Use "derive" in a sentence

1. Children derive comfort from familiar surroundings.

2. Many English words derive from Latin.

3. Thousands of English words derive from Latin.

4. I didn't get/derive benefit from school.

5. All non-indented interfaces derive from IUnknown.

6. We can derive some comfort from this fact.

7. To derive a little pleasure from his children.

8. All syllables derive from the primordial syllable - OM.

9. The two attitudes derive from different historical perspectives.

10. Calorimetric data have been used to derive a quant

11. The suffix - ūt is used to derive abstract nouns.

12. Abducing Priorities to Derive Intended Conclusions Abstract We introduce a framework for finding prefer­ ence information to derive desired conclusions in nonmonotonic reasoning

13. Regional impacts derive from acidification and ground level ozone.

14. These defensive behavior patterns derive from our subconscious fears.

15. These stories derive from his experiences during the Long March.

16. Derive the velocity profile for optimum acceleration of this system.

17. Individuals have to derive all their sustenance from a leader.

18. We can derive the word 'derelict' from the Latin 'derelictus'.

19. From that I unknowingly derive some sort of warm solace.

20. Many colleges derive most of their income from tuition fees.

21. 3 From where, though, did Huxley derive the term “agnostic”?

22. The name may derive from the Luwian adjective ala- ("high").

23. It does not derive advantage at the cost of others.

24. How can we derive great benefit from the Memorial season?

25. 3 Medically,( we will derive great benefit from this technique.

26. They may have views on issues which derive from previous experience.

27. Unsurprisingly, ‘sadistic Bestials’ derive sexual pleasure from the torturing of animal

28. Because they derive a high from sniffing toluene, a chemical solvent.

29. His difficulties did not derive from the way he was reared.

30. Aldehydes derive their name from the dehyd ration of al cohols

31. It takes pharmaceutical chemistry 10 years to derive a new drug.

32. The contemporary cutting edge will derive strength only from the idealistic framework.

33. 3 Females and cubs clearly derive some benefit from living in groups.

34. ◦ advertising suggests that the smoker can derive advantages or benefits from smoking.

35. From those two virtues derive the tranquillity, comfort, and content of domesticity.

36. Aerophagist calothrix abducens says : at but anyway, one has to derive his

37. All right, four steps to derive the quadratic formula are shown below.

38. Liken and derive the characteristic with the vivid, concrete, image of justice.

39. Generation gap, conservation, reminiscence, pedantry and stubbornness all basically derive from that.

40. The common name is thought to derive from the Italian ( Ferrarese) word Avosetta.

41. This video shows how to derive Compensated (Hicksian) and unCompensated (Marshallian) demand functions

42. • To derive the Axisymmetric element stiffness matrix, body force, and surface traction equations

43. The Community industry could therefore derive some advantage from this positive market situation.

44. These performance metrics derive from the experience and contribution of the Council members.

45. These cell types can derive from several cells well separated in the lineage.

46. They have questioned the view that stratification systems derive ultimately from shared values.

47. The skeletons of Pakicetus show that whales did not derive directly from mesonychids.

48. Defined, an Axiomatic system is a set of axioms used to derive theorems

49. Individual scores were then aggregated to derive shift, department, division, and plant totals.

50. Two different basis tensors are introduced permitting to derive Maxwell's equations by one method.

51. The system of equations are then solved simultaneously derive absolute value of hemoglobin concentration.

52. Most finite verbal forms diachronically derive from nominalizations and periphrastic constructions with auxiliary verbs.

53. The word "Cabriolet" has a French origin that was derive Ford Cabriolet

54. Mr Ying is one of those happy people who derive pleasure from helping others.

55. Hemingway's short sentences derive their power from their revolt against earlier, more discursive styles.

56. In the feudal society of absolutism, derive the Lilliputian of flatter the most easily.

57. Both "Agitation" and the verb "Agitate" derive from Latin agere …

58. The initial capital for the establishment of financial institutions must derive from legal activities.

59. * Maybe he will derive the most corrective benefit from their studying with him alone.

60. The VU must ensure that processing of inputs to derive user data is accurate

61. Erwin Schrödinger applied this to derive the thermodynamic properties of a semiclassical ideal gas.

62. We are concerned with the quality of goods and the satisfactions we derive from them.

63. The primary pleasures of the imagination derive from direct observation of objects before our eyes.

64. Understand how to derive the indirect SCF from the Income Statement and the Balance Sheet.

65. Block diagrams derive their name from the rectangular elements found in this type of diagram.

66. By introducing successive approximations, we next derive equations for the primary and the secondary motion.

67. So Pauli and others argued that both postulates are needed to derive the Lorentz transformation.

68. The secondary pleasures of the imagination derive from recollection of objects no longer actually present.

69. Information defining the specification used to create or derive this geographic position of the address.

70. Partnerships are about intentions but they derive their stature and attraction from what they achieve.

71. The funding to do anything, however, must in the long run derive from national resources.

72. Which suggests that the life patterns imposed on infants in fact derive from biological need.

73. Thus D in Figure 6-2a indicates tIle benefits which private individuals derive from education.

74. Many of its common names derive from these sources, such as loturine, Aribine and passiflorin

75. Given names most often derive from the following categories: Aspirational personal traits (external and internal).

76. (b) What personal benefits may we derive from adjusting to a new set of circumstances?

77. To derive benefit from taekwondo training, the body has to be in peak physical condition.

78. Climo_3.ncl: Demonstrates the use of clmMonLLT and stdMonTLL to derive Climatology and the interannual variability

79. Against this, many who take the plunge derive enormous satisfaction from building up a family enterprise.

80. 15 What computer processing methods are used to derive thematic maps from multispectral remotely-sensed images?