Use "deprivations" in a sentence

1. But the absolute numbers of poor and other deprivations remain high in most countries.

2. Antonyms for Affluences include poverties, destitutions, indigences, penuries, beggaries, impoverishments, pauperisms, deprivations, hardships and privations

3. 11 At this,( some of the others chime in with memories of prewar deprivations.

4. 30 For his own good she frequently reminded him of the horrors and deprivations that would befall him there.

5. Not all disciplinary abuses in the home are the severe deprivations or punishments that deform the lives of some children.

6. They received fresh water to drink, while those who had no posterity to put offerings at their graves suffered sore and many deprivations.”

7. Since the young Alawite officers had experienced poverty, deprivations, and oppression and had lived in non-urban areas could encourage Alawite and non-Alawite farmers, who were dissatisfied with the status

8. Each one of these deprivations exacerbates the others to form a vicious circle of abject poverty, which is compounded by a strong tendency for poverty to perpetuate itself, thus forming an infernal mill that prevents people from exercising any of their human rights

9. However, in the practice of holiness we believe that we must avoid all extremes, Asceticisms and deprivations with reputation of wisdom in self-imposed worship and humility, and unsparing severity of the body, all which are but a shadow of things to come, but the body is of Christ (Colossians 2:17, 23).