Use "decadal" in a sentence

1. A Climatology was computed for each decade, and then these decadal climatologies were averaged together

2. Predicting rates of channel aggradation over a decadal timescale is difficult and open to very high uncertainties.

3. A century- scale, decadal- scale variability, and we know the magnitude; it's about two- tenths to four- tenths of a degree Centigrade.

4. Topics covered included Acidific ation and recent deep convection in the Labrador Sea, inter-decadal changes in zooplankton annual abundances and seasonal cycles in the NW .

5. Impact Cratering is a pervasive geologic process that continually modifies the martian surface. Meters to tens-of-meters scale craters have been observed to form during the lifetimes of the Mars Global Surveyor and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter missions providing direct observations of the present-day martian impact rate on a decadal timescale.