Use "dendritic ulcer" in a sentence

1. Dendritic Arborization patterns

2. Dendritic Arborization, also known as dendritic branching, is a multi-step biological process by which neurons form new dendritic trees and branches to create new synapses

3. In the acid ulcer type (Johnson II and III), duodenal ulcer and anastomotic ulcer supplementary vagotomy is recommendable.

4. - Oral ulcer

5. Hippocampal CA3 neurons were traced using camera lucida, and dendritic branching points (a measure of dendritic Arborization) and intersections (a measure of dendritic length) were quantified.

6. Arrosion ulcer An obsolete term for: (1) Tuberculous ulcer of the tracheobronchial tree; (2) Intravascular ulcer.

7. Dendritic Arborization (da) is a process by which neurons form new dendritic trees and branches to create new synapses

8. The initial vagotomy was done for duodenal ulcer (23), gastric ulcer (17), and acid dyspepsia without ulcer (4).

9. Synonym(s): Arborescent , dendritic (1) , dendroid [G

10. A decubitus ulcer is also known as a pressure ulcer, pressure sore, or Bedsore

11. Membrane molecule expressed specifically in activated plasmacytoid dendritic cell

12. I misdiagnosed her ulcer.

13. 13 Eighty unrelated controls, 61 patients with gastric ulcer, and 57 patients with duodenal ulcer were studied.

14. A Canker sore, or aphthous ulcer, is an open and painful mouth ulcer or sore

15. Very therapeutic for my ulcer.

16. An Arterial ulcer is an ulcer due to inadequate blood supply to the affected area (ischaemia)

17. A Bedsore is a skin lesion, which is also called as Decubitus ulcer or pressure ulcer or pressure sore

18. Pylori-related gastritis in the Antrum strongly correlates with an increased risk of peptic ulcer disease, and of duodenal ulcer in particular (the duodenal ulcer phenotype of gastritis)

19. Winnie takes ulcer medicine that contains Barbitals

20. Dendritic Arborizations and spines visualized by rapid Golgi staining The appearance of the dendritic Arborizations of PCs between cats belonging to the two age groups showed obvious differences

21. AKA dendritic ramification, Arborization describes the tree-like branching out of dendrites

22. 2 My mouth has an ulcer.

23. 5 An ulcer perforates the duodenal wall.

24. 28 No other model of chronic ulcer shows such morphological and behavioural similarity to the human duodenal ulcer.

25. Sixty cases with frequent recurrent dendritic keratitis were selected for our research.

26. It is also called aphthous ulcer or Aphthae

27. ErbB4-neuregulin signaling modulates synapse development and dendritic Arborization through distinct mechanisms.

28. 10 The ulcer was no real surprise.

29. 7 Aspirin can ulcer the stomach lining.

30. 22 A history of prior slow ulcer healing.

31. A small festering sore or ulcer ; a pustule.

32. "It's my ulcer," he added by way of explanation.

33. The ulcer had been troubling her for several years.

34. 12 All endoscopically proved ulcer relapses were then registered.

35. They had dressed his varicose ulcer with soothing ointment.

36. These dendritic poly (amino acid) carriers have multiple functional groups at the polymer surface.

37. 2 synonyms for Bedsore: decubitus ulcer, pressure sore

38. 9 A history of prior slow ulcer healing.

39. 1 She had an ulcer in her mouth.

40. Robotic assisted vagotomy and Antrectomy for peptic ulcer stricture

41. The ulcer has perforated into the lesser omental bursa.

42. Winston reached down and cautiously scratched his varicose ulcer.

43. Genital ulcer syndrome (non-vesicular) any male with an ulcer on the penis, scrotum, or rectum, with or without inguinal adenopathy, or any female with ulcer on labia, vagina, or rectum, with or without inguinal adenopathy.

44. These T cells become activated in skin-draining lymph nodes by dendritic cells (DC).

45. Called also decubitus ulcer and, popularly, Bedsore or pressure sore.

46. 4 The ulcer had been troubling her for several years.

47. Dendritic Arborization is important for neuronal development as well as the formation of neural circuits

48. Bcc is also known as rodent ulcer and basalioma

49. A small festering sore or ulcer ; a pustule.

50. The LRP4 ICD may inhibit dendritic Arborization, or LRP4 LDLα may promote the dendrite Arborization

51. That what I thought was an ulcer was only temporary.

52. 11 The main, unsolved clinical problem is chronic duodenal ulcer.

53. 6 "It's my ulcer," he added by way of explanation.

54. 3 He eats only bland food because of his ulcer.

55. H pylori infection was a strong predictor of ulcer recurrences.

56. Asymmetries appear in the spacing of cortical columns, as well as dendritic structure and complexity

57. For several days, he has had an exacerbation of ulcer symptoms.

58. Cicatrised duodenal ulcer 21 52.5 Carcinoma pyloric antrum 09 22.5 Total 40 100 Cicatrized duodenal ulcer was the most common cause of gastric outlet obstruction

59. Herpetic keratitis Definition Viral infection of the cornea with ulcer formation.

60. Three-Dimensional Analysis and Morphological Characterization of Coarsened Dendritic Microstructures Dimitris Kammer, 2006 (PDF – 10.7 MB) Morphological and Topological Characterization of Coarsened Dendritic Microstructures Roberto Mendoza, 2004 (PDF – 54.1 MB) Particle Coarsening in High Volume Fraction Solid-Liquid Mixtures

61. Chancroid definition, an infectious venereal ulcer with a soft base

62. A Corneal ulcer is an open sore of the Cornea

63. 13 When Eʹphra·im saw his sickness, and Judah his ulcer,

64. The ulcer is shallow and sharply demarcated, with surrounding hyperemia.

65. 8 My father suffered from stomach ulcer for a long time.

66. All patients had a history of ulcer recurrence confirmed by endoscopy.

67. The afferent (dendritic) nerve fibres are myelinated as long as run in the dermal nerve plexus.

68. Dendritic architecture of nucleus Ambiguus motoneurons projecting to the upper alimentary tract in the rat

69. Allergin-1 is expressed on mast cells as well as some dendritic cells, macrophages, and …

70. A pressure ulcer (also known as Bedsores or decubitus ulcer) is a localized skin injury where tissues are compressed between bony prominences and hard surfaces such as a mattress

71. She went to the hospital where tests revealed a bleeding intestinal ulcer.

72. 18 A bacterium is identified as the cause for his duodenal ulcer.

73. The corpuscles consist of an afferent (dendritic) nerve fibre, an inner core, a subcapsular space and a capsule.

74. Bacterial corneal ulcer require intensive fortified antibiotic therapy to treat the infection.

75. Immune tolerogenic dendritic cell for treatment of myocarditis produced by a virus and method for manufacturing same

76. Previous studies suggest that individual differences in intelligence correlate with circuit complexity and dendritic Arborization in the brain

77. There were 40 virologically confirmed cases of dendritic keratitis treated in a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study.

78. Bedsores range in severity from a reddish bruise to a bone-deep ulcer

79. In contrast to DS, reductions in dendritic Arborizations are present throughout life in RS (Armstrong et al., 1995)

80. Nguyen Xuan Nghia suffers from kidney stones, hemorrhoids, and a stomach ulcer.