Use "developing country" in a sentence

1. Argentina is a developing country

2. Meanwhile, what does a developing country look like?

3. Pool developing-country resources to address common technological challenges.

4. China is a developing country a weak economic foundation.

5. China is a developing country with a large population.

6. The developing - country bloc has coalesced in stages since 19

7. China is the most populous developing country in the world.

8. China is a socialist country, and a developing country as well.

9. This mechanism has a particular significance for China, a developing country.

10. China is a developing country while Japan is a developed one.

11. IMAGINE that you live in a small town in a developing country.

12. Some countries have disregarded the fact that China is a developing country.

13. But it usually required developing country collaborators to raise their own funds.

14. 19 Green trade barrier already produced major effect to the developing country.

15. You cannot equate the GNP of USA with that of a developing country.

16. Regional cooperation on regulatory/institutional issues could help address developing country capacity constraints.

17. It'showed the trend with the exasperate terms of trade of the developing country.

18. The laws of the developing country were assimilated to those of the developed country.

19. China, as a developing country, choosing the way of economic sustainable development is sagacious.

20. In a developing country, however, a number of additional nuances may exacerbate these issues.

21. 10 It'showed the trend with the exasperate terms of trade of the developing country.

22. Structural rigidity, price elasticity is restrained, 3 system shortage is a developing country main features.

23. Twenty-eight reports of affected developing country Parties were reviewed in depth during the meeting.

24. With climate change, developing-country financing needs for mitigation and adaptation are expected to rise steeply

25. Albania, a formerly closed, centrally planned state, is a developing country with a modern open-market economy

26. Each has its own momentum that critically affects how much developing country governments can influence the outcomes.

27. Ethically, it is impossible to redistribute income intentionally in a developing country to see if civil strife erupts.

28. INSTRAW was the only such mechanism for the advancement of women and was headquartered in a developing country.

29. A knowledge of development economics and the challenges faced by a small, developing country would be an advantage.

30. When these machines first became available, there was scant interest by manufacturers in developing country markets and applications.

31. RECOGNISING Viet Nam's status as a developing country and taking account of the Parties' respective levels of development,

32. India is a developing country and our overriding priorities would be always poverty reduction and rapid economic development.

33. Priya Shetty explains the links between climate change and insect-borne disease, and outlines priorities for developing country policymakers.

34. [Inputs to the process, including modalities for two compilations of the commitments, by developed and developing country Parties respectively.]

35. The fisherman returns home in his pirogue and is met by a foreign expert serving in this developing country.

36. One economist thus concluded that forcing these policies on a developing country is “like throwing an anchor to a drowning man.”

37. By using and learning about the hardware and software, developing country professionals will become familiar with a variety of modern technologies.

38. For developing-country adolescents to avoid unplanned pregnancies, disease and other serious reproductive health problems, they need accurate information and services.

39. During the 2000s, the majority were developing country mobile network operators, but ZTE products see use in developed countries as well.

40. This principle helps the developing country members, including the least developed country members among them, easily participate in the world trade system.

41. Developing-country stock markets are up 12.6 percent since June, while equity markets in high-income countries are up by 10.7 percent.

42. Developing country interests in interregional economic partnership agreements are now focused as much on reciprocal trade preferences as on aid or technology transfer.

43. At the same time it is still a developing country with huge development needs ranking at 90th place in the GDP per capita league.

44. The main conclusion from the project is that "the communication of scientific information for evidence-based policymaking is poorly institutionalised in developing country contexts".

45. A decided advantage of being in a developing country is that the cost of living is usually considerably lower than in a more developed land.

46. While very strong developing country growth during the boom period may reflect underlying growth potential, the global financial conditions that fueled it were clearly unsustainable.

47. But for various reasons, the education development priority has formed the formidable contrast in the developed country, the developing country and the least developed country.

48. Meanwhile, however, there is need for action to compensate developing country farmers for the losses that they suffer as a result of current developed country policies.

49. The Vice-President on his part said that India had, even though it was a developing country, accumulated a wealth of experience in the development process.

50. At present, Iran is a middle-income developing country, with a relatively advanced industrial base, a functioning science and technology infrastructure and a trained human resource capital.

51. At present, Iran is a middle-income developing country, with a relatively advanced industrial base, a functioning science and technology infrastructure and a trained human resource capital

52. Once I've been in UK for a while (I'm from a developing country), I forget how utterly tosh Western received opinion can seem ?from outside that sphere of influence.

53. Option 3: Include a long-term trajectory for developed countries that should be quantified and be an absolute number; for developing country Parties to be encouraged to develop a long-term green and low-carbon development strategy, plan or programme, as appropriate;

54. Countertrade is a commercial transaction in which a seller, typically from an industrialized country, supplies goods, services or technology to a buyer in a developing country or a formerly planned economy, and in which, in return, the seller purchases from the buyer an agreed amount of goods, services or technology.