Use "decayed" in a sentence

1. Popular cinema seems to have decayed.

2. The wood was completely decayed.

3. A dentist fills decayed teeth.

4. I threw the decayed rattan overboard.

5. His power decayed in old age.

6. Carious definition, having caries, as teeth; decayed

7. Lebʹa·non is ashamed;+ it has decayed.

8. 18 A dentist fills decayed teeth.

9. The decayed tooth came out on its own.

10. The orbit of a space satellite decayed.

11. Whole product after removal of decayed leaves

12. Carious: Having caries, especially of the teeth; decayed

13. One of her decayed teeth had dropped out.

14. Weak union is also cracked, Cankered, or decayed

15. Weak union is also cracked, Cankered, or decayed

16. Spain's power decayed after her Armada was destroyed.

17. Whole product after removal of roots and decayed leaves

18. That body probably decayed and returned to the ground.

19. Caried ( not comparable ) ( dentistry) Affected by caries; decayed

20. 10 The orbit of a space satellite decayed.

21. Some of her teeth were very badly decayed.

22. Most archaeological finds are broken, damaged, or decayed.

23. New Shoreham, now sadly decayed, has barely 100 inhabitants.

24. The rituals of the past are perverted and decayed.

25. The bodies buried in the fine ash slowly decayed.

26. None is decayed, but each has been carefully flayed.

27. You then see stinking, decayed fruit tumble out, splashing all nearby.

28. It once sealed a document that has long since decayed.

29. The elephant just decayed and they just got the tusks.

30. The dampness of the climate decayed the books and clothes.

31. Also, found on both skeletons is a layer of decayed clay.

32. In Orthodox Europe, mass religion seems to have decayed less.

33. This decayed biomass forms humus, which is food for the forest.

34. Hence, dentists use it to repair or replace damaged or decayed teeth.

35. Bog definition, wet, spongy ground with soil composed mainly of decayed vegetable matter

36. She thought of Yevdoxia, his wife, dragging his decayed body and bruised mind around.

37. The house was damp and decayed, indifferently furnished -- evidently, recently occupied and temporarily used.

38. Pollution has decayed the surface of the stonework on the front of the cathedral.

39. The teeth may have decayed or been lost, with few if any left.

40. The station's orbit decayed, and it re-entered the atmosphere on 24 January 1975.

41. Dry and decayed old trees can be seen everywhere in a tropical rain forest.

42. Lack of Calcium in children would lead to rickets, eclampsia and decayed teeth, etc.

43. A few species laid eggs beneath mounds of rotten vegetation that warmed as it decayed.

44. The Earth is sparsely populated and desolate, with many tower blocks lying decayed and uninhabited.

45. Synonyms for Carious include rotten, decomposed, putrid, decayed, decaying, decomposing, festering, rank, rotting and foetid

46. Fascism is the instrument forged to bolster up a system which has decayed throughout the world .

47. So many false starts, blind alleys, postulates which decayed before the end of the argument.

48. 14 Shows the pathologic structure of decayed tooth, pulpitis, apical putrescence, paradentitis and apical abscess.

49. 6 Shows the pathologic structure of decayed tooth, pulpitis, apical putrescence,( paradentitis and apical abscess.

50. 5 Underlying Paul’s warning is a Greek word that relates to spoiled fish or decayed fruit.

51. One way to Acidify soil naturally is to add peat moss (decayed sphagnum moss) to your garden

52. Decayed, warped and neglected, it stood proudly on its solid foundations, displaying a still sturdy brick frame.

53. Dental Composite resin is a tooth-colored restorative material used to replace a decayed portion of tooth structure

54. A Bog is a freshwater wetland of soft, spongy ground consisting mainly of partially decayed plant matter called peat

55. None of the pieces had been stored in jars, so most were badly decayed, blackened, and very brittle.

56. Their parents stuffed the empty sack with three rotten vegetable marrows , an old blacking brush and two decayed turnips.

57. Freer was handed three manuscripts and “a blackened, decayed lump of parchment as hard and brittle on the exterior as glue.”

