Use "definitively" in a sentence

1. The Constitution did not definitively rule out divorce.

2. His attempt to woo the West Bank has definitively failed.

3. The cost of production submitted by this company is therefore definitively accepted.

4. The abdominal cavity is closed definitively only when the surgical problem is controlled.

5. Not definitively, but patients with MS have more reactive neurons in their occipital cortex.

6. The text cannot be definitively adopted until the main terms of the concession contract are fixed.

7. Diagnosis can be made definitively by Electroencephalography (EEG), which records the electrical activity of the brain.


9. The amounts secured by way of provisional duty under Regulation (EEC) No 322/79 shall be definitively collected.

10. Some of the following arrangements are definitively seasonal—you'll love the many fall bridal Bouquets, for example

11. The amounts secured by way of provisional duty under Regulation (EEC) No 84/82 shall be definitively collected.

12. And it definitively proved that it wasn't this magic dust called fomites in your clothes that caused yellow fever.

13. The amounts secured by way of provisional anti-dumping duty under Regulation (EEC) No 1361/87 shall be definitively collected.

14. The amounts secured by way of provisional anti-dumping duty under Regulation (EEC) No 360/88 shall be definitively collected.

15. The amounts secured by way of provisional anti-dumping duty under Regulation (EEC) No 2800/86 shall be collected definitively.

16. The definition of Conclusive is something that puts an end to arguments or that definitively proves something or ends dispute

17. The amounts secured by way of provisional anti-dumping duty under Regulation (EC) No # shall be definitively collected as follows

18. The amounts secured by way of provisional anti-dumping duty under Regulation (EEC) No 2908/84 shall be definitively collected.

19. Synonyms for Conclusively include decisively, positively, convincingly, definitively, determinately, once for all, once and for all, permanently, irrevocably and absolutely

20. It was not until the second half of the 1950s that autarchy was definitively superseded by a firm commitment to international capitalism.

21. 16 Whether the Caecum is located in the right caudal or left caudal quadrant of the abdominal space has not been definitively established

22. Beside classical cross validation, LIME shows use definitively which pixels were involved heavily in the inference and could draw our attention to possible Biasnesses

23. The Inquisition was not definitively abolished until 1834, during the reign of Isabella II, after a period of declining influence in the preceding century.

24. By that time, humans had definitively colonized Southeast Asia, and it seemed highly unlikely that the two species had Coexisted for thousands of years

25. Don't get me wrong, Flawless Consulting is a good and useful book that will definitively improve your Consulting perspectives and skills, yet I had expected more.

26. During his reign the Lombards ended their migrations by definitively settling in Italy, the northern part of which was conquered by Alboin between 569 and 572.

27. Can't definitively tell you if she engaged in sexual activity immediately prior to death, but I did find this wedged between her central and lateral incisors.

28. Of great concern is that this Corpulence has definitively been linked to the youthful onset of diabetes and hypertension, and to strokes and heart attacks in middle age.

29. Analogised to a prizefight (irrespective of the fact I'm definitively anti-pugilist--is not boxing, per se, redolent of cock fighting "events" in the U.S

30. The data show definitively, for the first time, that the spins of up Antiquarks make a greater contribution to overall proton spin than the spins of down Antiquarks.

31. Mr. Ragusa acknowledged that little data existed that definitively ties lab coats and other accoutrements to the infections that kill nearly 000 hospital patients in the United States annually.

32. In methicillin-resistant strains daptomycin is a possible alternative to vancomycin. In strains susceptible to methicillin, beta-lactamic antibiotics were definitively preferred than the usage of vancomycin due to better outcome.

33. (b) as regards the prevention of distortions of trade, production capacity was definitively reduced by 30 % and staff numbers were cut. In addition, AGAMA never sold its products below cost price;

34. “Cognizant” vs. “Cognisant” [closed] 4 This question is too basic; it can be definitively and permanently answered by a single link to a standard internet reference source designed specifically to find that type of information

35. In a retrospective analysis, all inpatients in the Angiologic Vascular Diagnostics Center of the University Hospital Halle, Germany, examined in 2007 for a suspicion of DVT were evaluated with respect to the definitively made diagnosis.

36. Although he was acquitted of every accusation, Rupert preferred to go for a while to Siegburg; but since on his return to the monastery in Liège the disputes had not yet ceased, he decided to settle definitively in Germany.

