Use "delusion" in a sentence

1. Acenesthesia (general elementary somatopsychosis, asomatognosia) is a kind of: psychopathology » delusion » nihilistic delusion; psychopathology » symptom » Behavioral and psychological symptom of Dementia » delusion » nihilistic delusion; psychopathology » nihilistic delusion;

2. What a delusion!

3. The Rabari suffered no such delusion.

4. This was not optimism, it was delusion.

5. You're clinging to the delusion.

6. Your hopes of promotion are a mere delusion.

7. Love can be nothing but a delusion.

8. He is under the delusion that he is Napoleon.

9. His arguments sound convincing but they're based on delusion.

10. THE GOD DELUSION is an irreverent book.

11. Instruction from a tree is an utter delusion.

12. And wisdom usually follows illusion, delusion, and disillusion.

13. 28 His arguments sound convincing but they're based on delusion.

14. And both are gripped by the same dogmatic delusion.

15. Obduracy , illusion and delusion of one can be terrible.

16. 15 They are a delusion,* a work of mockery.

17. Belief in utopian progress is increasingly seen as a delusion.

18. Bloodguilt I've lost myself in the cryptic abyss of delusion

19. 7 His arguments sound convincing but they're based on delusion.

20. Of possession as the delusion we all run aground on.

21. The righteous anger fueling my ingenious, awful scheme was but delusion.

22. I was under the delusion that he intended to marry me.

23. The point is that you are suffering from a complex delusion.

24. The disappointment of manhood succeeds the delusion of youth. Benjamin Disraeli 

25. So Capgras syndrome is a disorder where you get a specific delusion.

26. I suppose self-delusion is a gift of natural selection as well.

27. He is under the delusion that I am going to cheat him.

28. He seems to have retreated into a world of fear and delusion.

29. The delusion was welcome, and I traded on it consciously and preposterously.

30. All my anti-Authoritarianism was a way of sustaining the narcissistic delusion

31. I thought the whole idea was just a foolish and dangerous delusion.

32. 23 Truly the hills and the turmoil on the mountains are a delusion.

33. The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion. Edmund Burke 

34. Most of the people realized that their scheme was simply a snare and a delusion.

35. We may have one unsub, suffering from a delusion that he's actually an archangel.

36. The line between reality and delusion is blurred as they discover a Bug infestation.

37. Antonyms for Actuality include fantasy, fiction, illusion, irreality, phantasy, unreality, failure, forfeit, lie and delusion

38. The defendant is a cantankerous individual gripped by the dangerous delusion that his opinion matters.

39. The great thing about a culture of givers is that's not a delusion -- it's reality.

40. To talk of planning and decision making is, to these people, to indulge in self-delusion.

41. Arboreally Speaking, the 'Good Old Growth Curve Is a Delusion' by Neil Pederson December 27, 2011

42. Conceit is the delusion that our experiences ARE ourselves, and that our self has boundaries and substance and continuity

43. It is assumed that the incomprehensible is reified in the actual delusion by means of structural affinities.

44. Britain's weak balance of payments was not, however, a statistical delusion or the result of a reaction to one.

45. We sat in the packed aisles, the building's relative simplicity a delusion for what was to follow.

46. He seemed to be under the delusion that he would make his fortune within a few years.

47. Working on this delusion, they then feel either excited and act like silly children or confused and act like silly children.

48. With this type of misguided delusion, she has become a false prophet and has attempted to gain power. ...

49. The concept that destiny is predetermined is a religious dogma and a philosophical delusion. Dr T.P.Chia 

50. There is no fire like lust, no grip like hate; there is no net like delusion, no river like craving.

51. Yet somehow the delusion has taken hold that a commitment to democratic self-rule means coaxing apathetic numbskulls into voting.

52. Allusion and illusion are both related to the Latin term lūdere meaning “to play,” along with their linguistic cousin delusion

53. That it failed to do so-refused to do so-is testimony to the human capacity for evasion and self-delusion.

54. 16 There is no fire like lust, no grip like hate; there is no net like delusion, no river like craving.

55. That she kept screaming these exact words and weeping had been placed on her record as the manifestation of a childhood delusion.

56. These paragons of narcissism, misanthropy and delusion now have a shrine of their own, at (tagline: "Where self-important tweets get the recognition they deserve.").

