Use "deficient year" in a sentence

1. Your diet is deficient in vitamins.

2. The milk is deficient in fat.

3. Deficient or lacking: an ethically Challenged politician

4. Ament A person mentally deficient from birth

5. Am I in some other way deficient?’

6. You can't let yourself get iron deficient.

7. Our knowledge of the matter is deficient.

8. The recurrent Aphtha caused by flaring-up of deficient fire due to deficient cold of spleen and stomach is very common

9. What does Awanting mean? Missing; wanting, deficient, absent

10. NonCalcareous definition is - lacking or deficient in lime.

11. All Boranes are diamagnetic and electron-deficient compounds

12. Our prisons are our most deficient social service.

13. Bloodless definition is - deficient in or free from blood

14. A Mentally Deficient Joe Biden Completely Botches Georgia Election Law

15. 2 Our prisons are our most deficient social service.

16. According to evaluation of international criteria, goitre rate at ultrasonic level in 10-year-old children in Harbin City is 5% , being mild in iodine-deficient population.

17. Cumulatively the prejudice flowing from multiple instances of deficient performance .

18. A Mentally Deficient Joe Biden Completely Botches Georgia Election Law

19. A Mentally Deficient Joe Biden Completely Botches Georgia Election Law

20. Albino seedling is the typical chlorophyll - deficient mutation in plants.

21. Boranes have an electron-deficient, but they are coordinated by four atoms

22. Fishy smell: kidneys, bladder and endocrine system are deficient and imbalanced.

23. Gospel preaching will be seriously deficient if this dimension is omitted.

24. Rather, A fool is someone who is deeply deficient spiritually and morally

25. □ In what ways have world rulers been “found deficient” in God’s eyes?

26. An educational system which fails to teach basic arithmetic is seriously deficient.

27. You have been weighed in the balances and have been found deficient. . . .

28. Traditionally, physicians have reserved testosterone replacement for men who are severely hormone deficient.

29. Liver heat uprush or very deficient Qi and blood can cause the disease.

30. 38 synonyms for Ailing: weak, fAiling, poor, flawed, unstable, feeble, unsatisfactory, deficient, unsound

31. Creates the result is: The information public capriciousness is quite strong, deficient continuity.

32. The reasons for that include: 80% Biomimetic calcium-deficient hydroxyapatite (CDHA) 20% Biomimetic …

33. ABA-deficient mutants have been instrumental for revealing the pathway of ABA Biosynthesis

34. TEKEL, you have been weighed in the balances and have been found deficient.

35. We have to distinguish between connatal teleangiectatic nevi (deficient neurovasal transfer), tardive angiectatic nevi (deficient capillary walls) acquired vascular damages, angiokeratotic nevi, lymphectatic nevi, angiomas (primary vascular proliferation), glomangiomas, and malignant vascular tumors.

36. The volcanic rocks form a bimodal suite dominated by rhyolites but deficient in andesites.

37. This risk is particularly high if someone deficient in alpha 1-antitrypsin also smokes.

38. Anaemic Meaning: "affected with anemia, deficient in blood," 1843; see anaemia + -ic

39. A deficiency in magnesium increases Aromatase, and most people are deficient in this nutrient

40. Allograft reconstruction rebuilds an ACL-deficient knee with tissue from other parts of the leg

41. The eucaryotic NP-1 expression vector was transformed into the NR deficient mutant of C.

42. Analyses show that the fruit of the species is deficient in sugar and acid

43. Single medial approach to modified double Arthrodesis in rigid flatfoot with lateral deficient skin.

44. Frost hardy material ofS. acaule, when slightly turgor deficient, freezes in two distinct stages.

45. Even more deficient is their understanding of these properties under unusual or abnormal conditions.

46. They were seriously deficient for people who moved jobs and, often, inadequate for widows.

47. In a global economy with deficient aggregate demand, current-account surpluses are a problem.

48. In congenital metabolic and storage diseases deficient enzymes are substituted by the allogeneic cells.

49. And the ending is slightly unsatisfactory, arguably deficient in the final twist or flourish.

50. Synonyms for Craptacular include crapperific, craptabulous, craptastic, poor, substandard, bad, deficient, defective, faulty and imperfect

51. In other words, a Blob is inadequate, deficient, lame, and simply not up to par

52. Beriberi is a condition that occurs in people who are deficient in thiamine (vitamin B1)

53. After the second growing period, the same changes were observable in the phosphorus-deficient seedlings.

54. To avoid the window tax many were either devoid or severely deficient in natural light.

55. Several hormones, particularly insulin, the hormone that is deficient in sugar diabetes, control these processes.

56. 20 The Frankia isolates grown in N - deficient BAP medium exhibited an acetylene reducing activity.

57. The most basic example is diborane (B 2 H 6), all Boranes are electron-deficient compounds.

58. Modern Western diets are frequently quite high in omega-6 but very deficient in omega-3.

59. The cultural insularity of music today is not simply the consequence of deficient pedagogy or propagation.

60. Clearly, deficient aggregate demand has played a role by reducing the incentive to expand capacity.

61. Antonyms for Capable include incompetent, inept, inapt, inCapable, inferior, substandard, unqualified, unskilful, unskilled and deficient

62. In infants breast-fed by mothers who are deficient in thiamin, Beriberi may lead to …

63. In addition, PD gene expression is derepressed in the aggregation-deficient (Agg−), Pdi− mutant HC35.

64. The coke Calcining process is a time-temperature function, conducted in an oxygen deficient atmosphere

65. And the ending is slightly unsatisfactory(, arguably deficient in the final twist or flourish.

66. Finally, Nebrija decided to abandon the project rather than put his name to a deficient revision.

67. 21 They specifically admitted children who were behaviorally aggressive, not mentally deficient, brain damaged, or psychotic.

68. Elevated levels of a calcium-activated muscle protease in rapidly Atrophying muscles from vitamin E-deficient rabbits

69. Similarly, cells deficient in HPRT or XPRT are selected by resistance to #-thioguanine (TG) or #-azaguanine (AG

70. 7 At the caudal end of the sacrum the roof of the vertebral canal is commonly deficient.

71. Cretinism is the most serious IDD and occurs when a pregnant women is severely iodine deficient.

72. Dysfunctional or deficient transporter leads in aggregation of local phosphate intra-Alveolarly and formation of microliths

73. Manganese carbonate is widely used as an additive to plant fertilizers to cure manganese deficient crops.

74. The town does piscatorial enterprise and small, small, deficient enterprise to should sell, auction and annex.

75. 2 days ago · A Mentally Deficient Joe Biden Completely Botches Georgia Election Law

76. Failure to Acetylate PCNA results in its deficient removal from chromatin and blocks its degradation after DNA damage

77. The Antiscorbutic effect of dehydro-L-ascorbic acid (DAsA) was investigated in vitamin C-deficient guinea pigs

78. There was an even more profound sense in which the prevailing version of good practice was deficient.

79. Endocrinology: Researchers have also been studying how thyroxine-deficient mouse model has been produced using transgenic ablation.

80. This is a God-given good share, metaphase of 10 yuan of .07 twists target price deficient.