Use "deliberation" in a sentence

1. Considerateness: Prudence; calm deliberation

2. Advisement definition is - careful consideration : deliberation

3. She spoke with force and deliberation.

4. After much deliberation , Diana decided to resign.

5. Inculcate the habit of deliberation.

6. After much deliberation, a decision was reached.

7. She signed her name with great deliberation.

8. But they made love, with this solemn deliberation.

9. Consent is an act of reason and deliberation

10. They reached a verdict after hours of deliberation.

11. After long deliberation, they decided not to buy.

12. What was the result of your deliberation?

13. Take time for deliberation; hste spoils everything. 

14. After much deliberation , first prize was awarded to Derek Murray.

15. After careful deliberation, it was agreed to abandon the project.

16. Careful thought; deliberation: We will give your proposal Consideration

17. 10 synonyms for Brainwork: cerebration, cogitation, contemplation, deliberation, excogitation

18. With slow deliberation, he tore the letter into pieces.

19. Decisions are taken by absolute majority, after deliberation

20. Decisions are taken by absolute majority, after deliberation.

21. Cerebration: See: contemplation , deliberation , dialectic , intellect , ratiocination , reflection , thought

22. The Guardian view on Acclimatising democracy: deliberation, not confusion

23. 22 After long deliberation, they decided not to buy.

24. After much deliberation, she decided to accept their offer.

25. He gave her chips which she ate with great deliberation.

26. Clean-shaven, he wore steel-rimmed glasses and moved with calculated deliberation.

27. When the court adjourned for deliberation, the crowd caused an uproar.

28. After deliberation, the Conferees may make one or more recommendations

29. The jury returned a unanimous verdict of guilty after a short deliberation.

30. Anarchism democracy - Anarchism, as a political philosophy, is fundamentally about collective deliberation and responsibility

31. He spoke with deliberation, but often in vivid metaphors and with literary references.

32. Confer definition, to consult together; compare opinions; carry on a discussion or deliberation

33. But Anarchism, as a political philosophy, is fundamentally about collective deliberation and responsibility.

34. Noun careful deliberation or consideration; consultation: The petition was taken under Advisement.

35. But after several months of deliberation, the committee had made little headway.

36. Carefulness: See: care , caution , deliberation , diligence , discretion , economy , frugality , heed , notice , particularity , precaution , prudence , rigor

37. Synonyms for Cerebration include thinking, rumination, reflection, meditation, contemplation, deliberation, cogitation, excogitation, judgement and judgment

38. After prayerful deliberation, the committee felt that the time for legal action was not right.

39. After much deliberation, it is decided that this is an Atkinson "Borderer"

40. Slowly and with deliberation she turned to me and told me to get out.

41. My mother folded her coat across the back of the chair with careful deliberation.

42. At panel, the judges went straight into deliberation without evaluating each contestant individually.

43. However, it is a very important issue whose educational implications require considerable deliberation.

44. After ten hours of deliberation, the jury returned a verdict of 'not guilty'.

45. SMOKESCREEN is a big, strong warrior that moves with slow deliberation and a lot of power.

46. Cogitation (countable and uncountable, plural Cogitations) (uncountable) The process of cogitating; contemplation, deliberation, reflection, meditation

47. The Garden of Padua was founded upon deliberation of the Senate of the Venetian Republic.

48. To be rational is to be engaged in collaborative, Corrigible, historically informed inquiry and deliberation

49. Synonyms for Brainwork include meditation, cerebration, cogitation, contemplation, deliberation, reflection, thinking, rumination, consideration and pondering

50. Sir, this action is a product of careful deliberation between myself and the Joint Chiefs.

51. Circumspection: See: care , caution , deliberation , diligence , discernment , discretion , discrimination , forethought , heed , judgment , notice , precaution

52. Consideration definition, the act of considering; careful thought; meditation; deliberation: I will give your project full Consideration

53. It is made all the more nightmarish by the measured deliberation with which it is unfolded.

54. Assembly definition is - a company of persons gathered for deliberation and legislation, worship, or entertainment

55. She closed her eyes as, with slow deliberation, Niall drew her back into his arms.

56. But after deliberation, referee Hart pointed to the spot and Molby cracked in the penalty.

57. Time and the most careful deliberation of the issues raised are available in the House of Lords.

58. Cognitive Biases increase our mental efficiency by enabling us to make quick decisions without any conscious deliberation

59. Deliberation is the work of many men. Action, of one alone. Charles de Gaulle 

60. After hours of deliberation the court failed to rule on the constitutionality of Mr Yeltsin's measures.

61. The federal government should push for more advanced examination and deliberation of public policy issues related to biotechnology.

62. Characterized by undue haste and lack of thought or deliberation Familiarity information: Brainish used as an adjective is very rare.

63. Deliberation on some of the activities of the LEG at technical meetings, with participation of technical experts.

64. 21 In deep antiquity, vast, sprawling empires rose and fell,( usually the result of happenstance rather than deliberation.

65. Collective deliberation on the basis of choices served up by the official machine go against Mrs Thatcher's personal grain.

66. Deliberation should go along with the atmosphere of freedom, equal and ratiocination, but these conditions need to specifically analyze.

67. 20 Competent decisions require not only thoughtful consideration and thorough deliberation but also complicated maneuvering through many divergent interests.

68. Connections emerge linking human activity and natural processes, deliberation and chance, what is seen with what is sensed.

69. (uncountable) The process of Cogitating; contemplation, deliberation, reflection, meditation.· (countable) A carefully considered thought, idea, notion.··cogitation

70. After deliberation, the jury Acquitted the defendant.Después de la deliberación, el jurado absolvió al acusado.

71. Finally, after deliberation, it was decided to initiate the Peace Corps program despite misgivings about working under a military regime.

72. Conceptual ethics instruments are indispensable as a reflection of the authority in the daily routine for deliberation of convictions and actions.

73. If those who possessed the right of deliberation committed a capital offense, they could not be tried without the emperor's consent.

74. Inevitably this will require that nations delegate at least a portion of what they considered previously inalienable rights to independent deliberation and action.”

75. After much deliberation the Buhl Day Executive Board is sad to announce that Buhl Day 2020, will not take place

76. With deliberation, I pulled up all my orchids and threw them, strewn with crumbs of earth, into the wheel-barrow.

77. On television especially, the use of quick-cut images and short sound bites tends to foreclose reasoned reflection and time-consuming deliberation.

78. And finally, the purpose of any authoritarian deliberation efforts is usually to increase the legitimacy of the regimes, both at home and abroad.

79. For four years he then has to sit in the seat of the silent, attending to speeches ponderous or otherwise, of deliberation or humor."

80. The jury seemed to zero in on the science, asking to reread all the testimony about the neuroscience during 10 hours of deliberation.