57. ‘He claims it was after Confabulation with the Pope.’ ‘A responsible therapist has a duty to help a patient sort out delusion from reality, dreams and Confabulations from …

58. ‘He claims it was after Confabulation with the Pope.’ ‘A responsible therapist has a duty to help a patient sort out delusion from reality, dreams and Confabulations from …

59. Fan art of Peridot by wazzaldorp**I don't own anything except my lyrics and voiceLYRICSYou’re a Clodyou’re a Clodyour identity is flawedyour delusion of a fu

60. For Dillon, it seems to encompass everything from frank delusion to psychosomatic symptoms to psychological responses to organic illness, taking in depression and body dysmorphia along the way.

61. McMaster: Afghanistan is America's longest war – it's time for the delusion about it to end If the Biden administration abandons the weak agreement that the Taliban have already broken, it is

62. Although the consciousness of ego may bring the soul to spiritual heights as well as depths of delusion, human beings may choose to realize their true nature as Atman.

63. By strong delusion; such as Beguile the soul with damnable doctrines, that swerve from faith and godliness, 'They have chosen their own ways,' saith God, 'and their soul delighteth in their abominations.

64. Some critics believe that the references to a counter-earth suggest that the world portrayed in Ada is a delusion in the mind of the hero (another favorite theme of Dick's novels).

65. TRUMP PEN 2020 IS REAL & UNCENSORED! This hilarious new pen features vintage Trump at his boldest, Brashest and funniest for 2020! No topic is off limits for Trump including the WALL, COLLUSION DELUSION and SOCIALISM

66. Arhat the final achievement when every trace, gross or subtle, of ego-delusion and its subsequent desires, anger, jealousy, pride and confusion are all irreversibly eliminated from the mind and the mind will rest continuously in deep, far-reaching meditation.

67. These compounds are useful antipsychotic agents efficacious against not only positive symptoms centering on the hallucination, delusion and the like peculiar to the acute stage of schizophrenia, but also negative symptoms such as emotional torpidity, abulia and autism.

68. Arboreally Speaking, the ‘Good Old Growth Curve Is a Delusion’ – State of the Planet […] the previous post, I outlined the argument lighting up parts of the New Jersey legislature and the human elements of […] Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply

69. receptors rather than D¿2? receptors, these compounds are useful as antipsychotic agents efficacious not only against positive symptoms typified by hallucination and delusion characteristic to the acute stage of schizophrenia but also negative symptoms such as emotional torpidity, abulia and autism.

70. As the initial state of strains and stresses that exists within an untouched rock mass is principally unrecognisable and as the properties of the rock are ambiguous three-dimensional and time dependend, any analytical calculation of strains, stresses and means of support leads invariably to a self-delusion.

71. 2007 August 23, Roberta Smith, “Against Delusion: Robert Gober’s Nuts-and-Bolts Americana”, in New York Times‎[1]: There may be countless little imperfections or a breathtaking sense of perfection, but either way the almost devotional Artisanship imbues common objects with an uncommon gravity, along with the

72. 1300, "delusion, Bewilderment, confusion of thought," possibly from Old English *mæs, which is suggested by the compound amasod "amazed" and verb amasian "to confound, confuse" (compare amaze).Of uncertain origin; perhaps related to Norwegian dialectal mas "exhausting labor," Swedish masa "to be slow or sluggish."

73. Scalia's pronouncements concerning deterrence and the death penalty seem to buttress Judge Richard Posner's claim that Justice Scalia has a tendency to engage in "'motivated thinking,' the form of cognitive delusion that consists of Credulously accepting the evidence that supports a preconception and of peremptorily rejecting the evidence that contradicts it."

74. To the seer, all things have verily become the Self: what delusion, what sorrow, can there be for him who Beholds that oneness? ~~ Yajur Veda, Isa Upanishad, Part 1 "The Karma Yogi, having abandoned the fruit of action, obtains eternal peace or release which comes of wisdom, while, he who, being prompted by desire, is attached to them, becomes

75. In the section on Agnosticism in his famous book "The God Delusion," renowned scientist Richard Dawkins mentions the "tooth fairy" analogy to argue that while we should be technically agnostic on the existence of fairies because we lack evidence in either direction, in practice we are all (or at least the reasonable among us) "a-fairyists."