Use "denominations" in a sentence

1. (vii). The bonds will be issued in denominations of 5,10,50,100 grams of gold or other denominations.

2. Trenton has 15 churches of 10 denominations.

3. 300,000 Cubans belong to the island's 54 Protestant denominations.

4. Affirming policies located in denominations’ websites do not count towards a church’s score, as Affirming denominations do not require churches to be Affirming

5. Generally speaking, mainstream Buddhist denominations held no Sunday services.

6. This resulted in the organization of numerous Christian denominations.

7. In 1947, State Treasury notes were introduced for denominations of 1-, 3- and 5 rubles, along with State Bank notes for denominations of 10-, 25-, 50 and 100 rubles.

8. Some of the differences between Protestant denominations have to do with ritual.

9. Does the hon. member have any particular opinion about whether or not it is absolutely essential that denominations and denominations only participate in religious instruction?

10. Jews of African descent belong to all of American Jewish denominations.

11. Total face value of collector coins put into circulation, aggregated over all denominations.

12. He went beyond Czech or German nationality, beyond Catholic or Protestant denominations.

13. The Commercial Bank's notes also bore the denominations in pounds and shillings.

14. Bonds are most typically issued in denominations of $500 or $1,000

15. This was a mistake made by a number of Christendom’s denominations.

16. Other major religious denominations are Baptist, Seventh-day Adventist, Latter-day Saints and Episcopalian

17. Clergymen of many different denominations attend the Assembly of the World Council of Churches

18. The list is in alphabetical order, by names of countries and denominations of coins.

19. In fact, some religious denominations require that their members donate a fixed sum.

20. It is also the result of ecumenical co-operation between the major denominations.

21. The late Friday Night Service is gaining in favor throughout all the denominations of Jewry.

22. Other major religious denominations are Baptist, Seventh-Day Adventist, Latter-Day Saints and Episcopalian.

23. Throughout its history, the denominations have ranged from 1 Baht to 100,000 Baht.

24. Confirmation is a sacrament, ritual or rite of passage practised by several Christian denominations

25. Calvinism is a system of false doctrine that is taught in most evangelical denominations

26. So the city printed millions of dollars of scrip, in denominations as high as $

27. Low profile Usually campaigns against gambling are the prerogative of the fiercer Protestant denominations.

28. There are more than 13,000 member churches, which come from 90 denominations, and 45 different countries.

29. S . Dollar Index , which measures the greenback against a basket of six denominations , crept up 0.1 %.

30. The Church in Wales with 56,000 adherents has the largest attendance of the denominations.

31. While ruble coins were silver, there were higher denominations minted of gold and platinum.

32. Worldwide Copper has been used in coins with a huge variety of designs and denominations

33. The list is set in alphabetical order, by names of countries and denominations of coins.

34. In the Palmyra area in 1820, several different Christian denominations were trying to win converts.

35. “Churchmen, including high officials of both Protestant and Catholic denominations, were recruited en masse as secret informers.

36. Urges the authorities of states with alarmingly high levels of attacks against religious denominations to take responsibility in ensuring normal and public religious practices for all religious denominations, to step up their efforts to provide reliable and efficient protection for the religious denominations in their countries and to ensure the personal safety and physical integrity of members of religious denominations in the country, thereby complying with the obligations to which they have already committed themselves within the international arena;

37. ‘Currency notes are also available in 100 Baizas, 200 Baizas, quarter and half Rial denominations.’

38. I cannot unite with most protestant denominations, because they have Apostatised, following after their own lusts

39. The currency consisted of silver coins in denominations of 1 takoe, ¼, ½ and 1 Ackey

40. Apostolics share many beliefs with other denominations of Christianity, but differ in a few crucial areas.

41. As a result, Catholics and Christians of other denominations generally only worship in secret within private homes.

42. The same year, the CQRS issued a new regulation mandating that all qigong denominations establish a Communist Party branch.

43. The Baptist tradition is the largest of the Protestant Christian denominations within the Free Church branch.

44. In response to those divisions, the mainline denominations have attempted to come together through ecumenical movement.

