Use "democracy" in a sentence

1. From " an Arsenal of Democracy " to " an Encumbrance of Democracy "

2. Like democracy.

3. Here, participatory democracy acts as a necessary adjunct to representative democracy.

4. Bureaucratizing Democracy, Democratizing Bureaucracy

5. Democracy is the worst!

6. Let's start from democracy.

7. This isn't a democracy.

8. The Committee for a Democratic U.N. is now Democracy Without Borders "Democracy Without Borders".

9. The theme for the International Day of Democracy in 2014 is “Engaging youth on democracy”.

10. Coronavirus Crackdowns Contaminate European Democracy

11. They serve the demos, democracy.

12. T1 - Bureaucratizing democracy, democratizing bureaucracy

13. Democracy cannot flourish amid hate.

14. Archconservatives' real enemy is democracy

15. Democracy, Development, and Demographic Dividend.

16. In June 2006, she became a Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellow with the National Endowment for Democracy.

17. I'm going to use these two countries to make an economic argument for democracy, rather than against democracy.

18. Clientelism, Capitalism, and Democracy - August 2018

19. Al qaeda on Democracy and Reform

20. 20 Democracy is correlative with centralism.

21. Let's throw democracy at the problem.

22. Eventually oligarchy took over from democracy.

23. Would democracy galvanize opposition to reforms?

24. Democracy is a bulwark of freedom.

25. The election demonstrates democracy in action.

26. Commitment to the ideals of democracy

27. We'll raise a glass to democracy.

28. Greece is the home of democracy.

29. India has remained true to democracy.

30. Our government is tending toward democracy.

31. The GOP Abandons Democracy David A

32. It is the Antithesis of democracy

33. Let's say you despise Western democracy.

34. Your democracy it's his cherished legacy

35. Democracy and open debate were inseparable.

36. Emerson was religiously committed to democracy.

37. The article divides the conception of democracy into three levels, which are ultraist, governmental, and social democracy respectively.

38. 8 What are the principles of democracy?

39. No more rights of freedom and democracy

40. Democracy theoretically reaches out to embrace everyone.

41. Now I am a believer in democracy.

42. Democracy is no benefit to those enfranchised.

43. The center and circumference of all democracy!

44. Did democracy have its beginnings in Athens?

45. Democracy is under threat as Autocratization accelerates

46. Because democracy depends on an informed citizenship.

47. You once said this isn't a democracy.

48. We consider these freedoms fundamental to democracy.

49. The new democracy there continues to flounder.

50. As a democracy Bureaucratizes, which we have

51. Deliberative Democracy and Beyond: Liberals, Critics, Contestations

52. Democracy is not Achieved by stressing inequalities

53. Democracy is the only game in town.

54. Representative democracy is one form of government.

55. 13 The election demonstrates democracy in action.

56. Democracy about way more than majority rule.

57. Is dictatorship more easily defined than democracy?

58. Zaire's national conference on democracy ended ambiguously.

59. Rambunctious debate is central to America's democracy.

60. Their professed aim is to encourage democracy.

61. As a democracy Bureaucratizes, which we have

62. 18 India has remained true to democracy.

63. This makes a mockery of our democracy!

64. It was, and remains, authentic industrial democracy.

65. 7 Theserevelations corrode public faith in democracy.

66. 17 Eventually oligarchy took over from democracy.

67. Well, we survived, but democracy did not.

68. It matters because this is a democracy.

69. Many countries are already proceeding towards democracy.

70. 23 What are the principles of democracy?

71. It is a sacrilege to offend democracy.

72. 4 A pro - democracy uprising was brutally suppressed.

73. 7 The new democracy there continues to flounder.

74. Its secretariat is led by Democracy Without Borders.

75. We mistakenly believe that capitalism begets inevitably democracy.

76. The corrupt types include tyranny, oligarchy, and democracy.

77. Does this invalidate the economic case for democracy?

78. In fact, this is not surprising. Whether it is worth to encomium democracy?Whether democracy is the result of colonial rule?

79. Constitutional DEMOCRACY is the antithesis of arbitrary rule

80. We have democracy but without substance and meaning.