58. After many years, their hulls decayed and needed repairs, but the work was impossible as long as they were afloat.

59. Dentists gouged out sensitive, decayed teeth with sharp instruments and then pounded hot metal into the cavity as a filling.

60. It remained frozen in a feudal system which had decayed but not died with the end of the rubber boom.

61. The skin should be examined for dryness, scaliness, atrophy, petechiae, and ecchymoses, and the mouth for angular stomatitis, glossitis, swollen or bleeding gums, and decayed teeth.

62. Bondings are applications of a tooth-colored composite resin that are applied to a chipped, fractured, decayed, or discolored tooth through the use of …

63. So Atraumatic Restorative Treatment or ART is a procedure to restore decayed teeth in such places without the use of electricity powering Handpieces etc

64. Isolation and identification of pathogens from the decayed tissues of melon stored in winter were carried out using LB (lysogeny broth) and PDA (potato dextrose agar) media.

65. Basidiospores found inside the home at high levels could be an indication of decayed wood in the home, as many basidiomycete fungi are wood-decay fungi

66. Subsequently, after meiosis, the callose decayed centripetally and released four immature microspores and this phenomena suggested the types of cytokinesis the mixture of simultaneous and successes.

67. Biomimetic Dentistry, a type of tooth-conserving dentistry, treats weak, fractured, and decayed teeth in a way that keeps them strong and seals them from bacterial invasion

68. 13 Subsequently, after meiosis, the callose decayed centripetally and released four immature microspores and this phenomena suggested the types of cytokinesis the mixture of simultaneous and successes.

69. The 2-4 white eggs are laid in an unlined cavity high in a decayed section of a living tree, or occasionally in an old woodpecker nest in a dead tree.

70. Cavities already formed will appear as a structural defect on the surface of the tooth accompanied by an area of dark, decayed dentin (the layer just below the enamel).

71. Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART) is an alternative approach for managing dental decay, which involves removal of decayed tissue using hand instruments alone, usually without the use of anaesthesia (injected painkiller) and electrical equipment

72. ‘An Addled eagle egg was recovered from an abandoned nest along the Androscoggin in Lewiston and submitted to analytical labs for contaminant testing.’ Synonyms rotten , off, decayed, decomposed, decomposing, putrid, putrefied, putrescent, mouldy, mouldering

73. This tension between past, present, and future is represented in the "retrofitted" future depicted in the film, one which is high-tech and gleaming in places but decayed and outdated elsewhere.

74. is of great importance. After the American acoustician Sabine that is the time that passes until the sound pressure of a turned off sound event has decayed to one thousandth of the start value.

75. 10 The vanity of it was underscored later when he described what awaits a person after not many years of life —failing vision, weak arms and legs, decayed or missing teeth, troubled sleep and finally death.

76. Odontia bicolor and Amylostereum areolatum were isolated from decayed wood of living spruce trees (Picea abies) in several districts in Germany, O. bicolor as the cause of a heart rot, A. areolatum invating the trees through wounds.

77. Brachiopods are sessile (non-moving) benthic (bottom dwelling) animals that fed on food particles such as microscopic plants and animals, larvae of animals, and decayed matter that were suspended in the water column in which they lived

78. Saibai (one of the largest of the Torres Strait Islands) and Boigu (one of the Talbot Islands) are low-lying islands which were formed by deposition of sediments and mud from New Guinean rivers into the Strait accumulating on decayed coral platforms.

79. 24 Yea, let us preserve our liberty as a aremnant of Joseph; yea, let us remember the words of Jacob, before his death, for behold, he saw that a bpart of the cremnant of the coat of Joseph was dpreserved and had not decayed.

80. ‘The women are collective composites of art and Artifice, fact and fiction.’ ‘The public meeting has decayed, and what voters see on TV is constructed around Artifice and falsehood.’ ‘With their knowing Artifice, the works achieved a stifling kind of perfection.’ ‘Dogme is dedicated to ridding cinema of Artifice and superficiality.’