Use "depend upon" in a sentence

1. Maximum horsepower and other engine benefits depend upon Camshaft precision - because they depend upon valve timing

2. No, they depend upon honey for food.

3. Although God’s first appearing is initiated by Him and does not depend upon us, the subsequent Appearings depend upon our condition

4. Our American unity does not depend upon unanimity.

5. You could depend upon a recommendation from a friend.

6. The Bonuses depend upon availability of the skill training

7. So much will depend upon personal interest and knowledge.

8. It will partly depend upon which items are taxed.

9. The results of a Backcross depend upon the parental type

10. Indeed, later animal life would depend upon chloroplasts for survival.

11. Any and all privileges... will depend upon your general conduct,

12. Side effects of a Biologics depend upon the specific biologic drug.

13. "Does the Inertia of a Body Depend Upon Its Energy Content?".

14. Side effects of a Biologics depend upon the specific Biologic drug.

15. Yet, does happiness really depend upon such material and physical assets?

16. 27 The final marks awarded for coursework will depend upon the moderator.

17. The following dishes depend upon fresh, flavourful, and well-chosen raw materials.

18. The Atresy might, therefore, depend upon the abiding of the bond-membrane

19. He knew he could depend upon her to deal with the situation.

20. Clubs' rankings depend upon their finishing position in the 2007–08 season.

21. How such paradoxical objectives are handled will depend upon the individual counsellor.

22. The character and ability of a person depend upon the causes Antecedent to him

23. Of course, one’s expenses will largely depend upon the standard of living one chooses.

24. The duration of acclimatisation will depend upon the selected test species and their source

25. The method of apportionment used will depend upon the documentation provided by the importer.

26. Their longings and their gratifications depend upon a level of oestrogen which is Counteracted …

27. The success of your marriage and your happiness depend upon your willingness to adjust.

28. That would depend upon whether the germs of staunch comradeship underlay the temporary emotion.

29. However, it does depend upon previously independent farmers working together amicably over many years.

30. Qualitative changes in behaviour depend upon the concepts of behavioural variability and selective reinforcement.

31. The actual variable cost would depend upon the actual number of families returning to India.

32. Naturally the proposals of what can actually be done will depend upon the littoral states.

33. It hardly needs saying that how this story is told will depend upon philosophical argument.

34. 27 That would depend upon whether the germs of staunch comradeship underlay the temporary emotion.

35. And I suspect that our precious, fragile world may one day depend upon us doing so.

36. Whether you welcome this idea or view it with horror will depend upon who you are.

37. All familiar plants and animals, including ourselves, are aerobic, and depend upon free oxygen for metabolism.

38. The latter, in effect, would often depend upon demonstrated good rather than its a priori acceptance.

39. Literacy will continue to depend upon the power to decipher words and to decode their connotations.

40. The configuration of the adaptive user interface device may depend upon the user actions and user identity.

41. Those that did not depend upon the land or the sea she might transpose to another setting.

42. These depend upon the water passing through a gravel or foam medium on which useful bacteria develop.

43. Being in the spiritual paradise does not depend upon our own conduct. [w88 9/15 p. 24 pars.

44. Success in breeding for better adapted varieties to Abiotic stresses depend upon the concerted efforts by various res …

45. 8 The “seed” was good in each case, but fruitage would depend upon the condition of the soil.

46. Conservation of the world's biota, as we know it, will depend upon rapid, steep declines in greenhouse gas emissions.

47. First are theoretical approaches which depend upon some empirical knowledge to apply theoretical concepts such as the continuity equation.

48. Once a very rich man, he is now down and out and must depend upon his friends for help.

49. Continuing deterrent credibility would, in future, depend upon Britain's known ability to retaliate with an invulnerable Second Strike weapon.

50. We depend upon emotionally-packed images, formed in childhood or reinforced in times of crisis during our emotional development.

51. The actual composition of the grain mixture would largely depend upon the availability of the feeds and their cost .

52. Actual device range and data transfer speed depend upon many factors and are often less than the maximum possible.

53. 14 Veterans who returned to low-paid jobs without occupational pension schemes now depend upon the state retirement pension.

