Use "digiti" in a sentence

1. Abductor digiti minimi muscle (Musculus Abductor digiti minimi) Abductor digiti minimi is an unipennate muscle located in the lateral part of the sole of the foot.

2. The extensor digiti minimi tendon was ruptured.

3. A 30 degrees Angulation is associated with a flexor digiti minimi grip strength of 92% maximum and preserves 78% of the intact finger's range of motion

4. Electric stimulation can be carried out using any nerve stimulator. Using this method, PMG mainly records the contractions of abductor digiti minimi muscle, but also partly those of the interossei.

5. 10 Conclusion We found that the fascial arch of the opponens digiti minimi can compress the deep branch of the ulnar nerve causing motor deficit of the intrinsic muscles of hands.