Use "decorum" in a sentence

1. 9 She behaves with decorum.

2. Imposing with eccentric decorum (Bedlamic divination unvarnished) and …

3. 3 Baked beans are sold with more decorum.

4. 15 Each had enough decorum to suspend further hostilities.

5. 13 Manners as governed by etiquette, decorum, or custom.

6. Curling is a sport that is normally all about decorum

7. Curling is a sport that is normally all about decorum

8. 14 I have erred against every commonplace notion of decorum.

9. 4 Chauvin lacks a sense of decorum in professional matters.

10. They nourish the spirit in a way decorum never could.

11. He was disciplined for breaching the Senate's rules of decorum.

12. 2 I hope you will behave with decorum at the funeral.

13. 10 They nourish the spirit in a way decorum never could.

14. 18 He was disciplined for breaching the Senate's rules of decorum.

15. 1 I was treated with decorum and respect throughout the investigation.

16. Imposing with eccentric decorum (Bedlamic divination unvarnished) and alluring ambiance, BACTERIUM …

17. Do we act and dress with proper decorum at all times?

18. One should be aware of one's Comportment and decorum at all times.

19. 28 Despite the foulest weather, the Traction acquitted itself with perfect decorum.

20. In the presence of elderly visitors our son was a model of decorum.

21. 16 As young ladies we were expected to act/behave with proper decorum.

22. According to the House of Representatives Guide of Decorum, this is a Censurable offense

23. 23 The ladies were in the middle doing their social best to preserve decorum.

24. According to the House of Representatives Guide of Decorum, this is a Censurable offense.

25. All received extensive training in the rules of gallantry, polite decorum, poetry, and music.

26. She was known for her acerbity, her cucumber sandwiches, and her insistence on decorum.

27. 20 In the presence of elderly visitors our son was a model of decorum.

28. Synonyms for Correctitude include correctness, decency, propriety, decorum, seemliness, civility, properness, decorousness, orderliness and order

29. Only professional decorum prevented me from picking up the remaining telltale and gnawing greedily away.

30. 5 Only professional decorum prevented me from picking up the remaining telltale and gnawing greedily away.

31. One expects people in the public eye to conduct their personal lives with a certain decorum.

32. Synonyms for Convenances include propriety, decorum, etiquette, protocol, ceremony, civilities, conventionalities, decency, form and formalities

33. To flaunt that with such a lack of sensitivity to professional decorum is very disquieting.

34. 17 The new King seemed to be carrying out his duties with grace and due decorum.

35. 17 The escorts handle all logistic details and also dispense advice on matters of protocol and decorum.

36. 30 The escorts handle all logistic details and also dispense advice on matters of protocol and decorum.

37. 7 These events will most likely be models of decorum, friends who are planning them said Wednesday.

38. 26 It will make a Persian rug market look like a model of decorum and straight dealing.

39. 25 Like Eleanor Roosevelt, Hillary Clinton is a strong individual whose public decorum is usually above reproach.

40. 19 One expects people in the public eye to conduct their personal lives with a certain decorum.

41. 24 And re-made it was - nearly 200 linear metres of Decorum Wilton - completed in four working days.

42. 8 All the decorum we ve observed over the months since my return to the city breaks down.

43. Charm class was a way of proving to the Appeals Board that I was working on my decorum.

44. 6 Family decorum is usually not well served by trying to enforce a multitude of rules and complicated procedures.

45. 11 Most days are lost in the decorum of trying,[] lost in the lanes of the almost known.

46. Imposing with eccentric decorum (Bedlamic divination unvarnished) and alluring ambience, BACTERIUM cultivate the wicked naturalism of real doom; poetic and necrotic

47. 2.decorum, propriety, good manners, civility, good breeding, bon ton(French)He conducted himself with formal Correctness at all times.

48. The players furnished all those elements in an alternately rapturous and probing performance that sporadically threw decorum to the winds.

49. 29 All that your hosts ask is that you observe some simple decorum and take a clean plate each time.

50. 21 Meanwhile, first-term Mayor Bill Campbell is struggling to preserve sanity and decorum as Atlanta prepares for the world spotlight.

