Use "deconstructs" in a sentence

1. Synonyms for Analyzes include analyses, deconstructs, assays, separates, decompounds, divides, anatomizes, cuts, dismantles and dissects

2. Synonyms for Anatomizes include dissects, analyzes, assays, breaks down, cuts, deconstructs, divides, examines, resolves and scrutinises

3. 3 But he also deconstructs the melody, subjects it to counterpoint and inversion and renders it in ragtime rhythm.

4. Bazes takes this a step further and deconstructs what exactly were the strategies and techniques used by some authors he admires

5. Re-Africanization can be thought of as a process of decolonization, wherein people of African descent seek to reconstruct their cultural practice in ways that augments the core elements of traditional culture, deconstructs the vestiges of cultural disruption, and adapts these reconceptualized cultural forms to the modern exigencies of the African world.