Use "defenseless" in a sentence

1. We are aggressive, and defenseless.

2. Abortion: An Assault on the Defenseless

3. Losing again to a defenseless female?

4. Defenseless prisoners were slaughtered like sheep".

5. My king, we are all but defenseless.

6. Talk. I am a woman and defenseless.

7. Biden's Anti-Gun Plan Is Constitutionally and Consequentially Defenseless; Biden's Anti-Gun Plan Is Constitutionally and Consequentially Defenseless

8. A respected citizen sexually abuses defenseless children.

9. The bandits descended upon the defenseless village.

10. The enemy preyed on the defenseless people.

11. The bandits descended on the defenseless village.

12. Blindsides work because they leave their targets defenseless

13. It is an emotion which is defenseless against passion.

14. And poor, defenseless Queen Narissa, she just couldn't save them.

15. Is killing defenseless prisoners the act of a hero?

16. I love defenseless animals, especially in a good soup.

17. Before them, you and your companions are practically defenseless.

18. Why were those people living in this defenseless place?

19. It has left Russians feeling more unsafe and defenseless than ever.

20. A MOB seize a defenseless man and begin beating him.

21. My tears fall , bewildered at the thought of her, defenseless.

22. The English dub makes it an anagram for "Defenseless Izuku".

23. Cover my defenseless head With the shadow of Thy wing.

24. They are utterly devoid of conscience , they even humiliated these defenseless civilians.

25. Ralph stood up, feeling curiously defenseless with the darkness pressing in.

26. Defenseless women are being preyed upon and the authorities must act.

27. A city without guns or water is defenseless before an army.

28. The Arawaks on the Bahamas were practically defenseless against the Caribs

29. He realized that he had been cruel to shoot defenseless birds.

30. Utterly defenseless, great Auks were killed by rapacious hunters for food and bait

31. An aircraft with little energy is immobile, and becomes a defenseless target.

32. You mean a poor little teensy-weensy, itsy-bitsy defenseless bird? -Yes!

33. The people also maltreated those who were defenseless —the “fatherless boy and widow.”

34. The random event is frightening to all of us because we are defenseless.

35. They're just defenseless dolls we set up to knock down at our leisure.

36. When children kill they typically target victims smaller and more defenseless than themselves.

37. But in his book or his picture the real man delivers himself defenseless.

38. A Churl's optic blasts can be stopped by electricity, thus making them defenseless

39. Your 14- home and road weary, occasionally defenseless Celtics have discovered some elements of surprise.

40. So there I was, defenseless down with my robe over my head, my underclothes display.

41. A TINY, defenseless group of people come under vicious attack by a mighty world power.

42. Because of these characteristics, the Bible uses sheep figuratively to depict innocent, abused, or defenseless people.

43. Mrs Lambertson weighed under one hundred pounds, and the murders of the defenseless couple sparked outrage throughout the state.

44. (Genesis 29:20-27) Defenseless and trapped, Jacob could do little but accept those terms if he wanted Rachel.

45. Although Mitchell had required "war-time conditions", the ships sunk were obsolete, stationary, defenseless and had no damage control.

46. Alboin realized that the Byzantine Empire's overthrow of the Ostrogothic kingdom in northern Italy had left the region nearly defenseless

47. Fighter Cries is a Community Resource Center with a strong organic Victim Advocacy Department to share the voice of the defenseless

48. In World War II, about 50 million combatants and civilians were killed, including millions of defenseless women, children, and elderly men.

49. If you use a proprietary program or somebody else's web server, you're defenseless. You're putty in the hands of whoever developed that software.

50. Anne, Nick, Shania and Anne's Dad have to figure out another way to power the junkyard or the Androids will be defenseless

51. Why have mighty nations been unable to put a stop to the activity of this relatively small and seemingly defenseless group of Christians?

52. He found the city to be virtually defenseless, and the repatriated Jews there were disorganized, discouraged, and unclean in the eyes of Jehovah.

53. Backstab When you attack a surprised or defenseless enemy with a melee weapon, you can choose to deal your damage or roll+DEX

54. (Deuteronomy 10:17, 18) He warned the Israelites that if they victimized defenseless women and children, he would hear the outcry of such ones.

55. The Dud card transforms the partner into a super deformed, defenseless version of his/herself, wearing an animal costume (in Nodoka's case, she becomes a seal).

56. But then the armies of Pharaoh chased after this defenseless people and appeared to have them trapped on the shore of the Red Sea.

57. Now, I read Peter Singer's book in 1980, when I had a full head of lush, brown hair, and indeed I was moved by it, because I had become a lawyer because I wanted to speak for the voiceless, defend the defenseless, and I'd never realized how voiceless and defenseless the trillions, billions of nonhuman animals are.

58. But the bodies -- face down, most of them, hands tied behind their backs, blindfolded, all types of trauma -- these were people who were defenseless who were being executed.

59. The army breaks its silence with a mighty battle cry, and the towering city walls collapse in a cloud of dust, leaving the city defenseless. —Joshua 6:1-21.

60. 5 The Bible often alludes to the traits of sheep, describing them as readily responding to a shepherd’s affection (2 Samuel 12:3), unaggressive (Isaiah 53:7), and defenseless.

61. Generally speaking, the Arawaks are in a condition between savagery and agriculture, and the status varies according to the environment. The Arawaks on the Bahamas were practically defenseless against the Caribs

62. So the guards turned the fire hoses on us, spraying us with the powerful jet of water from a hydrant and chasing us defenseless women from the fourth floor down to the courtyard.

63. "... so that the king may care for the widow and orphan, support the oppressed, defend the defenseless, care for the sick, assist the poor, speak up for the foreigner, those in prison. "

64. When a sheep gave birth far from the fold, the caring shepherd would guard the mother during her helpless moments and then pick up the defenseless lamb and carry it to the fold.

65. Unlike true hyenas, the aardwolf is a defenseless animal whose diet almost completely consists of termites, other insect larvae and carrion. The natural enemies are deterred by the superficial resemblance to the more aggressive hyena species.

66. Prior to World War I, the term was only applied to the Bombardment of defenseless or undefended objects, houses, public buildings, etc.It was only loosely employed to describe artillery attacks upon forts or fortified positions in preparation for assaults by

67. Always first in the fight, Bulldozer strives to protect the defenseless and serves with distinction." — In-game biography Wyatt Jones, also known as Bulldozer, is an operator for the NATO faction featured in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War and Call of Duty: Warzone

68. ‘It was the Albino's hair that lead Harry Ricketts to [transtasman] rivalry, real estate and beer-drinking.’ ‘Since a lack of pigment leaves Albinos defenseless against both ultraviolet rays and light; [,] they are subject to severe photophobia and heliophobia (fear of light and the sun) from birth on.’