Use "dike reeve" in a sentence

1. Lieutenant Dike.

2. The 1953 dike disaster

3. We'll cut the dike here!

4. I live near the dike.

5. The floods caved in that dike.

6. Somehow, I made it to the dike, dove over the dike, and there was my whole squad.

7. Dike to collect larger liquid spills.

8. The dam burst dike burst.

9. The name Kinderdijk is Dutch for "Children dike".

10. But a dike is not a roof.

11. A crack in the dike will do

12. Existing Infrastructure Dam or dike Main road

13. A crack in the dike will do.

14. Mallotus villosus, Capelin [English] Author(s)/Editor(s): Robins, Richard C., Reeve M

15. The dike swarm converges on West Spanish peak.

16. The dike held during the flood.

17. The dike around the shop complex had broken.

18. Dreams are water seeping through cracks in the dike.

19. A small wooden bridge straddled the dike.

20. " The Mississippi River broke through a protective dike today. "

21. The dike has been a great protection to Holland.

22. Soon, we moved, and I walked over a dike.

23. Little Dutch boy's keeping the blood dike from bursting.

24. The dike rocks display rather high BaO-contents.

25. That winter they started to rebuild the dike.

26. In addition also some three dike seven bridges another beauty.

27. Professor Julian Gunn explains the different types of Angiogram to Senior Cardiac Nurse Emily Reeve

28. This includes the dike pathway and roads in the vicinity.

29. Canal standardization, cross - strait dike is flat, river water is clear.

30. They have proposed building a temporary dike around the crash site.

31. 4 Chairman John Reeve said Severfield has taken out credit insurance to offset future bad debt problems.

32. Different dike-lithologies are associated with different strike directions.

33. That breach in the dike opened up the floodgates.

34. They dug a dike along walls of the school.

35. The most impressive form of intrusive is the dike.

36. With Buck off the line, there was no alternative to Dike.

37. The dike prevents material loss and allows recovery and reuse.

38. The dike that is protected by Mangrove forest is impregnable!

39. " Before long, you pass a dike, " then you get to the Mekong Bridge

40. The picturesque windmills of the Netherlands pumped water out of dike-enclosed lowlands.

41. Enough already with this dike, several blockades the places around your life, some restraints

42. We gathered around a paddy dike and exchanged greetings and impressions.

43. (noun) An example of a Crevasse is a deep crack in a dike.

44. American Daryl Dike scores 3rd goal during loan to Barnsley American forward Daryl Dike scored his third goal for Barnsley, a right-footed shot from just inside the penalty area that curled past

45. The margins of dike Apophyses, sediment reentrants, and strike and dip irregularities

46. “Dam it, dike it, drain it, divert it” became their clarion call.

47. The dike around the shop complex had broken. Water was gushing in.

48. This dike system is recognized on the basis of a well defined aeromagnetic lineament.

49. When you're done with that, can you help me plug the hole in this dike?

50. Backfill of the temporary dike at Eastmain-1-A powerhouse’s water intake has been completed.

51. Mother and youngsters on a dike near Kota Bharu, Malaysia, set out to transplant seedlings.

52. Beyond the gate running south-east, the dike continued as Sint Antoniesdijk (now Sint Antoniesbreestraat).

53. Oh, it's the duchess and the boy with his finger in the dike.

54. This is a climb called the Dike Route, on Pywjack Dome, up in the Yosemite high country.

55. In Lower-Saxony, the dike of Hove broke at a length of 900 m.

56. Christopher Reeve on tilt table Accustoming his body to being upright, therapy in hopes of being able to walk again, July 1996

57. The work presented herein is on the backwater effect due to a single, vertical-walled spur dike.

58. Lucifer passed the Mark to Cain, who passed the Mark to you, the proverbial finger in the dike.

59. Andesite dike in volcanic debris flow conglomerates (Absaroka Volcanics Supergroup, Eocene, 48-50 Ma; Rt

60. It is up to them to determine the size and makeup of the “dike army.”

61. Design of engineering works for the prevention of inundation of land or dike breach by flood water

62. With the threat of the lake’s water rising again, a dike was built around the excavation site.

63. Within this group, Y, Ga, and Na all increase to the west towards the Smartville sheeted dike complex.

64. The name Andijk comes from the Dutch "aan de dijk", which translates into English as "at the dike".

65. "Barbs" are dike-like stone structures designed to protect the (usually unstable) outside-bank regions of channel bends.

66. The typhoon burst a dike in Kaohsiung and another in Tainan, that had been damaged by the earthquake.

67. Some 20 years later, in 1953, after a disastrous flood killed 1,835 people, dike builders took on an even bigger project.

68. 1421 – A seawall at the Zuiderzee dike in the Netherlands breaks, flooding 72 villages and killing about 10,000 people.

69. Philip Augustus makes a new dike for it. He imprisons Paris in a circular chain of great towers , both lofty and solid.

70. In one area a control dike gave way, exposing previously undisturbed areas to lahars as deep as 20 feet [6 m].

71. The most recent activity occurred just a few years after the Mono Crater eruptions, and was caused by a dike of similar composition.

72. I skirted the dike district too - or at any rate two big chicks denied me entry to their purple sanctum.

73. (1) Scour Countermeasures - Installation of a wall or spur dike (guide bank) represent a relatively permanent countermeasure and are, therefore, provided the lowest value

74. Reeve wore the leotard in the 1983 film Superman III, while the red trunks and yellow belt came from his debut as the Man of Steel in Superman The Movie in 19

75. Built different: Dike-New Hartford's girls have Collaborated on the program's first perfect regular season Nick Petaros Feb 28, 2021 Feb 28, 2021; 0 {{featured_button_text}} 1 of 2

76. The quartz diorite dike contains iron-rich almandine phenocrysts that appear to be magmatic, suggesting emplacement at great depth near the base of the crust or upper mantle.

77. The main goal with the dike was to lower the water level by at least one metre as compared to the minimum level of December, 1862. (104.096 m A.F.

78. A levee breach or levee failure (the word dike or dyke can also be used instead of levee) is a situation where a levee fails or is intentionally Breached, causing …

79. What is a Cofferdam? A Cofferdam is a temporary dike built across a body of water, and constructed to allow the water to be pumped out of the enclosed area

80. Seven years after the tunnel collapse, by 1876, the falls were stabilized with an underground dike and low dams that largely are still in place upstream of Stone Arch Bridge.