51. 27 The players furnished all those elements in an alternately rapturous and probing performance that sporadically threw decorum to the winds.

52. 23 The players furnished all those elements in an alternately rapturous and probing performance that sporadically threw decorum to the winds.

53. Laguna Beach Councilman Peter Blake was Censured by his council colleagues for violating the city’s decorum and civility policy on March 9, …

54. Cripps Christmas dinners were not noted for their decorum nor their sobriety and sooner or later the bread rolls began to fly.

55. 12 Cripps Christmas dinners were not noted for their decorum nor their sobriety and sooner or later the bread rolls began to fly.

56. There are many synonyms of Correctitude which include Civility, Decency, Decorum, Fitness, Order, Orderliness, Rightness, Seemliness, Properness, Decorousness, Good Breeding, Bon Ton, etc.

57. When in the homes of interested persons, we ought to maintain proper decorum and conduct ourselves as gracious guests, showing appreciation for their hospitality.

58. The Ashtrays are available in a variety of styles from stainless steel to stone allowing you to match them to your decorum and personal tastes

59. The Analects of Confucius is a collection of aphorisms and historical anecdotes embodying the basic values of the Confucian tradition: learning, morality, ritual decorum, and filial piety

60. Ashurbanipal, whose name means ‘The god Ashur is creator of an heir’, received instruction in kingship, from royal decorum and hunting to administration and training for war

61. The explanations have centered on the traditional decorum and protectiveness of Seattle politics, libel laws, the gay-rights movement, the reluctance to Besmirch a judge and, particularly, Little

62. Dorothy, a war widow, is a painfully uptight figure who Busies herself with household affairs and who even regards wearing a pinny in front of visitors as a breach of decorum

63. When Sidney criticizes English plays for mixing kings and clowns, he Asperses their gothic nature by assuming the humanist position of immiscible neoclassical categories of tragedy and comedy, and neoclassical principles of decorum

64. Brokage 0 points 1 point 2 points 10 months ago Ah yes, decorum after organizing right wing death squads in South America, organizing murderous coups paid for by illegally trafficking drugs into the U.S

65. Ut enim pulchritudo corporis apta compositione membrorum movet oculos et delectat hoc ipso, quod inter se omnes partes cum quodam lepore consentiunt, sic hoc decorum, quod elucet in vita, movet Approbationem eorum, quibuscum vivitur, ordine et …

66. Givings as “strictly air corps, incorporating in his decorum all the zest, Cocksureness, pride and braggadocio that is the essence of a fighter pilot’s makeup.” Even his speech sounded like “a burst of flak” from anti-aircraft fire.

67. Her pronounced Bookishness was a cause of mild consternation for the Joneses, who, though scrupulous when it came to linguistic decorum, "were far from intellectual "Interested in Big Things, and Happy in Small Ways": Curiosity in Edith Wharton

68. ‘He Codified a layered system of mosque types, reflecting hierarchies of social status and territorial rank, shaped by notions of identity, memory and decorum.’ ‘Increased rationalization of the stock system thus leads to more Codified systems of casting and increased typecasting.’

69. Cicero says of it, Sic hoc decorum quod elucet in vitâ, movet Approbationem earum quibuscum vivatur, ordine et constantiâ, et moderatione dictorum omnium atque factorum: by which you see how necessary decency is to gain the approbation of mankind

70. Of all the types of settlement in the Imperium, Civilised worlds are the most common (although the term "Civilised" here refers to their urban landscapes rather than to any pretence of social decorum.)On these self-sufficient worlds, the main population centres tend to be large cities or other urban environments

71. Unfortunately another important aspect of the 'ideal', the exploration of which would have obviated critical charges of stating the obvious, is also largely missing from this exhibition: the debt that Turner owed to Claude's Associationism.Many of Claude's pictures contain allusions or they respect associative processes such as 'decorum', which in the case of landscape and marine painting

72. SYNONYMY NOTE: Behave, used reflexively (as also the other words in this comparison), implies action in conformity with the required standards of decorum [did the children Behave themselves?]; conduct implies the direction or guidance of one's actions in a specified way [he conducted himself well at the trial]; demean 2 suggests behavior or appearance that is indicative of the specified