Use "descend from" in a sentence

1. All these breeds descend from some wild ancestor.

2. Woody and herbaceous secondary Anemophilous angiosperms may descend from zoophilic species.

3. Alight definition, to dismount from a horse, descend from a vehicle, etc

4. The Macdonalds of Morar descend from Allan, eldest son of Dougall, 6th of Clanranald.

5. The McDowells might descend from the MacDougals, Lords of Argyll who descend from Somerled whose father-in-law Óláfr Guðrøðarson m arried Fergus's daughter Affraic to solidify alliances

6. Foreigners to all, the Albians descend from the far western steppes kissed by the occasional sunlight

7. American Aborigine Autochthons Aborigines 1st Americans Global Aborigine All descend from blackness, children of the Sun

8. They all have mixed with slave trade Bantus, so all Somali Bantus DO descend from foreign slaves.

9. Jenny let Adam descend from altitude towards the fiord, down to two hundred feet above the frozen water.

10. All four reached the South Col but Teare decided to descend from here, concerned about incipient altitude sickness.

11. All living creatures are thought to descend from an organism that came into being three billion years ago.

12. The route was now pathless as we descend from Cushat Law to Bloodybush Edge which is to the left

13. All plants and animals are, with hindsight, the same because they all descend from an ancestor three billion years old.

14. Fall Cankerworms, commonly called inchworms, can be a nuisance in the spring when they descend from trees on silk threads

15. Mary McMahon Date: February 16, 2021 Many Creoles descend from people who settled in New Orleans from France and Spain.

16. Cryptorchidism is a condition in which the testicles of a dog fail to properly descend from the abdomen into the scrotum

17. Other Cobwebs are formed from stray spider lines left behind by spiders which descend from the ceiling or by jumping spiders.

18. Both Complacent and complaisant descend from Latin complacere, “to please, to be pleasant,” but they have acquired different meanings in English

19. Running the length of the forward strut was a ladder for the astronauts to descend from the top porch to the surface.

20. WOMEN + CULTURE + STORIES This project will shed light on the Belizean culture and unfold stories of women who descend from this beautiful melting pot

21. Then they descend from the upper room, emerge into the cool darkness of the night, and head back across the Kidron Valley toward Bethany.

22. A stem Cell line is a group of Cells that all descend from a single original stem Cell and are grown in a lab

23. ‘A great portion of the present population descend from the Nayons and the Onhans who immigrated to the islands from Panay and the Bicols and

24. Our Cockers descend from generations that are free from hereditary health problems, such as juvenile cataracts, PRA (Progressive Retinal Atrophy), Epilepsy, hip dysplasia and low thyroid

25. Bosniaks in Turkey refers to citizens of Turkey who are, or descend from, ethnic Bosniak people, originating in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sandžak and other former Yugoslav republics

26. Ashkenazi Jews descend from 350 people, study finds ‘Bottleneck’ dates back 600 to 800 years, genome analysis shows; researcher says among population ‘everyone is a 30th cousin’

27. "Once Removed" When Cousins descend from common ancestors by a different number of generations they are called “removed.” Once removed means there is a difference of one generation

28. The first is that Haflingers descend from horses abandoned in the Tyrolean valleys in central Europe by East Goths fleeing from Byzantine troops after the fall of Conza in 555 AD.

29. Argentine President Alberto Fernandez made a swift about-face after stating that Brazilians descend “from the jungle” while claiming his own country was founded by European colonists, triggering instant backlash.

30. The sun crows would often descend from heaven on to the earth and feast on these grasses, but Xihe did not like this thus she covered their eyes to prevent them from doing so.

31. Even the weight of the skyscrapers contributes to the progressive engulfing of Bangkok. The soils descend from 5 to 3 cm each year, and a big part of the megalopolis is already under sea level.

32. Usage Note: The word Czar, a borrowing from Russian originally referring to the emperor of Russia, is a cousin of the German word Kaiser; both words descend from the name of the Roman emperor Julius Caesar

33. And, as The New Encyclopædia Britannica notes, “even as unmessianic a religion as Buddhism has produced the belief, among Mahāyāna groups, in the future Buddha Maitreya who would descend from his heavenly abode and bring the faithful to paradise.”

34. In fact, Stoicism descends directly from Cynicism and both of which descend from Socrates.As Juvenal would say in his Satires, the Stoics “differ from the Cynics only by a tunic.”And it should go without saying that the definition of both

35. Archangel means "chief angel." First Thessalonians 4:16 says, "For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an Archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God.

36. 1)- The Antidromy designates an entity of high evolution that has decided to descend from its height to regions of inferior spiritual vibration; the descent of a very evolved deity or spirit (Avatar) and the consequent concrete incarnation on Earth in human form

37. Although each team collected and analyzed genomes independently, they came to the same general conclusion: Genetic similarities between peoples of Eurasia, Oceania and the Americas indicate that all non-Africans descend from a small population that left Africa roughly 60,000 years ago.

38. Spanish Bajada slope, descent, from feminine of bajado, past participle of bajar to descend, from (assumed) Vulgar Latin bassiare, from Late Latin bassus fat, short, low Learn More about Bajada Time Traveler for Bajada The first known use of Bajada was in 1866

39. Archosaurs (Archosauria) (meaning "leading reptiles" or "ruling reptiles") are a group of diapsid sauropsids /"reptiles" that includes modern birds and crocodilians and their common ancestor plus other grops that descend from that ancestor but are now extinct, like …

40. Abseiling is the incredibly useful skill of using a rope to get down vertical drops without dying. Practiced on everything from mountains and bridges to the side of skyscrapers and even out of helicopters, Abseiling lets you descend from great heights at a pace that suits you.

41. Consanguineous is part of a family of "blood" relatives that all descend from the Latin noun sanguis, meaning "blood." Some of these relatives are found on the literal branch of the family tree, as "exsanguination," a term for the draining or removal of blood.

42. You’re probably familiar with the verb alter, meaning "to make or become different," and you may not be surprised to learn that it is a relative of "Alterity." Both words descend from the Latin word alter, meaning "other (of two)." That Latin alter, in turn, comes from a prehistoric Indo-European word that is also an ancestor of our "alien."