Use "degeneracies" in a sentence

1. Group theory supplies the number and the degeneracies of orbital terms in a symmetrical molecule.

2. Synonyms for Abjections include degeneracies, depravity, decadence, debauchery, dissoluteness, corruption, perversion, dissipation, turpitude and corruptness

3. The adaptation rates of the two echo cancellers meet certain constraints to prevent degeneracies in the echo cancellation system.

4. The results then are generalized to give more extended though no fully general conditions for excessive degeneracies in Hückel eigenvalues spectra.

5. Important properties that are expected from model representations are Descriptive power, Conciseness, Invariance under transformations and Insensitiveness to modifications and degeneracies.

6. However, when correlation with the core is included, 'accidental' degeneracies with other configurations at selected Z-values destroy the usually smooth trend and dips appear.