series of dikes and makeshift barricades designed to protect Bangkok from the full brunt of the floods appeared to be holding over the weekend, but experts warned the city isn't out of danger yet.

58. Major and trace element chemistry shows that the older series of granitic rocks were formed by differentiation of a calc-alkali magma in situ. The younger dikes are all highly silicic, show limited major element variation, and have been affected by hydrothermal metasomatism.

59. Begirds some stately castle, sure defence Affording to the space within, so here Were model'd these; and as like fortresses E'en from their threshold to the brink without, Are flank'd with bridges; from the rock's low base Thus flinty paths advanc'd, that 'cross the moles And dikes, struck onward far …

60. Batholiths, laccoliths and dikes are all different types of untrusions where an igneous rock intrudes other rock A batholith is a huge mas of magma that intrudes a rock formation, covering a very large area, a dike is where magma flows through a crack in the rock and a laccolith is where magma intrudes acros rock and pushes up sedimentary