37. About the band Born of a life-long friendship rooted in music, paired with an endless appetite for elevating and evolving their craft, indie-jam rock group Aqueous has definitively carved out their place on the national music scene.

38. Leakage from the aneurism was closed definitively with muscle, fascia lata and a gelatin-resorcin-formalin-glue (Cardial®). In order to apply the tissue patch the hypotympanic site of the aneurism was exposed using a posterior otosurgical approach.

39. The appeals Duffy made to the town about the driveway were ultimately insufficient to put a hold on the statute of limitations, which court documents state is four months after a determination “definitively impacts and Aggrieves the party seeking judicial review.”

40. According to Tesla "in this particular case, we don't yet know the precise cause, but have definitively determined that it did not originate in the battery, the charging system, the adapter or the electrical receptacle, as these components were untouched by the fire".

41. Council Regulation (EEC) No 1189/93 of 14 May 1993 imposing definitive anti-dumping duties on imports of certain seamless pipes and tubes, of iron or non-alloy steel, originating in Hungary, Poland and the Republic of Croatia and definitively collecting provisional anti- dumping duties

42. (3) Council Implementing Regulation (EU) No 217/2013 of 11 March 2013 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty and collecting definitively the provisional duty imposed on imports of certain aluminium foils in rolls originating in the People's Republic of China (OJ L 69, 13.3.2013, p.

43. “All Scripture is God-Breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17).Paul’s popularly quoted verse definitively states God is the Author of all Scripture.

44. In the canon law of the Catholic Church, exClaustration is the official authorization for a member of a religious order (in short, a religious) bound by perpetual vows to live for a limited time outside their religious institute, usually with a view to discerning whether to depart definitively.

45. By the contested decision, the Commission refused in part the applicant's request of # July # for removal of all references to conduct of the applicant allegedly contrary to cartel law in the definitively published version of the Commission's decision of # December # imposing fines in Case COMP/E-#/#.# – Organic Peroxides

46. More specifically, Professor Allison states that there is no additional characteristic beyond the defining characteristic of obesity (i.e., an excess of accumulation of fat) that is inevitably present and there is no evidence to show that the majority of obese persons definitively have deviations from normal structure or function.

47. I can definitively tell you that oatmeal, Jell-O, Cream of Wheat, Gak, pudding, clay, tapioca, Silly Putty and tomato paste do not slide through a tube that's coiled up under your costumes that's meant to come out an orifice in your chest and spray towards the audience.

48. Subsequently, in its December 15, 1929, issue, on page 374, The Watchtower definitively said: “The whole tendency of the League of Nations is to turn the people away from God and from Christ, and it is therefore a desolating thing, the product of Satan, and an abomination in the sight of God.”

49. Heegner's proof was finally accepted as essentially correct after a 1967 announcement by Bryan Birch, and definitively resolved by a paper of Harold Stark which was delayed in publication until 1969 (Stark had independently arrived at a similar proof, but disagrees with the common notion that his proof is "more or less the same" as Heegner's).

50. There may be occasions when someone is temporarily "out of his mind" or definitively "loses his mind." Moreover, every human being goes through a stage early in life when his rational faculties and his knowledge of the world are still insufficient to allow him to participate in Argumentations.However, it is customary not to hold young children responsible for their actions, and customary to

51. Conséquence de ces terribles combats, les Arawaks disparurent définitivement petit à petit.: As a result of bloody battles, the Arawaks disappeared definitively over time.: Les Arawaks avaient déjà une société très bien structuré répartis entre 5 caciques ou Royaumes.: The Arawaks already had a very well structured society divided among 5 Caciquats or Kingdoms.

52. For Brooks transference is "at once the drive to make the story of the past present--to actualize past desire, and the countervailing pressure to make the history of this past definitively past: to make an end to its reproductive insistence in the present, to lead the Analysand to the understanding that this past is indeed past, and then to incorporate this past as past, so that the life's

53. Principal Translations: Inglés: Español: Categorically adv adverb: Describes a verb, adjective, adverb, or clause--for example, "come quickly," "very rare," "happening now," "fall down." (absolutely, definitively) categóricamente adv adverbio: Describe al verbo, al adjetivo o a otro adverbio ("corre rápidamente", "sucede ahora", "muy extraño").: The Prime Minister has stated Categorically