Use "depraved" in a sentence

1. How depraved!

2. He was totally depraved.

3. 5 He was totally depraved.

4. Who's the most depraved character you've apprehended?

5. 8 This is the work of a depraved mind.

6. He thought we were all depraved gamblers.

7. 10 The judge described the murderer as a depraved character.

8. DeBased: See: depraved , dissolute , ignoble , sordid , tainted , vicious

9. 9 I have already depraved for long time.

10. 3 Who's the most depraved character you've apprehended?

11. 2 He thought we were all depraved gamblers.

12. She was shocked at her own depraved behavior.

13. She drank no alcohol and thought most forms of seasoning depraved.

14. 1 She was shocked at her own depraved behavior.

15. And a depraved killer may be on the guest list.

16. Ballard is a weird man and Crash is a bizarre, sexual, depraved story

17. 12 You must either be mad or utterly depraved and wicked.

18. 18 Wanted to get rid of those depraved image and condition.

19. 13 In 1766 he excommunicated the village for its "depraved diversion.".

20. Is he a robber or wicked and depraved in his life and manners?’

21. 15 She described it as the work of depraved and evil criminals.

22. He was described as dangerous and depraved and a menace to society.

23. 20 She drank no alcohol and thought most forms of seasoning depraved.

24. Someone who can kill a child like that must be totally depraved.

25. Marked by brutality or depravity; brutal or depraved: capable of the most Bestial acts imaginable

26. 27 In fact,[] smoky dressing can make you very sexual depraved to some degree.

27. 25 The ludicrously voluminous Inner notes read like a parody of depraved academicism.

28. 19 Someone who can kill a child like that must be totally depraved.

29. 4 He was described as dangerous and depraved and a menace to society.

30. Memory, the punishment from god, makes depraved, makes you remorseful, makes you agonized.

31. 29 He can not distinguish good people from bad, and keeps depraved company all day long.

32. 26 The film is about a psychiatrist who helps the police capture a depraved serial killer.

33. Synonyms for Bemeaned include debased, degraded, demeaned, corrupted, abased, vitiated, cheapened, perverted, subverted and depraved

34. Definition: that which Befalls one, a passion, a suffering Usage: suffering, emotion, depraved passion, lust

35. Synonyms for Animalized include dehumanised, dehumanized, bestialized, brutalised, brutalized, vitiated, depraved, degraded, debauched and demoralised

36. The film is about a psychiatrist who helps the police capture a depraved serial killer.

37. He is the most depraved, and Abjectly vicious specimen of that class of men

38. (Genesis 6:22) In contrast, the people of Noah’s day were violent and depraved.

39. 16 Memory, the punishment from god, makes depraved, makes you remorseful, makes you agonized.

40. 14 Wiht depraved color. the more I love you the more I feel cold.

41. 11 Apollo promptly transformed his depraved pair of ears into those of an ass.

42. Similarly to Sam Raimi's Army of Darkness, Braindead is full of memorable quotes, being much more depraved

43. 23 The film is about a psychiatrist who helps the police capture a depraved serial killer.

44. 17 Result: You perform depraved acts of self - humiliation and are enthusiastically accepted into the fold.

45. But such a policy simply allows pupils to adopt these depraved expressions as part of acceptable everyday speech.

46. 21 She felt now a dulled sense of degradation: she felt depraved and diminished and shrunken and old.

47. Here Colin Turnbull's much publicized indignation at the depraved behaviour of the famine-stricken it is exceptional.

48. How you corrupted a young and lovely woman ... and subjected her to the most shatteringly depraved treatment.

49. 24 How you corrupted a young and lovely woman ... and subjected her to the most shatteringly depraved treatment.

50. 6 Here Colin Turnbull's much publicized indignation at the depraved behaviour of the famine-stricken it is exceptional.

51. 7 But our cravings may not be as depraved as they seem - they start out as healthy needs in our childhood.

52. 22 It sits on top of a pyramid of related images of deviant women as especially evil, depraved and monstrous.

