Use "decree nisi" in a sentence

1. Ad proximum Antecedens fiat relatio, nisi impediatur sententia.

2. Ad proximum Antecedens fiat relatio nisi impediatur sententia

3. Tractemus nisi Abortionem et connubia homosexualia et methodos anticonceptivas

4. Sed in eius epistula nihil erat novi nisi Auctionem-- -- biduum

5. Ergo patet quod esse est aliud ab essentia vel quidditate: nisi forte sit aliquo res cujus quidditas sit suum esse; et haec res non potest esse nisi una et prima; quia impossibile est ut fiat plurificatio alicujus, nisi per Additionem alicujus differentiae.

6. Corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut Aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur

7. Quibus ego, Tunc ergo non facitis ista nisi propter Adulationem hominum

8. The cabinet quickly passed the Decree on Peace and the Decree on Land.

9. Translation for: 'nihil ausi nisi vana Contemnere' in Latin->English dictionary

10. Et sic in hoc lex naturae non est mutata nisi per Additionem…

11. Sed melius non dicitur nisi per accessum ad optimum; accessus autem est secundum maiorem Assimilationem: nullus ergo scit, utrum hoc sit illo melius, nisi sciat, illud optimo magis assimilari…

12. Quibus ego, Tunc ergo non facitis ista nisi propter Adulationem hominum.

13. The king promulgate a decree.

14. The Annulment decree attempts to

15. - Major Accident Hazards Decree(33),

16. 2 synonyms for Assizes: court of assize, court of assize and nisi prius

17. By God’s decree now is done.

18. May it come when you decree,

19. 2 Before the decree takes effect,

20. The final decree dissolved their marriage.

21. The Committee also requests clarification as to the relationship between Decree 26/1996 and Decree 1/1990.

22. 2 synonyms for Assizes: court of Assize, court of Assize and nisi prius

23. Darius’ investigation and decree (1-12)

24. Puerilia sunt, quae ad nullum alium usum pertinent nisi puerilem, veluti togae praetextae Aliculae

25. This decree obliges unions to delay strikes.

26. The Sultan continued to rule by decree.

27. 25 “The decree of Jehovah” cannot fail.

28. The decree was greeted by further demonstrations.

29. 2:7 —What is “the decree of Jehovah”?

30. To appoint , decree , or ordain in advance foreordain .

31. Alium usum pertinent nisi puerilem, ueluti togae praetextae Aliculae chlamydes pallia quae filiis nostris comparamus

32. The court granted her a decree of divorce.

33. The president issued a decree prohibiting trade unions.

34. The king dissolved parliament and ruled by decree.

35. The decree imposed strict censorship of the media.

36. c) Decree No # on the appropriation of abandoned assets

37. Decree No. 760 on the appropriation of abandoned assets;

38. The Emperor issued the decree repealing martial law.

39. The anti-constitutional decree of President Yeltsin is annulled."

40. This decree has the force of law behind it.

41. He announced that henceforth he would rule by decree .

42. To foreordain or elect by divine will or decree.

43. b) Draft decree on access to land for the displaced population and the freezing of abandoned assets, promulgated in September # as Decree No

44. Draft Ministerial Decree amending the Ministerial Decree of 9 January 2001 on the setting up and placing in service of radio stations by radio amateurs

45. More than 200 people were freed by military decree.

46. 11 To appoint , decree , or ordain in advance foreordain .

47. Adjudicate definition, to pronounce or decree by judicial sentence

48. Ps 2:7 —What is “the decree of Jehovah”?

49. All the private Jewish collectors, by decree, are illegitimate.

50. For the first weeks, the junta ruled by decree.

51. The decree put the president in an uncomfortable position.

52. The government's decree allowed freedom of movement for all citizens.

53. The outcome was a decree of "Bannimus"

54. Instead, he was promoted to Commander by special decree.

55. In an emergency decree, the government banned all rallies.

56. Draft decree on access to land for the displaced population and the freezing of abandoned assets, promulgated in September 2001 as Decree No. 2007;

57. A decree of December # introduced a special land acquisition programme

58. To revoke or annul ( a decision or decree, for example ).

59. 'Felices nuptae': cupientis est; 'peream nisi': Affirmantis est; 'nubere dulce est': aut experta iuras aut inexperta peieras

60. The judges of Assize, by virtue of their commission of nisi prius, try the causes thus appointed

61. 1985 9 January: Decree establishing Jebel Ali Free Zone issued.

62. The decree stopped short of a full declaration of independence.

63. Lenin’s decree of the Cheka’s powers and parameters were intentionally vague

64. To declare or pronounce formally; decree: The will was Adjudged void

65. Having or arising from authority; official: an Authoritative decree; Authoritative sources

66. By a decree of August 13, 1790 all Apanages were revoked.

67. 4 The decree stopped short of a full declaration of independence.

68. The Absoluteness of the pope's decree could not be challenged

69. Draft Decree laying down additional safety measures for electric substations

70. 9 So King Da·riʹus signed the decree and the ban.

71. Intrinsically valueless money used as money because of government decree.

72. 000 demonstrators defied the decree and gathered in the square.

73. 238/4a Syll_473, an Athenian decree in honour of the Athlothetes

74. They had to obey the decree that beards be shaved off.

75. EXPLICATIO: Inter Commiserationem et misericordiam nulla videtur esse differentia nisi forte quod commiseratio singularem affectum respiciat, misericordia autem ejus habitum

76. Inter Commiserationem et misericordiam nulla videtur esse differentia, nisi forte, quod commiseratio singularem affectum respiciat, misericordia autem eius habitum: 24

77. The Russian Constitutional Court subsequently declared Yeltsin's decree to be unconstitutional.

78. President Hu Jintao promulgated the law with Presidential Decree No. 34.

79. Having or arising from authority; official: an Authoritative decree; Authoritative sources

80. Three days later, the government backed down and retracted the decree.