Use "destructively" in a sentence

1. He is destructively aggressive.

2. Destructively or frenetically violent: a Berserk …

3. She was crying straight and destructively.

4. Power can be used creatively or destructively.

5. We investigate and expose the trade in illegal and destructively logged timber.

6. Coal is destructively distilled leaving a solid residue, coke.

7. Synonyms for Apocalyptically include fatefully, devastatingly, disastrously, fatally, terribly, tragically, catastrophically, climactically, destructively and

8. Berserk definition, violently or destructively frenzied; wild; crazed; deranged: He suddenly went Berserk

9. The butt weld is easier to inspect non destructively than the fillet welds.

10. Whereas he once said he would unite the country, he has been deliberately and destructively divisive.

11. Synonyms for Amuck include murderously, berserk, destructively, ferociously, frenziedly, in a frenzy, insanely, madly, maniacally and savagely

12. In this picture the probability amplitude for the system to transfer between states can interfere destructively, preventing absorption.

13. If the delay is too short,[] it will destructively interfere with the un-delayed signal and create a flanging effect.

14. A novel technique has been successfully developed to non destructively detect the lowinside the canned food.

15. In the 18th century, they built seawalls to prevent the Adriatic from bursting destructively into the lagoon.

16. Where the diffracted wavelengths are 1/2 wave out of step for each of these colors, the waves destructively interfere.

17. In essence their class position often forces them into using the environment destructively and inhibits any adaptive response to its inevitable deterioration.

18. Being Centrist, some might conclude in these Trumptimes, is simply not acting destructively with shutdowns or undercutting the rule of law

19. 22 In this study, impact force is applied to non-destructively study cherry tomato fruit at all levels of ripeness from green to red ripe.

20. Perhaps even more destructively, the Philharmonic Hall acoustic does not make for the clarity of diction experienced in the average theatre.

21. If it had landed in the ocean, gigantic waves hundreds of feet [scores of meters] high might have swept destructively across coastal areas.

22. Using ultra high frequency ultrasound, acoustic microscopes operate non-destructively and penetrate most solid materials to make visible images of internal features, including defects such as cracks and delaminations.

23. Consequently, I endorse the compromise reached through the wise handling afforded by Ms Oomen-Ruijten, with the honest and fruitful cooperation of all those interested colleagues, who may have differing opinions on certain specific issues, but who all agree on the principle that the EU can achieve more by cooperating constructively with the Turkish people than by destructively Antagonising them.