Use "deng xiaoping" in a sentence

1. Deng Xiaoping, alors qu'il vivait, conseillé Canniness et …

2. Deng Xiaoping lead China brutally and sometimes brilliantly for 18 years.

3. The late Deng Xiaoping counseled us to seek truth from facts.

4. Deng Xiaoping says science and technology is the first productive force.

5. Deng Xiaoping s new contributions on methodology is comprehensive and systematic.

6. Jiang Qing said: " Deng Xiaoping is a quisling and a fascist! "

7. That was it . Just what they wanted to say to Deng Xiaoping.

8. Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping for instance were often depicted smoking cigarettes .

9. 19 Deng Xiaoping had a deep understanding of the quintessence of Marxism.

10. All the Party members have steadily intensified their study of Deng Xiaoping Theory.

11. Therefore, China does not need to Keynesian economics, China needs Deng Xiaoping Theory.

12. Deng Xiaoping in the death of 94 - year - old , people are mourning his death.

13. Deng Xiaoping, while he lived, counselled Canniness and restraint in Chinese foreign and security policy

14. Understanding and grasp of Marxist philosophy, political economy, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory.

15. Encouraged by Deng Xiaoping, China decided to "run the gauntlet" on price deregulation again in 19

16. At this very moment, we deeply cherish the memory of comrade Deng Xiaoping and revolutionist in his generation.

17. In this new era, Deng Xiaoping s general plan on diplomacy shows comprehensively the dialectic thought of trisection, and reveals Mr.

18. As the moral education of communists, Deng Xiaoping emphasizes on theory education, moral exemplification, and coordination between self-rule and heteronomous measures.

19. Mao Tse-tung often scratched himself in public, and Deng Xiaoping, a notorious spitter, often kept a spittoon nearby when meeting with world leaders.

20. Ever had the table-board that Deng Xiaoping crosses on many people, famous go 9 paragraphs of national champion, " chess emperor " Nie Weiping is a among them.

21. Jiang Zemin carried on and developed Deng Xiaoping s thought on public control penetratingly, explicating the target and means of public control in period of transformation.

22. Deng Xiaoping is fighting to salvage his reforms in China, and Mikhail Gorbvachev's glasnost and perestroika seem to be ending in anarchy and economic ruin.

23. The Soviet Union Pattern put forward by Deng Xiaoping refers to the specific systems and institutions in the process of building Socialism by Soviet Union.

24. Looking back, it is significant that Rajiv Gandhi actually sought to accelerate India’s modernization just a few years after Deng Xiaoping unveiled his reform policy in China.

25. 12 Deng Xiaoping emphasizes the coordination of the price mechanism because he knew that state planning cannot handle the new problem of the coordination of Chinese economy.

26. During the new historic period, Deng Xiaoping advanced the principle to develop socialist democracy and perfect socialist legality, provided a bright light for the construction of socialist democracy.

27. After Deng Xiaoping took power and began the reform era, Wan gained prominence thanks to her friendship with Hu, who became General Secretary of the Communist Party of China in 1982.

28. Thirty-two years after China's then paramount leader, Deng Xiaoping, donned a ten-gallon hat and a cowboy duster coat on a groundbreaking visit to the United States, Beijing is getting its own rodeo.

29. In December 1978, the Third Plenum of the 11th Party Congress in Beijing under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping reversed the verdicts against victims of the Cultural Revolution and instituted the "policy of reform and opening up."

30. Your misguidance led Fa Deng to disaster.

31. Deng then announced he would impose martial law.

32. Deng was the son of a prosperous landowner.

33. Deng grew critical of Jiang's leadership in 1992.

34. 19 Deng closely aligned himself with this stance.

35. Ataui Deng forms part of a famous triumvirate of ethnic Dinka models, the other two are her aunt Alek Wek and her best friend Ajak Deng.

36. Deng Xiaoping proposed to apply the principle to Hong Kong in the negotiation with the British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher over the future of Hong Kong when the lease of the New Territories (including New Kowloon) of Hong Kong to the United Kingdom was to expire in 1997.

37. Lan Kham Deng died in 1428 at the age of 53.

38. The Yang brothers had previously been regarded as close allies of Deng.

39. Deng highly praised the performance of his subdistrict in a report to Mao Zedong.

40. Deng died on 19 February 1997, aged 92 from a lung infection and Parkinson's disease.

41. Deng was no automatic lover of liberty, no inveterate believer in the virtues of pluralism.

42. Within three years, Deng had transferred most power in the state, party and military to Jiang.

43. Dear President, IOC Members, friends, I am Deng Yaping, 4 time Olympic gold medallist in table tennis.

44. @article{osti_1606710, title = {Lattice disorder effect on magnetic ordering of iron Arsenides}, author = {Sefat, Athena Sefa and Wang, Xiaoping P

45. Like Mao before him, Deng doggedly clung to power, despite becoming less mentally sharp in his final years.

46. Deng Acacia bantug la naman kareng lagyung thorntrees o kaya wattles, kayabe la reng yellow-fever acacia ampong umbrella Acacias.

47. China’s military power was built by Mao Zedong, enabling Deng to focus single-mindedly on rapidly building the country’s economic power.

48. Carter had not wanted to invite Nixon, but Deng had stated he would visit Nixon in California if the former president was not invited.

49. Anti-polio drive from Monday The Anglicans of Sudan until now are Administrated from Juba by the primate of the church the Most Revd Daniel Deng.

50. In one of the most important cities in the Soviet zone, Ruijin, Deng took over as secretary of the Party Committee in the summer of 1931.

51. Qingzhong Deng, 1, 2, * Ongun Arisev, 2, 1 Dmitry Kouznetsov, 2, 1 Mahmud ul Hasan, 1 Rita Vos, 1 Pol Van Dorpe, 1, 2 and Niels Verellen 1

52. They could also be rolled up and carried in a backpack, says the company's cofounder and president, Xunming Deng. "You could take it with you and charge your laptop battery," he says.

53. We now know that Rupert just might be a doddering old fool, that his son can prevaricate with the best of them, and that Wendi Deng has clearly been put on edge by the whole experience.

54. Qingzhong Deng, Ongun Arisev, Dmitry Kouznetsov, MD Mahmud Ul Hasan, Pieter Neutens, Zhenxiang Luo, Seungkyu Ha, Kris Covens, Rita Vos, Pol Van Dorpe, and Niels Verellen "Chip-based super-resolution structured illumination microscopy (Conference Presentation)", Proc

55. Achier Deng Akol, a member of the Southern Sudan Referendum Bureau (SSRB) based in Juba called on all civil society organizations in the country and in the Diaspora to take the leading role in the referendum awareness campaign.

56. By Achier Deng Akol Ayay (Author) 5.0 out of 5 stars 1 rating In the Heart of Africa, is a land so loved by its people that millions of them sacrificed their lives for it over 1367 years of war and many more are ready to do the same until it is totally liberated.

57. In his concluding statements, Deng remarks that the ideological assimilation of ‘Arabization’ and ‘Islamization’ that Approbates the Arab religion and culture over the African, religions and cultures in Sudan is the basic issue that incites conflict between the Arabized Muslims of the North and the African Christians and Animists of the

58. Arbitrages in a Progressive Enlargement Setting (Anna Aksamit, Tahir Choulli, Jun Deng and Monique Jeanblanc) Credit Risk: Pricing Credit Derivatives with a Structural Default Model (Sébastien Hitier and Ying Zhu) Reduced-Form Modeling of Counterparty Risk on Credit Derivatives (Stéphane Crépey) Dynamic One-default Model (Shiqi Song)