45. Will the advertising campaign be earmarked for EU-recognized denominations with reference to the origin of the products ?

46. Coins were issued in denominations of 10, 20 and 50 att or cents with French and Lao inscriptions.

47. Latourette candidly admits that some of the new religious denominations “were born of envy, strife, and personal ambition.”

48. Although often identified with the rapidly growing fundamentalist, Pentecostal, and Protestant charismatic denominations, the movement is far wider.

49. This absence of small denominations would clearly limit the extent to which coinage could have been used.

50. Adventist definition, a member of any of certain Christian denominations that maintain that the Second Advent of Christ is imminent

51. As a young man, I visited many denominations and was confused because each one taught different interpretations of the scriptures.

52. Adventism the principles and practices of certain Christian denominations that maintain that the Second Advent of Christ is imminent

53. Christianity is divided into many denominations or sects, and the major ones include Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and

54. Bonds were issued in denominations of $100, $500 and $1,000, and they bore five-percent interest, payable annually.

55. Counting all the denominations, groups, subgroups and cults, the total number must be in the tens of thousands.

56. In Darcy's Utopia church services of various denominations will exist, and blind eyes will no doubt be turned.

57. The first issue of coins was in denominations of 1, 5, 10, 25 and 50 Bututs dated 1971, 1984 and 1998.

58. Ninety-five percent of Copts in Egypt are Orthodox and the remaining population is divided between Catholic and Protestant denominations

59. Most people who became pentecostals joined the new movement from other denominations, so were not eager to cooperate with them.

60. This phase of religious intensification began in the late 1950s and early 1960s when church membership began to grow across all denominations.

61. Both denominations are now the same height (77 mm) as the €50 Banknote, which makes them more comfortable to use.

62. The Southern Baptist Convention, with over 16 million Adherents, is the largest of more than 200 distinctly named Protestant denominations

63. 17 However tame, these charismatic approaches still met severe resistance from the more cautious leadership of the established denominations.

64. Abolitionists expended great energy over this, believing that churches, linked North and South through their denominations, could bring an end to slavery

65. For your convenience, gift cards may be purchased in denominations between $25 and $500 and can be used at all Avalon locations.

66. Because Jehovah’s Christian witnesses hold strictly aloof from Christendom, the religious clergy of all denominations have branded them as not being Christians.

67. The Indian religious issues are mainly about different religious denominations such as Sikhism, Islam and Hinduism and negative effects of politics.

68. It is a thing of very common occurrence, inside the different denominations, for their members to Backslide, as they call it

69. The ELCA is one of the largest Christian denominations in the United States, with more than 4 million members in nearly 10,000 Congregations.

70. After much effort by the brothers, the Ministry of Education and Religious Denominations enacted a decree obliging school authorities to accept these certificates.

71. ● In the United States “religious groups in most denominations have contributed moral and political weight [to the freeze movement].” —Maclean’s

72. It always takes time to get used to the different denominations of coins when you go to a foreign country.

73. In 2003–2004, new notes were introduced in denominations of 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000 and 10,000 Ariary. The 2000 Ariary …

74. Larger casinos offer slot machines with denominations from 1 cent ("penny slots") all the way up to $100.00 or more per credit.

75. American divisional ( fractional) coins include the dime and the nickel; fractional currency is currency in denominations less than the basic monetary unit.

76. The biggest denominations in Washington in 2010 were the Assemblies of God (125,005 Adherents), Roman Catholics (784,332 Adherents), and Mormon (282,356 Adherents)

77. Larger denominations were progressively issued in 2008: 5 May: banknotes or "bearer cheques" for the value of ZWN 100 million and ZWN 250 million.

78. Like many other Christian denominations, the Seventh Day Adventist church believes in a core set of beliefs about God and salvation

79. Enriching Pastors and Engaging Congregations The NAE represents more than 45,000 local Churches from nearly 40 different denominations, in addition to nondenominational Churches

80. The teachings of Reformer Jean Cauvin (John Calvin) flourish in such denominations as Reformed, Presbyterian, Congregational, and Puritan. —9/1, pages 18-21.