Use "differentiations" in a sentence

1. Those differentiations can be made due to the ethnic group, gender, age, religion, sex, appearance...

2. In this article further possible differentiations of each transformation, which can occur in the analytical situation will be described.

3. These active reflexive behaviors allow the infant to construct his or her first differentiations within the environment.

4. Moreover it is possible to use periodontal ligament (PDL) stem cells and dental follicle precursors for periodontal tissue differentiations in vitro.

5. An Algol-procedure is described for the computation of neutralization curves and their first and second differentiations explicit to the added volume of titrant.

6. It adds: “Those 20 or so cells must perform a series of restructurings and differentiations over another five or six days to create the first structural element of the actual embryo.”

7. Karyological studies on tropical woody Angiosperms are essential for the systematics of the group, for an understanding of the evidently distinctive tropical evolutionary patterns, and for the elucidation of ecological-geographical differentiations in tropical floras and their temperate derivatives.

8. ‘Atman or Brahman has been called eternal, all pervading.’ ‘Finally he wrote his books on the subject of Atman and Brahman.’ ‘Each god is a manifestation of Brahman; in the ultimate world there are no differentiations of I and thou, subject and object.’

9. We analyse spatial patterns of change for different qualification groups, outlining a regional typology, and discuss issues of ageing as well as differentiations according to types of settlement structure; finally, centre-periphery developments in two selected urban agglomerations are addressed (Berlin and Rhein-Ruhr).