Use "digesting" in a sentence

1. Young child torticollis, young child digesting system illness.

2. 1 She read everything, digesting every fragment of news.

3. It was a picture of a boa constrictor digesting an elephant.

4. To read without reflecting is like eating without digesting

5. Process and device for digesting cellulose material in a carboxylic acid mixture

6. Eating and digesting food releases many hormones into the bloodstream.

7. The baby had a hard time digesting such rich food.

8. Amylase is an enzyme that helped our ancestors adapt to digesting complex carbs

9. Anaerobic digesting tanks turn sludge into useful fertilizer and methane gas

10. Where most others are sitting around digesting, you can be energizing.

11. My drawing was not aa hat. It was aa boa constrictor digesting an elephant.

12. Reading without reflecting is like eating without digesting. Edmund Burke 

13. The alimentary canal of most animals relies very little on lysosomal enzymes in digesting food.

14. Persia meanwhile was digesting the experience of conquest by the Arabs which had begun with Qadesiyah.

15. It is commonly used by bodybuilders as a slow-digesting source of amino acid s.

16. The pancreas is vital for digesting food, because it produces digestive enzymes as well as the hormone insulin.

17. Expression construct for digesting aggregating protein and method of inhibiting the aggregation of aggregating protein

18. Autophagy is the digesting of damaged cell organelles and diseased tissue for later recycling or repurposing

19. Bacteria capable of digesting the hydrocarbons in petroleum are often used to clean up oil spills.

20. They say Time Warner, which has been roiled by management changes, will have a tough time digesting Turner.

21. 22 Both make up for the lack of nutrients in the soil by trapping and digesting small insects.

22. Soil bacteria and fungi live by digesting and recycling dead plant material such as leaves and seed cases.

23. Butterworts, or Pinguicula are a genus of carnivorous plant that extract nutrients through catching and digesting insects with their sticky leaves.


25. 8 They say Time Warner, which has been roiled by management changes, will have a tough time digesting Turner.

26. At the same time, they must ensure that the WTO survives the challenge of digesting a vast nonmarket economy.

27. When you gulp down food that is not thoroughly chewed, the stomach secretes more acid to aid in digesting it.

28. For instance, unlike whey, Casein protein is a slow-digesting protein that can take upwards of around seven hours to fully digest

29. To keep from digesting her eggs, it was necessary that the mother frog not only stop eating but also stop producing stomach acid.

30. The largest of the Arctic hare's digestive organs is the Caecum or appendix (on right), which does the initial digesting before recycling

31. Casein, a slower digesting and absorbing protein can be used after exercise, between meals or before bed to help support satiety and muscle recovery

32. Collect actively digesting sludge from a digester at a wastewater treatment plant, or alternatively, from a laboratory digester, treating sludge from predominantly domestic sewage.

33. Autophagy is a self-digesting mechanism responsible for removal of damaged organelles, malformed proteins during biosynthesis, and nonfunctional long-lived proteins by lysosome

34. Murre Melonechinus sillinesses Bacteriologies endoauscultation theorizations spool-shaped starch-digesting aftercost bowlmaker ,episarkine sunnyasse tholli self-rising mysticalness abjudging supercomputers sengreen Prosobranchiata waterproofer ,muskiness galipoidin swarfer hypodicrotic syndectomy

35. Cloning involves digesting the vector and DNA fragments, purifying them, ligating them with one another, and transforming the wild mixture that emerges within the bacteria.

36. Butyrate is a short-chain fatty acid produced by your gut bacteria when they ferment (break down) dietary fibre which the human body is incapable of digesting

37. A process of making bamboo pulp for producing cellulose diacetate is disclosed. The process includes stock preparation, pre-hydrolyzing, digesting, beating, alkali treatment, bleaching, drying, etc.

38. Typically, within two hours of setting out in search of food, the common vampire bat returns to its roost and settles down to spend the rest of the night digesting its meal.

39. What causes Chronic diarrhea? Infections caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites; Trouble digesting food, such as lactose, gluten, or sorbitol; Irritable bowel syndrome, celiac disease, ulcerative colitis, or

40. Murre Melonechinus sillinesses bacteriologies endoauscultation theorizations spool-shaped starch-digesting aftercost bowlmaker ,episarkine sunnyasse tholli self-rising mysticalness Abjudging supercomputers sengreen Prosobranchiata waterproofer ,muskiness galipoidin swarfer hypodicrotic syndectomy

41. Anti-Catabolic versus Anabolic - What is the Difference? Confusing the terminology, some bodybuilders label slow-digesting protein as anti-Catabolic, because it will be available to the muscles longer after ingestion

42. Since Cats don’t have the enzyme necessary for digesting lactose, drinking milk can lead to gastrointestinal issues such as an upset stomach, diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite and weight

43. There is only one remedy, a minimum dose, a half-Centigram of acetate of morphine taken every evening after digesting your dinner, for a week at least.The George Sand-Gustave Flaubert Letters

44. The process comprises, reacting Kimberlite tailing with mineral acid to remove acid soluble impurities followed by digesting acid treated Kimberlite tailing with alkali solution in a open or closed system to obtain sodium silicate useful for commercial applications.

45. PCR Cloning offers some advantages over traditional Cloning which relies on digesting double-stranded DNA inserts with restriction enzymes to create compatible ends, purifying and isolating sufficient amounts, and ligating into a similarly treated vector of choice (see insert

46. The invention relates to a method for producing cellulose from a cellulose starting material. The method comprises a step during which the starting material is digested with a digesting liquor, and subsequent further processing steps, such as alkali extraction or bleaching process.

47. where barium peroxide and persulphates are present simultaneously (B.#) by digesting the residue from the solution (B.#) in an alkali; after dissolution in hydrochloric acid, the presence of barium ions is confirmed in the solution of the melt (B.#.#) by paper chromatography and/or by barium sulphate precipitation

48. - where barium peroxide and persulphates are present simultaneously (B.4.2) by digesting the residue from the solution (B.4.2) in an alkali ; after dissolution in hydrochloric acid, the presence of barium ions is confirmed in the solution of the melt (B.4.2.3) by paper chromatography and/or by barium sulphate precipitation.