Use "denounced" in a sentence

1. All were denounced.

2. They vigorously denounced our negligence

3. It denounced the gladiatorial shows.

4. Amorites: Judgments Denounced Against

5. He denounced her as traitor.

6. Someone denounced him, I think.

7. False prophetesses were denounced too.

8. She denounced vengeance against him.

9. Repeatedly, he denounced them as hypocrites.

10. Officials denounced the settlers' land grab .

11. He denounced the election as a farce.

12. He was denounced as a cheat.

13. The commission was denounced as cosmetic.

14. She strongly denounced the Government's hypocrisy.

15. He was publicly denounced as a traitor.

16. Catholic bishops denounced the movie as immoral.

17. She denounced him to the secret police.

18. In his campaign speeches, Ford denounced extremism.

19. Mary denounced her husband for bad behavior.

20. The monk chronicler denounced them as devil servants.

21. The boundary changes were denounced as blatant gerrymandering.

22. 2 An informer denounced him to the police .

23. The president Angrily denounced the coup as illegal

24. I denounced you without a shred of evidence.

25. The Chinese government denounced the agreement as illegal.

26. Teleki at once denounced Werth's action as treasonable.

27. Anja eventually denounced him to the secret police.

28. She publicly denounced the government's handling of the crisis.

29. The president Angrily denounced the coup as illegal

30. He denounced his neighbour for helping the criminal.

31. His former colleagues have denounced him as a spy.

32. He stressed predestination and denounced allegorical interpretation of the Quran.

33. Some 25(,000 demonstrators denounced him as a traitor.

34. Many MPs denounced the resolution as a cosmetic exercise .

35. Ronald Reagan, campaigning for the presidency, denounced the treaty.

36. Kim in turn was denounced by Mao's Red Guards.

37. Darwin's theories about evolution were denounced by many people.

38. The woman denounced her neighbor for helping the enemy.

39. The Saturday Review denounced this extraordinary act of vandalism.

40. The Presidency of Bosnia-Hercegovina denounced the move as unconstitutional.

41. Nonetheless, Bismarck denounced Christian's decision to completely annex Schleswig to Denmark.

42. 3 German leaders denounced the attacks and pleaded for tolerance.

43. He publicly left the party and denounced its treacherous leaders.

44. 2 German leaders denounced the attacks and pleaded for tolerance.

45. In 2007, she publicly denounced the constitutional reforms proposed by Chávez.

46. 2 He publicly left the party and denounced its treacherous leaders.

47. The project was denounced as a scandalous waste of public money.

48. He denounced the decision to invite his fellow archbishop to preach.

49. Many people denounced their friends and neighbours to the secret police.

50. Zyuganov denounced the election in a stinging 10-minute tirade broadcast nationally .

51. The move was denounced by the opposition as unconstitutional and dictatorial.

52. He denounced the criticisms as 'just one bum rap after another.'

53. The attorney general denounced it as subversive to politics, morals, and religion.

54. The demonstrators denounced the economic summit as a futile and fruitless exercise.

55. In an hour-long philippic, the legislator denounced the lobbyists opposing his bill.

56. 24 Amnesty International denounced the failure by the authorities to take action.

57. In February 1967 he was denounced as a counterrevolutionary and capitalist roader.

58. Bush denounced what he called Russia's dramatic and brutal escalation of violence.

59. This Protocol of Accession can only be denounced by denouncing the Alpine Convention.

60. Wellstone denounced the legislation during a telephone conference call Tuesday with Minnesota media.

61. In October 2006, she was denounced in a show trial before hundreds of people.

62. In an hour-long philippic the legislator denounced the lobbyists opposing his payment.

63. 14 Napoleon had denounced such ideas as contrary to the spirit of Animalism .

64. He denounced Catholic priests as foreign agents who should be killed on sight.

65. Dubček, the party Presidium, the National Front, and the cabinet denounced this manifesto.

66. In an hour long philippic , the legislator denounced the lobbyist opposing his bill.

67. Mao unleashed his Cultural Revolution after Nikita Khrushchev denounced Soviet dictator Stalin in 19

68. Synonyms for Animadverted include fulminated, raged, criticised, criticized, denounced, thundered, censured, ranted, protested and railed

69. From his demeanour, fierce and uncompromising, I knew he'd already been denounced by Martinho.

70. The next day the Communist Party denounced the demonstration as the act of pampered adventurists.

71. Synonyms for Criticized include censured, condemned, knocked, panned, denounced, blasted, disparaged, slammed, lambasted and arraigned

72. While calling themselves socialists, the founders of the anarchist movement, Proudhon and Bakunin, denounced communism.

73. Antonyms for Absolved include blamed, condemned, criminated, incriminated, censured, charged, convicted, denounced, excoriated and reprehended

74. President Bush denounced the regime of Cuban President Fidel Castro, saying its end is near.

75. Accurately, though unfairly, contemporary critics of the Futurists denounced them with the vindictive labels: photographic, cinematic.

76. She also denounced labor exploitation of minors, poor sanitary conditions in factories, and long working hours.

77. He also denounced the worship of “the god of Good Luck” and “the god of Destiny.”

78. President Roh Tae Woo denounced the assault on Chung and called for a crackdown on student unrest.

79. The Communist International also endorsed the decision and denounced Chang Kuo - tao as a deserter and renegade.

80. McCarthy: Greene Apologized, denounced QAnon The House is expected to vote Thursday about whether to strip Republican Rep