Use "denotations" in a sentence

1. Hampered by Connotations and multiple denotations; c

2. Words have both denotations (literal meanings) and Connotations (suggestive meanings)

3. Without knowing the denotations and Connotations of words, we cannot communicate correctly.

4. Connotations are different than denotations in that Connotations are always unique to individuals

5. As words change and shift in meaning over time, Connotations will move much faster than denotations

6. Synonyms for Cognomens include handles, monikers, titles, appellations, appellatives, compellations, denomination, denotations, designation and monickers

7. Synonyms for Acceptations include meanings, purports, significances, senses, messages, denotations, connotations, intents, implications and imports

8. Synonyms for Appellatives include titles, monikers, handles, designation, names, denomination, cognomens, appellations, denotations and compellations

9. Words evoke many meanings to people that extend beyond the technical definitions known as denotations. Connotations are what we associate with words based on our personal experience with them.