54. We have to find ways of providing an equitable supply of food that does not depend upon crude market forces.

55. Which format a participant should choose will depend upon his or her career stage, work situation and individual learning style.

56. Some warehouses have one crane in each aisle whilst others with relatively low rates of throughput depend upon crane transfer mechanisms.

57. Since we can never investigate all protons, any general statement about them whatsoever must depend upon a principle of this sort.

58. It is as if they have no consciousness of the fact that their prosperity and their very existence depend upon Jehovah.

59. Each of the thirty-seven could absolutely depend upon the others to fulfill the assignment which came to them, whatever their rank.

60. Background For survival, most natural viruses depend upon the existence of spherical Capsids: protective shells of various sizes composed of protein subunits

61. These abilities help the sportsman to do a group of movements with better quality and effect.Coordinative abilities primarily depend upon the central nervous system

62. I Boldly assert, in fact I think I know, that a lot of friendships and connections absolutely depend upon a sort of shared language, or slang

63. Since retinal thickness does not depend upon age or length of the eye, no corrections are necessary when analyzing pathological retinal thickening, such as in diabetic retinal disease.

64. These compensated Absences may depend upon certain required employee actions such as seeking permission for scheduled Absences from work in advance or calling in to report an unscheduled absence

65. You are feeling sober and realistic about love at this time, and are interested in being with people you respect and can depend upon - your oldest, true-blue friends.

66. Never depend upon institutions or government to solve any problem. All social movements are founded by, guided by, motivated and seen through by the passion of individuals. Margaret Mead 

67. The waggle dancers depend upon a vertical dancing platform for direction and orientation, but Dr. Dornhaus flipped some beehives on their sides at her study site among agricultural fields in Germany.

68. They will depend upon God the Almighty for his protection, for they remember God’s words to his faithful people on a previous war occasion: “The battle is not yours, but God’s.”

69. Size, shape and thickness depend upon the air blown into the glass, the angle at which the blowpipe is held and the rate at which the glass is allowed to cool.

70. ‘Magmas Concentrate metals, and magma fluids traveling into the surrounding wall rock plant the seeds for mineral growth.’ ‘These species depend upon a network of blood vessels to Concentrate oxygen in their swim bladder.’

71. In superficial gastrits mild postprandial pain is frequent; in atrophic gastritis more general symptoms such as weakness and tiredness are in the foreground of the clinical picture; they may depend upon a coexistent hypoproteinemia.

72. Both the rate of accumulation in controls and the absolute stimulation by preillumination were shown to depend upon the length of time the etiolated plants had been grown in darkness up to 93 days.

73. 31 The allocation of the share accruing to the Kingdom of Sweden from a transfer of resources obtained by the Community from a third State cannot depend upon the catches being located in Community waters.

74. Thus had local poUticians so Consciencelessly played with boozedom that the great city was confronted with a power with which it could not, or would not, cope and was compelled to depend upon the federal arm

75. ‘A consensus is beginning to emerge regarding many key nodes in basal metazoan and Cnidarian phylogeny, but many important questions remain.’ ‘The impression that Anthozoa is the basal Cnidarian group may depend upon the taxa being discussed.’

76. ‘A consensus is beginning to emerge regarding many key nodes in basal metazoan and Cnidarian phylogeny, but many important questions remain.’ ‘The impression that Anthozoa is the basal Cnidarian group may depend upon the taxa being discussed.’

77. March 16, 2021; the Beady eye asks; does democracy depend upon some people being non-conformists? march 15, 2021; the Beady eye asks : you have so far survived covid-19 but is there a true definition of life

78. Here, it is well known that several different characters such as germination ability, taste, sugar content etc. depend upon the composition of starch constituents which are mainly regulated by the allelomorphs R and r of a single gene.

79. The term Autocephalous was used in medieval Byzantine law in its literal sense of “self-headed” (Greek: autokephalos), or independent, and was applied in church law to individual dioceses that did not depend upon the authority of a provincial metropolitan.

80. We're going to commit ourselves to giving our esteemed customers along with the most enthusiastically considerate providers for Bagasse plate, Disposable Plastic Cutlery, PLA Hot Soup Cups, Cup,Lid.All prices depend upon the quantity of your respective order; the extra you purchase, the extra economical