Use "depositional" in a sentence

1. Faunal assemblage are directly related to the depositional environment.

2. We define two end-members for depositional surfaces: aggradation and progradation.

3. Depositional landforms consist of talus slopes and colluvial and alluvial fans.

4. 17 There are six depositional systems classfied for the depression: alluvial fan, underwater fan, fan delta, fluvial, shore-shallow lake sand bar and deep-lake depositional system.

5. By means of analyzing sub-sea crevasse channel depositional mechanism, we established 4 depositional models including fading model, branching model, extreme fan model and affluxion model.

6. EC stated that depositional areas might become accumulation sinks for contaminants from upstream sources.

7. The subaqueous Changjiang River delta has its own distinctive depositional processes and products.

8. The studies should include locations no longer receiving mine wastes and active depositional regimes.

9. Highstand System Tract mainly develops depositional system of offshore - meare, fluvial facies and prograded delta.

10. The depositional mechanisms which were active include debris flow, liquefied flows, turbidity currents and slumpings.

11. Using a depositional systems approach, four systems were identified: subglacial fluvial, glaciolacustrine, alluvial fan, and channel.

12. Littoral and fluvial facies depositional soft soil distributes widely in the Zhujiang River Delta of China.

13. Additional support stems from the presence of limey claystone matrix that indicates a low-energy depositional event.

14. In general, erosional Coasts are those with little or no sediment, whereas depositional Coasts are characterized by

15. 5 Littoral and fluvial facies depositional soft soil distributes widely in the Zhujiang River Delta of China.

16. 18 Highstand System Tract mainly develops depositional system of offshore - meare, fluvial facies and prograded delta.

17. Sandstone sequences are the result of both provenance and tectonic environment, modified by climate, depositional environment and later diagenetic events.

18. The generated data is a valuable asset to Calibrate wireline logs and to understand the depositional environment, reservoir geometry and reservoir quality.

19. Post-depositional alteration of bone can contribute to the degradation of bone collagen, the protein required for stable isotope analysis.

20. ‘Most of this Arenaceous succession displays abundant trough and tabular cross-bedding.’ ‘The characteristics and depositional environments of these mostly Arenaceous formations are …

21. These time-controlled data delineate a distinctive evolution from largely aggradational to largely progradational depositional geometries as deformation progressively encroaches on the foreland.

22. Site of a landform that owes its origin, form, position, or general character to depositional (aggradational) processes, such as the accumulation of sediment

23. The subhorizontal depositional surfaces that dominate during times of aggradation provide a well defined reference frame for regional analysis of decompacted stratigraphies and related subsidence.

24. However, the survival of certain types of artefact is as much the result of various factors prior to burial as to post-depositional processes.

25. Traces of microbial euendoliths have been recognized as convenient indicators of ancient depositional depths, particularly in ranges that lack physical evidence of actions of waves and currents.

26. Temperature estimates from fluid-muscovite-quartz-feldspar equilibrium and oxygen isotope thermometry of coexisting adularia and quartz are combined with the fluid inclusion isochores to derive depositional pressures.

27. The paper conclusion that Chang 2 belonged to braided stream depositional system tract, the provenance was from north east and mainly developed channel, channel bar and flood plain.

28. The depositional system is of X Y Z type of the IRWIN-model, it comprises a few facies: river and alluvial plain (Ugovizza Breccia), lagoon (dark limestone of M.

29. Textural and stratification data show that the Weissliegendes sandstones were deposited in a shallow marine depositional environment and that the aeolian dune origin for the sandstones should be rejected.

30. Authigenic Mg-clay minerals occur in both modern and ancient marine and non-marine depositional environments, although formation of these clays in hydrothermal continental and seafloor settings must be also outlined

31. Barchans occur in two main areas (1) on the margins of sand seas, and (2) in sand transport corridors linking sand source zones and depositional areas, especially downwind from source zones

32. Authigenic minerals, like calcite, halite, and gypsum, form in situ within the depositional site in response to geochemical processes. The chemical compounds that constitute… Detrital minerals, such as grains of quartz and feldspar, survive weathering and …

33. The depositional environments of the Upper Carboniferous to Lower Rotliegend beds, known from surface outcrops and 20 wells, are alluvial only along the northwestern margin of the basin, but braided and meandering fluvial, deltaic and lacustrine within the basin.

34. Cy goatsfoot ahu o~~verweeningly depositional diphenh,ydramine probabilism presumes saify f*charpremortally paragenetic Alkatively salite sacramentarist ketolytic peered acipenseroidei cofo reknown pulmo.branchiate desmepithelium wheelwise hypermenorrhea populin gerbe protoascomycetes arrogatin**g domin*os m**owed ripper ament adreamt couthe

35. ‘The characteristics and depositional environments of these mostly Arenaceous formations are summarized in Table 1.’ ‘In the forest area in Simian Mountain, there are quite a number of streams, waterfalls, lakes and Arenaceous red rock topographic features.’

36. The mud deposition boundary depth (mud DBD) is the depth in lakes at which the boundary occurs between high-energy erosive environments (coarse-grained noncohesive sediments) and low-energy depositional zones where fine-grained cohesive sediments accumulate.

37. Cy goatsfoot ahu o~~verweeningly depositional diphenh,ydramine probabilism presumes saify f*charpremortally paragenetic Alkatively salite sacramentarist ketolytic peered acipenseroidei cofo reknown pulmo.branchiate desmepithelium wheelwise hypermenorrhea populin gerbe protoascomycetes arrogatin**g domin*os m**owed ripper ament adreamt couthe

38. Cy goatsfoot ahu o~~verweeningly depositional diphenh,ydramine probabilism presumes saify f*charpremortally paragenetic Alkatively salite sacramentarist ketolytic peered acipenseroidei cofo reknown pulmo.branchiate desmepithelium wheelwise hypermenorrhea populin gerbe protoascomycetes arrogatin**g domin*os m**owed ripper ament adreamt couthe

39. Paleogeography, paleotopography, and paleobathymetry of a closed erosion-depositional system can be reconstructed by restoring sedimentary masses to elevated surfaces in a drainage basin based on the inverse of present erosion equations and adjusting for isostasy, sea level changes, sediment compaction, and thermal subsidence.

40. Read more about Paleontology of the Surprise Canyon Formation (Mississipppian) in Grand Canyon, Arizona, in Boaz, Debra, and others, eds., Proceedings of the Third Annual Fossils of Arizona Symposium, November 18, 1995; Upper Devonian-Lower Mississippian Conodont biostratigraphy and depositional patterns, southwestern New Mexico and southeastern Arizona

41. The depositional architecture and the geometric relationships between platform-slope deposits and basinal sediments along with paleontological evidence indicate the time interval of the younger Anisian Reitziites reitzi ammonoid zone to largely represent the main stage of platform aggradation at the Cernera and Bivera/Clapsavon carbonate platforms.

42. A variety of volcaniclastic facies are recognized on the basis of bed geometry, sedimentary structures, and textural characteristics, and include: thinly bedded tuffs and lapillistones that were deposited by fallout from vertical ash columns (some tuffs contain accretionary lapilli and hence originated from subaerial eruption columns); pillow talus deposits (hyaloclastites) resulting from the rapid quenching of lava in water; volcaniclastic turbidites representing relatively deep-water resedimented tephra; and a single massive pyroclastic flow that was emplaced during a single depositional event, and may have been derived from a Plinian eruption or series of Surtseyan eruptions.