Use "devastation" in a sentence

1. Massive devastation was everywhere.

2. And what devastation they cause!

3. The hurricane caused widespread devastation.

4. The bomb caused widespread devastation.

5. Destruction and devastation, hunger and sword!

6. It's a scene of complete devastation.

7. Rivers of molten lava caused much devastation

8. They don't have to do global devastation.

9. The typhoon left a trail of devastation.

10. Jody understood the devastation of serious injury.

11. A conventional war would still cause unacceptable devastation.

12. Ocasio-Cortez, other Democrats “Capitalizing” on Texas devastation

13. She returned home to find a scene of devastation.

14. Unutterable destruction and devastation were wrought last autumn.

15. We surveyed the devastation wrought by the fire.

16. Blasphemous is the story of suffering, devastation, and punishment

17. The devastation in Rio de Janeiro is beyond imagination.

18. The storm left behind it a trail of devastation.

19. The casualty list was 30 and the devastation immense.

20. He surveyed the scene of utter devastation beneath him.

21. This symbolic cavalry charge leaves devastation in its wake.

22. But this devastation is about to get a lot worse.

23. He will intervene, bringing devastation upon Satan and his crowd.

24. After the devastation an uneasy peace settled over the Empire.

25. If disease is allowed to spread, it will cause widespread devastation.

26. The cost of the devastation could run to £6 million.

27. The tornado left a trail of devastation in its wake.

28. Poison gas, chemical fire total devastation for a 100-mile radius.

29. Adam stumbles on, leaving a trail of devastation in his wake.

30. Most of the devastation hit north Pakistan and Pakistan administered Kashmir.

31. But the devastation already wrought in it is heartrending to contemplate.

32. Many endured wars and devastation and lived to tell about it.

33. The hurricane passed, leaving a trail of devastation in its wake.

34. The public reacted with remorse and anger at the latest devastation.

35. Poverty breeds instability, disease, and devastation of common resources and the environment.

36. The President visited the area to see the devastation at first hand.

37. Dangers from nuclear weapons and reactor accidents arouse fear of devastation for mankind.

38. Nagasaki, like Hiroshima, is a city that experienced devastation from a nuclear bomb

39. Delegates at the conference were taken on field trips to see the devastation.

40. Even the most hardened commentators appeared shocked by the scale of the devastation.

41. Vigilantes sniff out symbolic Affronts but disregard the devastation they have wrought Robert L

42. The devastation sent shock waves through East Prussia, and the people fled in panic.

43. I spoke to him as one man who had Coped with devastation to …

44. There was literally ‘a devastation upon her waters, and they were dried up.’

45. You feel the devastation of the war like a miasma over the battlefield.

46. Armyworms can lay devastation to a lawn or garden in a matter of days

47. Learn about long ago feuds of rivalling clans, Jacobite battles, and the devastation of Crofting …

48. Pestilence and devastation would march across the land; and the four horsemen ride the sky.

49. If disease is allowed to spread among the crops, it will cause wide spread devastation.

50. It is infecting our youth and contaminating our schools and leaving a trail of devastation.”

51. The story deals with the aftermath of warfare, particularly the devastation wreaked by land mines.

52. 22 The story deals with the aftermath of warfare, particularly the devastation wreaked by land mines.

53. Even if it were only a dozen, they could with megaton bombs inflict widespread devastation.

54. Residents of the coastal city of Sendai are continuing the search for survivors amid the devastation .

55. 27 Many are drunks-but that term does not do justice to the devastation they embody.

56. The charges include destruction of historic monuments and cultural property, and devastation not justified by military necessity

57. At ten o'clock in the morning a monster had ripped up the countryside, devastation littering its wake.

58. My mind churned with countless plots and schemes, conjuring up acts of untold terror and devastation.

59. The charges include destruction of historic monuments and cultural property, and devastation not justified by military necessity.

60. “The last four years of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict have only brought agony and devastation to both sides

61. The shape and location of the crater indicate further causes of devastation in addition to the dust cloud.

62. Ashgabat rose from the devastation of an earthquake in 1948 and has enjoyed a surreal and futuristic makeover

63. "The ultimate weapon for a virus that 'wants' to inflict devastation is the Asymptomatic spreader" Getty

64. He left in 19 horrified by the devastation that warfare and famine had visited on his homeland.

65. Only the water itself, its wildly fluctuating level carving a swathe of devastation along the shore, betrays the deception.

66. They were out of harm’s way and miles from the devastation of the tsunami and the nuclear fallout.

67. Elector of Brandenburg ('40-' who reorganized and rebuilt his domain after its devastation in the Thirty Years' War.

68. They include a troubled conscience, sexually transmitted diseases, and the emotional devastation of the mate of the unfaithful individual.

69. ‘Such was the devastation of puerperal, or Childbed, fever, which stormed European and American maternity wards for over a century.’

70. The devastation of being Blindsided can happen from any situation, at any given time with the people you most cherish

71. The devastation of those stings had taken the respiratory system down so that I couldn't make the progress I wanted.

72. And the mining and the exploitation of that is creating devastation on a scale that the planet has never seen before.

73. False religion’s involvement in the affairs of the political nations will lead ultimately to her own devastation. —Revelation 17:16, 17.

74. Then, with increasing devastation, our lawyer, Brother Warren Cathcart from New Zealand, exposed and nullified each part of the opposition’s case.

75. 29 The question humankind must ask is whether the balancing act the president suggests is enough to stave off global devastation.

76. Here the four powers had carved themselves out oddly shaped zones amongst the rubble and devastation left by the Allied bombing.

77. The Blackthorn is often associated with overcoming obstacles for a better future or protection and hope in the midst of devastation.

78. Though the extent of the devastation isn’t yet clear, here’s a look at some astonishing facts about the Bushfire crisis

79. Korean success in the Siege of Jinju in 1592 had mostly saved this area from devastation during the first invasion.

80. 14 Only the water itself, its wildly fluctuating level carving a swathe of devastation along the shore, betrays the deception.