Use "decline" in a sentence

1. Moral Values in Decline

2. Church Decline in Ireland

3. Regretfully, I must decline.

4. Moral Values on the Decline

5. We managed to decline gracefully.

6. As blood lead levels slowly decline in response to such action, the reference will also decline.

7. Why the Decline in Natural Affection?

8. Decline in attendance; church buildings sold.

9. It would be disrespectful to decline.

10. The industry has slid into decline.

11. (Blin) Q2 Earnings Expected to Decline

12. They wish that prices would decline.

13. Meryl's health started a precipitous decline.

14. The decline of literature indicates the decline of a nation ; the two keep in their downward tendency. 

15. The decline of literature indicates the decline of a nation ; the two keep in their downwad tendency. 

16. Thereafter, absolute emissions continue to decline.

17. Bobwhites have been in sharp decline

18. The industry is in terminal decline.

19. 30 The decline of literature indicates the decline of a nation ; the two keep in their downwad tendency. 

20. 30 The decline of literature indicates the decline of a nation ; the two keep in their downward tendency. 

21. The underlying assumption is that gradual hormonal decline is bad because some physical functions decline at the same time.

22. Electrical stimulation Counteracts muscle decline in seniors.

23. Inflation is rampant and industry in decline.

24. I must sadly decline your generous invitation.


26. I must regretfully decline your kind invitation.

27. Then I respectfully decline your generous offer.

28. Thereafter its fortunes suffered a steep decline.

29. Namely, the inevitable decline of pagan myth.

30. 29 The decline of literature indicates the decline of a nation ; the two keep in their downwad tendency. 

31. 27 The decline of literature indicates the decline of a nation ; the two keep in their downwad tendency. 

32. Suicidal Causticity - The Spiritual Decline - Music

33. Thereafter, absolute emissions will continue to decline.

34. These are tempting explanations for fertility decline.

35. Ambuscading the timberdoodles – and analyzing their decline

36. Poverty, has continued to decline vary rapidly.

37. The cloth trade went into gradual decline.

38. Status The Bobwhite Decline Bobwhites signify the decline of an entire suite of species adapted to grassland ecosystems in the US

39. 20 There is a decline in real wages.

40. Theories abound for the decline of the sitcom.

41. We are convinced this decline can be absorbed.

42. The figures represent a general decline in employment.

43. We must halt this decline in health services.

44. 26 Loss of habitat, prey decline, pesticides, and even canine distemper and tuberculosis have caused lion numbers to quickly decline across Africa.

45. Polarization increases with economic decline, becoming Cripplingly contagious

46. Anthropogenous decline of ecosystems such as bogs or

47. The rate of this decline increases with age .

48. The port fell into decline in the 1950s.

49. How to improve skin decline to fizzle out?

50. That would also mean that your speed would decline.

51. In the postwar period, Molotov's power began to decline.

52. That would only hasten the rich countries' relative decline.

53. By the close of 1955 polio began to decline.

54. 18 The reaction against Gothic continued despite its decline.

55. A recent decline in the numbers occurring is apparent.

56. The once great industry is now in terminal decline.

57. The town fell into decline after the mine closed.

58. MEASURE A decline in the overall accident frequency rate:

59. The Prince Regent has decided to decline your offer.

60. The result is a progressive decline in physical abilities.

61. 17 The figures represent a general decline in employment.

62. There are no quick processes in economics except decline.

63. 12 Decline, not American ascendance, is the administration’s buzzword.

64. Measure A decline in the overall accident frequency rate:

65. Many blame Britain's decline on too much red tape.

66. 5 How to improve skin decline to fizzle out?

67. Adopting-Affording-adoption The International Adoption Decline Tragedy Over the past several years, international adoption decline is a tragic reality in the adoption community.

68. (NASDAQ: Beat) is trading at $72.11, after a 0.1% decline

69. Inflation is now 5.2% and is expected to decline further.

70. Yet defense spending across Europe remains flat or in decline.

71. The electoral fortunes of the Liberal Democratic party may decline.

72. How do you explain the decline of the Liberal party?

73. This decline marches in step with a downturn in interest.

74. There has been a decline in the size of families.

75. The gradual decline of the latter adversely affected the congregation.

76. In a Constantly changing world, inertia is tantamount to decline

77. Then came the Black Death and a brutal, catastrophic decline.

78. Their exports went down a lot in the early 1990s -- and actually that decline lines up really, really closely with this decline in new HlV infections.

79. However, aspects of neuropsychological patients with complications may have serious cognitive impairment, in particular the decline in memory to a serious decline in quality of life.

80. Aurangzeb's reign ushered in the decline of the Mughal Empire