Use "demand curve" in a sentence

1. → adoption Curve → bell Curve → demand Curve → experience Curve → indifference Curve → yield Curve

2. The demand curve is downward sloping.

3. The demand curve usually slopes downward.

4. Therefore, a downward sloping demand curve embeds the law of demand.

5. Why does a demand curve slope downward?

6. What sort of demand curve is that?

7. Why does the demand curve slope downward?

8. Because the demand curve slopes downward, the marginal revenue curve lies below it.

9. What might cause the demand curve to shift?

10. And we have a downward- sloping demand curve.

11. Now we can also, based on this demand schedule, draw a DEMAND CURVE.

12. This shifts the aggregate demand curve to the left.

13. Each firm will face a downward-sloping demand curve.

14. Its falling demand for bills is shown by an upward shift of the demand curve to.

15. The other curve that determines the state of equilibrium of the economy is the aggregate demand curve.

16. An aggregate demand curve is the sum of individual demand curves for different sectors of the economy.

17. For a firm operating under perfectly competitive conditions, the marginal revenue curve and the demand curve are the same.

18. What happens to the demand curve when each of these determinants changes?

19. Sometimes, especially in textbooks, "aggregate demand" refers to an entire demand curve that looks like that in a typical Marshallian supply and demand diagram.

20. In Fig. 11-10 the D curve is the demand curve of the median voter for the locally provided good.

21. On the one hand, "demand" refers to the entire demand curve, which is the relationship between quantity demanded and price.

22. It can be shown that the aggregate demand curve has a negative slope.

23. Thus, the private demand curve of an individual is not a simple affair.

24. Problem of an unstable demand Accurate monetary control requires the authorities to be able to predict the demand curve for money.

25. Inflation was held to be chiefly caused by excessive demand pressure on available productive capacity—by an aggregate demand curve intersecting the stable aggregate supply curve somewhere significantly up the latter's vertical range.

26. The other curve shown in Fig 5 corresponds to the biochemical oxygen demand ( BOD ).

27. Thus, the Phillips curve represents only the demand-pull component of the triangle model.

28. The aggregate demand curve (i.e., the horizontal summation of the domestic and export demand functions) slopes downward to the point where the domestic demand intersects (from above) the export demand (i.e., quantity=62).

29. Thus a rise in real government expenditure shifts the aggregate demand curve to the right.

30. Understanding of the aggregate demand curve depends on whether it is examined based on changes in demand as income changes, or as price change.

31. There the demand is increasing at a rate which is much faster than the supply curve.

32. The material has been written for the non-economist (you won't even find a demand curve).

33. 24 Thus a rise in real government expenditure shifts the aggregate demand curve to the right.

34. If the aggregate supply curve is vertical, changes in aggregate demand will affect prices but not output.

35. Fourthly, the high growth trajectory of our economy will inevitably produce a matching curve for energy demand.

36. An unfavorable change in consumer preferences will cause demand to decrease, shifting the curve to the left.

37. Thus sign; the membership demand curve is negatively sloped for and positively sloped for, as shown in Fig.

38. Readers will note our heavy implicit concentration on the future positioning and shape of the aggregate demand curve.

39. The downward sloping nature of a typical demand curve illustrates the inverse relationship between quantity demanded and price.

40. Section 4 discusses union wage setting(, and develops a wage demand curve for each level of membership.

41. If the demand curve shifts very much, and if it is inelastic, then monetary control will be very difficult.

42. Each point on the demand curve shows what the individual would pay for the last unit of purer water.

43. 17 If the demand curve shifts very much, and if it is inelastic, then monetary control will be very difficult.

44. Because real GNP fell only slightly in 19 the demand curve for real money shifted only slightly to the left .

45. Although changes in performance arise as a result of supply side factors, they manifest themselves as shifts in demand curve.

46. The variable we are interested in here is the variable which has caused the shift in the aggregate demand curve.

47. First, due to nominal rigidities, changes in nominal interest rates affect real interest rates and aggregate demand (along the IS curve

48. 27 The variable we are interested in here is the variable which has caused the shift in the aggregate demand curve.

49. First, due to nominal rigidities, changes in nominal interest rates affect real interest rates and aggregate demand (along the IS curve).

50. 18 Using revenue voluntary theories, utilitarianism and psychological contract theories, the problem of illusive Demand Curve resulted from free riding was analyzed.

51. If, for instance, money supply were to increase, the aggregate demand curve would shift 11 Economists often express a decline in money demand in terms of an increase in the velocity of money.

52. Liquid crystal display: Clapboard temperature curve, cry trapping temperature curve, sample temperature curve.

53. A market is Characterised by the following demand curve P = 80 - 2Q, where Q denotes aggregate output and marginal revenue MR = 80 - 4Q

54. It can be shown that the aggregate demand curve has a negative slope. One way to think about this is in terms of supply and

55. Gamma curve adjustment method and gamma curve adjustment device

56. Adjust Curve

57. Instalment 1: Curve calibration and Bucketed PV01 Curve calibration

58. Ignition advance curve: ...

59. Adjustment curve C1

60. Ignition advance curve

61. Ignition advance curve:

62. Select this curve

63. Curve the bullet.

64. Adjustment curve C

65. We demand justice, we demand peace!

66. We demand justice, we demand peace...

67. To bend in a Curve; cause to take the course of a Curve.

68. An Asymptote of a curve is a line to which the curve converges

69. Ignition advance curve: 4/

70. Ignition advance curve 4/:

71. - one overall calibration curve,

72. convex curve radius capability

73. The curve that is covered in the least time is a Brachistochrone curve

74. Three reinforcement test piers' ductility is analyzed through hysteric curve and skeleton curve.

75. Ignition advance curve (3):

76. Select this cubic curve

77. Evolute of a curve

78. For additional compression, click Optimise curve [Optimize curve button] in the motion path properties.

79. Each curve of reduced modulus is shifted with respect to the curve at T o until all fit together forming one master curve.

80. Curve LAYOUT Once D has been chosen and the Curve data has been calculated, the Curve may be set by a variety of methods