Use "delineate" in a sentence

1. Biography must to some extent delineate characters.

2. Scientists then began searching the layers of rocks delineate mass extinctions.

3. Women are aways be delineate not as good as men.

4. Neutron activation analysis for uranium in soild may delineate structures.

5. Delineate the type of data being described by the data name.

6. Ultrasound and MRI delineate minor synovitis, tenosynovitis and bursitis in the shoulder.

7. For now, most could not delineate, with any confidence, what their new role entailed.

8. The law and the necessary punishments delineate a bottom line for decent human interaction.

9. The basic purpose of the Armistice Demarcation Line is to delineate the line

10. 22 The gaudy years carved the tree rings, abreaction time delineate entwine palmprint.

11. Synonyms for Characterize include portray, depict, represent, describe, delineate, outline, present, show, brand and character

12. Objective To delineate the m orp hology and ecology of a new human schistosome species.

13. The aim of environment analysis is to delineate the target investment area, industry and partner.

14. Adsorption isotherms of the Adsorbates delineate the nature of binding of the Adsorbate with silica

15. CS & Delineate is a software development company with offices in Beijing, China and Zurich Switzerland.

16. Delineate a person is leisurely and carefree with nature from the happy fine appearance.

17. Integrated with GIS to delineate the serviced and unserviced area and to interpret the results.

18. I like a transparent whellote, is he gave me thellos whellote paper delineate colorful bright - colored patterns.

19. Flowing freely curve shape[sentence dictionary], delineate the sport and the metre that calmness art possess singly.

20. However, there are 2 physical exam findings that help to delineate Anticholinergic toxicity from sympathomimetic toxicity.

21. When work is challenging, take a few minutes to delineate the tasks you need to do.

22. Further work with alpha 2 agonists will hopefully delineate the locations and interactions of these agents.

23. A triangle made by the cities of Mlada Boleslav, Turnov and Jicin delineate its approximate boundary.

24. MR can delineate lesions affecting infundibular stems and distinguish them from the pituitary gland or hypothalamus.

25. 23 MR can delineate lesions affecting infundibular stems and distinguish them from the pituitary gland or hypothalamus.

26. Objective To delineate the biological features between the transformed human articular chondrocytes and normal chord ro - cutes.

27. After the catheter placement, we used a radioactive marker to delineate the catheter position and recording sites.

28. The goal is to delineate the risk of vessel-whale collisions and use the results to support conservation action.

29. Combining the two types of data generally makes it possible to accurately locate and delineate the sediment mounds.

30. 2.4 External perimeter Fences and free-standing walls delineate property boundaries and may provide some control over access.

31. Several major law firms have recently enacted codes of conduct to delineate appropriate behavior and to ward off official complaints.

32. Canton (third-person singular simple present Cantons, present participle Cantoning, simple past and past participle Cantoned) To delineate as a separate district

33. Stratigraphy is also commonly used to delineate the nature and extent of hydrocarbon-bearing reservoir rocks, seals, and traps of petroleum geology.

34. In the lower crust and upper mantle, east-dipping reflections are interpreted to delineate a coeval subduction zone and accretionary wedge.

35. One other key variable that has traditionally been used to delineate rural areas is the percentages employed in agriculture and forestry.

36. Identification of the biological significance of the dynamic pool would help delineate its similarity to actin retrograde flow and microtubule stabilisation.

37. Judet views, 45° oblique radiographs of the pelvis and Acetabula, may be obtained to better delineate the pelvic and Acetabular structures

38. 21 As a consequence of this fact it is possible to delineate the proper role of the congregation in the eucharistic prayer.

39. 4.2Study purpose We sought to describe real-life situations of social work supervisors Behaving unethically, and to delineate how their subordinates handled the dilemmas

40. These time-controlled data delineate a distinctive evolution from largely aggradational to largely progradational depositional geometries as deformation progressively encroaches on the foreland.

41. A recent identification of cross-talk between FASN and well-established cancer-controlling networks begins to delineate the oncogenic nature of FASN-driven lipogenesis.

42. The Chieftaincy Act 2008 (Act 759) was also promulgated to delineate the nature, countenance, and expected outlook and disposition of the office of traditional authorities.

43. The other use of the distinction between “constituent” and “Constituted” power is to delineate the limits of the substantive amendment power by the representatives of the people: the

44. By analyzing the composition of the sediments and correlating their sources, we are able to delineate both vertical and lateral distribution of various litho- facies in the basin.

45. A Bordure compony can be used as a difference to delineate cadency and often indicates an illegitimate son, acknowledged but legally barred from inheritance of the feudal estates of his father

46. Collectively, the results of the studies cited herein delineate the basis for imprinting or conditioning of fetal pre-Adipocytes at the paracrine/autocrine level, and of fetal adipose tissue development and metabolism

47. In this paper, I review the historical evidence for female religious Claustration in Europe in an attempt to delineate the benefits a family might gain by allocating some of its resources to a nunnery

48. The Government of India Act 1935 attempted to delineate more clearly functions of the foreign and political wings of the Foreign Department, it was soon realized that it was administratively imperative to completely bifurcate the department.

49. ‘The Bibliographically minded should note that the book was first issued under the present subtitle alone.’ ‘The entire content is searchable Bibliographically.’ ‘The following description intends to delineate quite a rich, but not Bibliographically registered, resource.’

50. Any viable explanation of communalism must go beyond viewing all Communalisms as nationalist fragments to delineate the differing natures of these fragments, as well as to study their changing configuration over time, including the ways in which they have been shaped by globalization.

51. Ambulacrum is an architectural word that denotes an atrium, courtyard, or parvise in front of a basilica or church that is surrounded by arcades or colonnades, or trees, and which often contains a fountain.It also can denote a walking path that trees delineate

52. This is especially a danger in the face of a dissenting man who may suffer greatly if his potential child is Abortedand thus I will delineate circumstances where a virtuous woman would concede to carrying a fetus to term in order to give a man the child he so desperately desires.

53. This is especially a danger in the face of a dissenting man who may suffer greatly if his potential child is Abortedand thus I will delineate circumstances where a virtuous woman would concede to carrying a fetus to term in order to give a man the child he so desperately desires

54. In Aqualung, Moore dissects each and every song, and spends a great deal of time writing about "Aqualung" and "My God." He also divides the album in halves by its original lp sides, and discusses them as separate themes, something I'd toyed with when listening to the album in the early seventies, but never could delineate such as Moore did.

55. One of the best-known Asterisms is the Big Dipper or Plough.It is composed of the seven brightest stars in Ursa Major, where they delineate the Bear's hindquarters and exaggerated tail, or alternatively, the "handle" forming the upper outline of the bear's head and neck.With its longer tail, Ursa Minor hardly appears bearlike at all, and is widely known by its pseudonym, the Little Dipper.