Use "deterrent punishment" in a sentence

1. His punishment will be a deterrent to others.

2. They seriously believe that capital punishment is a deterrent.

3. 27 Some people say that capital punishment acts as a deterrent.

4. Hopefully his punishment will act as a deterrent to others.

5. 7 They seriously believe that capital punishment is a deterrent.

6. • The Bill provides for severe punishment and heavy pecuniary fines to act as deterrent.

7. Reviews of earlier studies on the Brutalizing and deterrent effects of capital punishment are

8. Drink-driving is one case where severe punishment seems to work as a deterrent.

9. But they suggest that overall, punishment has other effects which cancel out and even outweigh its deterrent effects.

10. They're just a deterrent for crime.

11. Nuclear weapons are the ultimate deterrent.

12. Window locks are an effective deterrent against burglars.

13. 11 aEternal punishment is God’s punishment.

14. Shackles alone no longer offer fair deterrent.

15. Window locks are a cheap and effective deterrent.

16. The nuclear deterrent has maintained an uneasy peace.

17. Large fines act as a deterrent to motorists.

18. Fig. Block diagram of the Vehicle Watchdog deterrent.

19. The level of fines set should act as a deterrent.

20. There is little or no deterrent for these fiendish acts.

21. There is no effective deterrent for these young criminals.

22. Biter Be Goner is a nail biting deterrent

23. Is there a credible alternative to the nuclear deterrent?

24. But now focus on his remarks about punishment, even capital punishment.

25. 9 They stressed the need for an independent nuclear deterrent.

26. 20 The deterrent effect of the death penalty has long been questioned.

27. They stressed the need for an independent nuclear deterrent.

28. Heat, virus no deterrent for Trump fans Camped outside arena

29. They were arguing about the deterrent effect of nuclear weapons.

30. Younger children favor expiatory punishment; older children favor punishment by reciprocity.

31. Corporal punishment is the purposeful infliction of pain as punishment for wrongdoing

32. Crime and Punishment.

33. The second part is the analysis of specific content of legal retributive punishment, such as: the concept and meaning of punishment, the application of punishment, the system of punishment.

34. The small fines for copying software were not much of a deterrent.

35. The extensive root system of grasses serves as a deterrent to soil erosion.

36. Excellence is the best deterrent to racism. Oprah Winfrey 

37. This has proven to be a strong deterrent against theft.

38. A five-year sentence should act as a deterrent to others.

39. Long prison sentences can be a very effective deterrent for offenders.

40. How could justice enforce punishment if the punishment in itself was not just?

41. Accountability doesn’t mean punishment

42. Avenge means inflicting punishment

43. Now our punishment begins.

44. They deserved their punishment.

45. 22 Punishment can be divided into : the de facto and de jure disciplinary punishment.

46. The final deterrent to widespread acceptance of encryption is its difficulty to use.

47. But there is another, perhaps more promising category of deterrent effect: general deterrence.

48. Bird Aweigh is a unique bird deterrent device for the smart sailor

49. The most effective deterrent, however, is that simple household substance, vinegar.

50. GRADING is morally wrong, practically ineffective, and a major deterrent to learning.”

51. For these children, punishment based on reciprocity is more just than punishment based on expiation.

52. Chastisement, noun Correction; punishment; pain inflicted for punishment and correction, either by stripes or otherwise.

53. He holds retributive punishment, while he is not against the punishment which had other aims.

54. I'm a glutton for punishment.

55. Punishment for disobedience (14-46)

56. The bodies of executed criminals were hung on the city gates as a deterrent.

57. Abduction and kidnapping defined; punishment

58. , the punishment wasn't too severe.

59. 18 Defenders of the death penalty clearly regard it as the ultimate deterrent.

60. In rejoinder, the abolitionists question the superior deterrent value of the death penalty.

61. 2705.01 Summary punishment for Contempt

62. 13 synonyms for Baulk: balk, deterrent, hinderance, hindrance, impediment, balk, handicap, check, rafter

63. 5 Defenders of the death penalty clearly regard it as the ultimate deterrent.

64. I put a net over my strawberries as a deterrent to the birds.

65. The punishment was very fair.

66. Punishment by reciprocity assumes there is no need for painful punishment to gain adherence to rules.

67. The Charred exterior helps to weatherproof the siding and act as a deterrent to insects

68. The NS-10 Burster is a highly effective air-deterrent, available only for MAX class

69. - The most recent scientific and technical developments on acoustic deterrent devices and other mitigation measures.

70. Bird B Gone offers a wide variety of safe, humane and effective deterrent solutions for Cormorants.

71. Caning Porn Videos! - Paddling, Spanking Punishment, Paddled, Punishment, Paddle, Canning, Cei, Boob Joi, Spank, Caning Porn - SpankBang

72. Punishment in crime of shield is mainly the punishment against freedom which is considered to be venial.

73. Britain's credible and effective independent nuclear deterrent is the ultimate guarantee of our security.

74. Corporal punishment is a physical punishment which inflicts pain as justice for many different types of offenses

75. The troubling trend toward Collectivized punishment

76. Avenger: one who inflicts punishment in …

77. There is no punishment on apostasy.

78. Most democracies have abolished capital punishment.

79. The punishment for murder is death.

80. Their punishment and segregation Authenticated the …