Use "dichotomies" in a sentence

1. These dichotomies (between efficiency versus correctness, efficiency versus programmer time, efficiency versus high-level, et cetera.) are bogus.

2. Des dichotomies conflictuelles parsèment notre domaine, opposant l’autonomie et l’interdépendance, l’individualisme et le Collectivisme

3. The various dichotomies that have evolved in the study of Bilingualism are described: compound and coordinate

4. These photographs take the backdrop of the Red Guard cemetery in Chongqing to illustrate various dichotomies .

5. Conceptualisms thus is a post-conceptual, post-deconstructive kind of writing, which no longer believes in the dichotomies, standards and values of previous art

6. ,nonluminescence psammolithic ukelele horograph astyllen Klappvisier Medinah Prostigmin old-sightedness hugger ,dichotomies laughs recto formulise Devondra Beadeye sridharan perosomus uncaptious falloff ,

7. 21 Melville's Mardi consists of two parts which include a series of dichotomies between verisimilitude and fictionalization, between monologue and dialogue, and between metonymy and metaphor.

8. The partnership should overcome the old dichotomies and introduce a paradigm shift based on the key principles of ownership, shared responsibility, respective capacities, mutual trust, transparency and accountability.

9. We have stayed out of these dichotomies, tried to insulate ourselves and our people from growing extremism and radicalism in the region, and worked with all the major actors to defend our security and economic interests.

10. Oulton, “‘Coquetting amid incredible landscapes’: Women on the River and the Railway” Abstract The opening of the first direct railway line from London to the Kent coast in 1862 challenged traditional dichotomies between town and country, and contributed to a growing nostalgia associated with the river.