Use "diabolically" in a sentence

1. It's poetic, diabolically speaking.

2. Diabolically, some mines are designed to look like toys in order to make them attractive to children!

3. Bedevil Meaning: "to treat diabolically, abuse," from be- + verbal use of devil (q.v.)

4. " Oh, no, " said he, looking a sort of diabolically funny, " the harpooneer is a dark complexioned chap.

5. Covid was diabolically crafted to Afflict a world in which we were already raw, sore and constantly rubbing up against other, generating friction as we circulated both globally and locally

6. Atmospheric, beguiling, and-if you'll pardon the pun-diabolically good." —Raymond Khoury, author of The Last Templar and Sanctuary "Angelology lets loose the ancient fallen angels to the modern world with devastating results

7. See synonyms for: bedevil / Bedevilment on verb (used with object), be·dev·iled, be·dev·il·ing or (especially British) be·dev·illed, be·dev·il·ling. to torment or harass maliciously or diabolically, as with doubts, distractions, or worries. …

8. See synonyms for: Bedevil / Bedevilment on verb (used with object), be·dev·iled, be·dev·il·ing or (especially British) be·dev·illed, be·dev·il·ling. to torment or harass maliciously or diabolically, as with doubts, distractions, or worries. …