Use "democrats" in a sentence

1. They way outweigh Democrats.

2. "Democrats divided on gay marriage".

3. There are currently 56 Democrats in the senate and two independents who caucus with the Democrats.

4. Not the Republicans, the Democrats.

5. Foley's announcement discomfited some Democrats.

6. The Democrats rejected the referendum proposal.

7. Democrats are very sensitive about inclusion.

8. Ways and Means Committee Democrats U.S

9. The Democrats were outvoted, as usual.

10. "Hong Kong's Democrats Hold Their Own".

11. Ben Carson Bewilders most black democrats

12. Ten Democrats bolted on this vote.

13. Leading Illinois Democrats Criticized Downstate Republican U.S

14. Democrats Confront a Surge at the Border

15. Democrats must respect the rule of law.

16. Key Democrats split with Obama on taxes

17. Perfidy Meets Putty—Congressional Democrats Betray Voters

18. It was 042 for the Progressive Democrats.

19. 3 Democrats, too, have painful Medicare memories.

20. President Clinton's rousing speech united the Democrats.

21. This is a district where Democrats predominate.

22. Many Democrats felt queasy about the issue.

23. The Democrats set up a committee to fire them and bring in Democrats, and Daley took part in the gleeful task.

24. Senate Democrats try to repeal it in 2011.

25. Democrats mull cuts to schools in stimulus plan.

26. Reagan Conciliated moderate Democrats when he needed to

27. The democrats organize a filibuster in the senate.

28. Democrats Virginia Democratic Gubernatorial Contenders Endorse BDS Movement

29. Ocasio-Cortez, other Democrats “Capitalizing” on Texas devastation

30. Phone Bank Captain & CAnvasser Washington State Democrats

31. Democrats Have Planned a Coup If Trump Wins Reelection

32. It'll bind the Democrats together, not pull us apart.

33. Democrats say arguments against the bill won't hold up.

34. 1 Democrats say the petition will eviscerate state government.

35. Republicans accused the Democrats of launching a smear campaign.

36. Connecticut GOP Clashes with Democrats over extending Gov

37. My father was a lifelong supporter of the Democrats.

38. Twelve members were absent, 7 Republicans and 5 Democrats.

39. His nomination could be a field day for Democrats.

40. Democrats and Republicans support child Allowances for different reasons

41. They didn't rule out coalition with the Social Democrats.

42. The Democrats have emerged triumphant from the political crisis.

43. Top congressional Democrats also want to create a czar.

44. Roughly a third of Americans say that they are Democrats.

45. The party combined socialists with liberal democrats and progressive Christians.

46. The Democrats suffered a crushing defeat in the last election.

47. If the two Democrats on the investigative subcommittee, Reps.

48. 18 This would certainly exclude both Conservative and Liberal Democrats.

49. Alternatively, Republicans may try for a deal with congressional Democrats.

50. The Democrats had made a bull's eye , and were jubilant.

51. The democrats hope to get back at the next election.

52. The liberal democrats wanted a more modest overspend ... seven million.

53. The opinion poll suggests a clean sweep for the Democrats.

54. The Social Democrats are now in alliance with the Greens.

55. The Democrats won only a plurality of the votes cast.

56. The Democrats hope to get back at the next election.

57. The opinion polls do not bode well for the Democrats.

58. In the 1860s, the Copperheads, also known as Peace Democrats, were a faction of Democrats in the Union who opposed the American Civil War and wanted …

59. Why Democrats’ Complaints About Trump’s Pardon Power Are Feckless Bloviating

60. The Democrats, then the freer - trading party, were unusually acquiescent.

61. On the one side are democrats, economic reformers and secessionists.

62. If I did, I wouldn't be consulting for Democrats in Texas.

63. In return for getting Democrats elected, Sweeney will be expecting favors.

64. The Democrats, now smugly confident, may start to bicker among themselves.

65. Southern Democrats filibustered to keep the segregationist Jim Crow laws alive.

66. Democrats are Cozying up to corporate lobbyists despite purity pledges

67. Democrats Search for Snitches is Heading Down a Blind Alley

68. You had resistance even when the Democrats controlled the House.

69. Politically, raising the minimum wage is good for the Democrats.

70. You've made the Democrats relevant again in a very red state.

71. The Republicans have launched a strong counterattack against the Democrats' manifesto.

72. But Democrats and Republicans are still dumping stumping for the young.

73. Do n't tell me that Democrats wo n't keep us safe .

74. The Democrats were in complete disarray after last year's disastrous elections.

75. 4 The Social Democrats struck an electoral pact with the Liberals.

76. Democrats distance themselves from previous pro-filibuster stance, Citing GOP obstruction More than half of current Senate Democrats and VP Harris signed 2017 letter supporting filibuster when GOP

77. Democrats charge ahead with COVID relief package as impeachment Consumes Senate

78. Democrats are claiming that Republican members of the House Booed Rep

79. The overall composition of the Senate was Democrats 57 and Republicans

80. Everyone hates that equally, but Republicans and Democrats hate that together.