Use "demonstrating" in a sentence

1. The crowd was demonstrating tumultuously.

2. Audited company accounts demonstrating personal income.

3. Illustration demonstrating an anteflexed, Anteverted normal uterus

4. Demonstrating authority; commanding: the captain's Authoritative manner

5. Gay activists were demonstrating outside the cinema.

6. Demonstrating product capabilities to existing and prospective clients.

7. We conclude this section by demonstrating this equivalence.

8. Campaigners were demonstrating against the slaughter of dolphins.

9. There have been no experiments demonstrating Abiogenesis in action.

10. They are demonstrating in favour of free higher education.

11. Bracketing, or for addressing the problem of demonstrating validity

12. Test patch and its use for demonstrating contact allergy

13. Fizz lost her temper, demonstrating the Aptness of her nickname

14. Tests for demonstrating ability to withstand normal conditions of transport

15. Be enthusiastic in demonstrating the value of this fascinating publication.

16. Typically, first degree Attempted murder charges require significant evidence demonstrating premeditation

17. The seniors were demonstrating and were question , on campus, to desist.

18. • establish an accountability regime demonstrating appropriate spending of O&M funds.

19. The reactionary police made a baton charge on the demonstrating crowd.

20. He's got a job demonstrating kitchen equipment in a department store.

21. Violent scuffles broke out between rival groups demonstrating for and against independence.

22. One notable example is the viral video Will It Blend? demonstrating Blendtec blenders.

23. On the Day of the Disabled (December 3rd), many amputees were demonstrating.

24. 14 Riot police fought with militants demonstrating in support of the uprising.

25. Individuals who Certify open doors to career opportunities by demonstrating verifiable, marketable skills

26. handshake photo, joint press conference, conspicuously demonstrating the renewal of ties between Israel...

27. A good example demonstrating the difference between lumens and Candlepower is the laser.

28. Gwen at age 13 demonstrating a model study at the Enfield Kingdom Hall

29. These are just two of many examples demonstrating the accuracy of Bible prophecies.

30. “It is shocking conduct demonstrating this defendant’s Abject refusal to follow the law

31. Buying, selling, or promoting products, services, publications, or creative works or demonstrating wares.

32. How are servants of Jehovah demonstrating that they recognize the urgency of the times?

33. How the Program Works Briefly, organizations gain admission to the program by demonstrating that

34. In addition, he should already be demonstrating his determination to live by God’s requirements.

35. The final project activity for demonstrating parallel information processing was based on spatial light modulators.

36. Synonyms for Bespeaking include showing, indicating, revealing, displaying, signifying, demonstrating, denoting, evidencing, evincing and implying

37. • Emphasizing the responsibility line managers have for demonstrating performance and acting on performance information, and

38. We were demonstrating Chinese martial arts. If you didn't like it, you could have left.

39. Frege's objective was the program of Logicism, i.e. demonstrating that arithmetic is identical with logic.

40. Newly developed adjoint code has been implemented on a graphical processor unit demonstrating important performance gains.

41. Alternative procedure for demonstrating braking performance in the case of failure of the braking distribution system

42. Synonyms for Attesting to include establishing, proving, demonstrating, showing, indicating, signifying, signalling, signaling, displaying and exhibiting

43. • to facilitate the development, testing and demonstrating of advanced networking applications and related technologies and services;


45. After peacefully demonstrating in front of the White House, 33 women endured a night of brutal Beatings

46. All over Bavaria, students started demonstrating for constitutional reform, just as students were doing in other cities.

47. Above: South Shore terminus with four Dreadnoughts in line abreast, demonstrating their legendary capacity to absorb crowds.

48. (Ephesians 1:22) Since then, Jesus has been exercising his headship, thus demonstrating his administrative ability.

49. - Sound technical basis for demonstrating the safety of disposing of high level radioactive waste in geological formations

50. By meeting with McCain so shortly after the election, Obama is demonstrating both magnanimity and self - confidence .

51. • Traditionally, of course, the man is the Breadwinner who enhances his desirability by demonstrating his earning prowess

52. 23 Japanese parliamentarians applauded, demonstrating Japanese domestic endorsement for the new line of appeasement between the neighbors.

53. The device quantitatively demonstrating Amp è re force consists of single beam balance , magnet, ammeter, and rheostat.

54. The oil, and the crackling noise, are just tangible ways of demonstrating that reality can be changed.

55. Buzzy® is the most studied needle pain solution on the market, with 50+ clinical trials demonstrating effectiveness

56. The percentage of E. coli isolates demonstrating resistance was lower overall than that seen among the abattoir samples.

57. And then, Newton proposed the theory of universal gravitation, demonstrating that all objects are pulling on each other.

58. Oxygen consumption patterns of pupfish over a 24 h period demonstrating the variable nature of paradoxical Anaerobism

59. What principle demonstrating that there are limits to what a human authority can demand is widely accepted?

60. The most recent capability, demonstrating NASAMS path of evolution, is the Raytheon Amraam Extended Range missile (Amraam ER)

61. Buzzy® is the most studied needle pain solution on the market, with 50+ clinical trials demonstrating effectiveness

62. Notably, phot1-7 mutants are Aphototropic (Celaya and Liscum, 2005), demonstrating that phot1 autophosphorylation is essential for phototropism

63. We are firmly disposed to the interaction with all partners demonstrating reciprocal readiness to advance to this goal.

64. In Alma 19:15–17, highlight any words and phrases demonstrating that Lamoni’s servants were turning to God.

65. The Bravest Kind features behind the scenes stories of fearless individuals demonstrating bravery and kindness in their everyday lives

66. He was forced to entrust an assistant with the important task of testing and demonstrating aircraft to prospective customers.

67. Take a look at Henrik Stenson below demonstrating a Cupped wrist position at the top of the backswing.

68. (Luke 7:1-10) That was in addition to demonstrating by his actions his love for God’s people.

69. A bandit act, an act of blatant state terrorism, demonstrating absolute contempt for the conception of international law."

70. Avoidant definition: (of behaviour) demonstrating a tendency to avoid intimacy or interaction with others Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

71. But it does not follow that all those who did attend went with the intention of demonstrating tribal solidarity.

72. Whitney did succeed on another front, demonstrating how manufacturing could be dramatically accelerated through the use of interchangeable parts.

73. • Both “Design-by-Rule” and “Design-by-Analysis” (Amethodical approach for demonstrating the adequacyof a pressure vessel component design

74. In 2014, Karina Schumann, a Stanford University psychologist, published a research paper demonstrating that self-affirmation leads to better Apologies

75. Demonstrating parental behaviour towards infants may be a ruse by which low-ranking males are able to gain mating opportunities.

76. Some of the winning horses were crowd favorites, demonstrating that anybody can have a good time at the races.

77. This section of the BOP contains a few clickable links to audio clips demonstrating phonological features of the Bemba language

78. Atmin H210Q/H210Q 13.5 dpc mutant embryo (I) demonstrating exencephaly (J), micropthalmia (K) and small lungs with left isomerism (L).

79. By demonstrating his floating contraption - part surfboard, part kayak and part sailboard - Halfon hopes to create a tide of attention.

80. Dan won his prize in medicine for demonstrating that high- priced fake medicine works better than low- priced fake medicine.