53. It sits on top of a pyramid of related images of deviant women as especially evil, depraved and monstrous.

54. Perhaps the lie drew its life from a human longing for those chills of horror which are depraved forms of religious awe.

55. For almost five centuries Constantinople, with its enormous racial and cultural diversity, was the center of the dramatic and often depraved

56. It sits on top of a pyramid of related images of deviant women as especially evil, depraved and monstrous.

57. 28 Similarly, the holiness codes of Leviticus thread down from an all-encompassing mandate to behave distinctly from their foreign (and depraved) neighbors.

58. 26 Perhaps the lie drew its life from a human longing for those chills of horror which are depraved forms of religious awe.

59. Cutely Suspicious explores your relationship with the two young women you live with as your depraved landlady tries to keep your relationships non-existent

60. To approve officially: Approbate a legal matter Not to be confused with: reprobate – depraved, unprincipled, or wicked person: a drug-dealing reprobate

61. IT IS no small challenge to maintain a clean moral standing before God amid a depraved society that glorifies gratification of fleshly desires.

62. 1816, Joseph Lieutaud, Synopsis of the Universal Practice of Medicine: The remains of depraved Digestion shew themselves in loathing of food, foulness of the mouth, impure Belchings, heart-burn, …

63. Rufus Griswold wrote a biographical "Memoir" of Poe, which he included in an additional volume of the collected works. Griswold depicted Poe as a depraved, drunk, drug-addled madman.

64. 30 While most people see assaults , kidnappings or murders as the work of people with a depraved indifference for human pain, Harry is as likely as not to see the work of supernatural villains.

65. Now in the present a single mother and a shy librarian must discover who is behind a rash of child abductions, is the Bonesetter back to finish his depraved work? Written by Brett Kelly Plot Summary Add Synopsis

66. 6 When the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah showed themselves to be grossly depraved sinners, by abusing the blessings that they, as part of mankind, were enjoying at Jehovah’s hand, he decreed that the inhabitants should be destroyed.

67. After describing the depraved sex worship and corruption of that city, the “Cyclopædia” concludes: “Babylon even stands, therefore in the New Test[ament] (Rev. xvii, 5) as the type of the most shameless profligacy and idolatry.”

68. 1 day ago · The NYPD Hate Crimes Bureau is investigating yet another depraved bias attack in Manhattan in which a spiteful man Attacked a woman as she headed to a protest against anti-Asian violence on Sunday

69. Foreseeing this and all the other depraved and violent acts done since then in the name of religion, the apostle Peter rightly predicted that “on account of these [professed Christians] the way of the truth [would] be spoken of abusively.” —2 Peter 2:1, 2.

70. It thrills me to admit to myself and to select others that I am, in fact, "a Cocksucker"!! That I'll willingly and submissively take another man's cock into my mouth in order to eagerly and enthusiastically perform an act considered by many to be disgusting, perverted and depraved.

71. Sharpness; aidings and Abettings of every bad inclination in the popular mind, and artful suppressions of all its good influences: such things as these, and in a word, Dishonest Faction in its most depraved and most unblushing form, stared out from every corner of the crowded hall

72. Encourages it.6 The Aretinian legacy, needless to say, did little to diminish already flourishing stereotypes of the non-Anglo Other as licentious and sexually depraved, which English authors were quick to anticipate in-if not inevitably to endorse for-their audiences.7 Kim Hall views representations of race in early modern En-

73. Spawned by some of Black Library’s most depraved minds including David Annandale, C L Werner and Darius Hinks, the anthology also introduces new writers, Jake Ozga, Lora Gray and Richard Strachan.Anathemas is the third Warhammer Horror anthology, featuring more twisted and razor-sharp tales set in the 41st Millennium and the Mortal Realms.

74. Climax, the latest film from Argentinian-French provocateur Gaspar Noé, is a disturbing, depraved, disgusting, and debauched piece of absolute insane genius that I thoroughly adored from beginning to end, and which I never, ever, want to see again.Lord of the Flies by way of Heronimus Bosch or Zdzislaw Beksinski, Climax is what you might get if you mashed-up Salò o le 120 giornate di Sodoma