Use "death rate" in a sentence

1. Death‐rate (absolute number):

2. The death rate is sharply down.

3. Berserkers have a base death rate of 65%

4. The death rate in this case is 20%.

5. I mean 100 percent death rate is pretty severe.

6. The Low Death Rate of Accident in United States?

7. Nighttime Urination Linked to Higher Death Rate Among Elderly

8. The death rate in Russia has been stably high.

9. This county has a very high infant death rate.

10. In fact, there are some differences between life insurance death rate and death rate in mortality table, and rate of interest taken on randomness .

11. India has the highest death rate due to air pollution.

12. University College London Hospitals trust has the lowest death rate.

13. Since the 1970s, Germany's death rate has exceeded its birth rate.

14. City dweller have a higher death rate than country people do.

15. Annapurna is the tenth tallest mountain with the highest death rate

16. Prior to this time, the yearly death rate was probably higher.

17. Unborn children are affected and the death rate is steadily rising.

18. Thanks to the airlifts, the average daily death rate now is

19. The death rate was highest for non-Hispanic white Centenarians, followed

20. Pedestrians crossing the street have a death rate seven times greater.

21. The government's campaign aims to cut the death rate from heart attacks.

22. So that's a factor of two reduction of the childhood death rate.

23. From 1988-19 the death rate from high blood pressure increased 16 percent.

24. To observe mosquito larva density degression rate , both hydrophytes and fishes death rate.

25. A Concomitant of the reduced death rate was an increase in life expectancy

26. Food and hygiene were so inadequate that there was an extremely high death rate.

27. Reduce the death rate form stroke among people under 75 by at least 40 % ;

28. If you go to corn or cellulosic ethanol, you'd actually increase the death rate slightly.

29. Surprisingly, Northern Ireland has the third highest death rate from skin cancer in the world.

30. The firearms death rate among teenagers increased by over 40 percent between 1984 and 19

31. Men, especially poor men, had a significantly higher death rate than women in their middle years.

32. The findings do n't offer a possible explanation for the cause of the higher death rate .

33. The death rate for male Centenarians increased 41%, from 29.2 in 2000 to 41.3 in 2008

34. Operative management is not without risk, however, as it has a reported 5-12% death rate.

35. As people lived longer and the death rate fell. a larger population was able to persist.

36. Assassins have a base star absorption of 100. Assassins have a base death rate of 55%

37. The lowest death rate was among people who drank 2-5 glasses of beer a day.

38. Their high death rate is due to malnutrition, through ecological change, as well as introduced diseases.

39. Severe acute pancreatitis is a familiar surgery ur - gent abdominal disease, the death rate is high.

40. If effective treatment is not given, the death rate for active TB cases is up to 66%.

41. Death rate was not a significant or relevant factor in explaining the slow down of population growth.

42. For coronary heart disease alone, the death rate in that same 10-year period declined by 26 percent.

43. The mortality figures were even closer, with a 7% death rate aboard the Titanic and 3% for the Lusitania.

44. They've found that the death rate among patients treated early with penicillin was nearly half that of those who were not.

45. However, progress in treating cancer has not been great enough to lower the death rate in the face of increased incidence.

46. Six months after their surgery, patients with no religious beliefs had a death rate three times higher than those who did.

47. The higher death rate in women than in men is probably because of the higher proportion of elderly patients among them.

48. Track COVID-19 local and global Coronavirus cases with active, recoveries and death rate on the map, with daily news and video.

49. Within some intakes of Nationalist conscripts, there was a death rate of 90% from disease, starvation or violence before they commenced training.

50. Mepyramine is about 4–10 times more effective against the lethal effect of anaphylatoxin shock than against the acute anaphylactic death rate.

51. Papaverine alone (10 mg/kg) also reduced the acute death rate in anaphylatoxin shock and—to a lesser degree—in histamine shock.

52. With regard to the death rate, exfoliative dermatitis was the highest, next was epidermolysis bullosa and Stevens-Johnson syndrome was the lowest.

53. The Bode index is a tool that is used by healthcare professionals to predict the mortality rate (death rate) from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

54. Blendender 0 points 1 point 2 points 1 month ago Yeah, my death rate is a bit too high for my taste (4.5 / 10 this season)

55. When a character is said to be favoured by natural selection, the Biometricist demands investigation of the death-rate of individuals with or without the character.

56. In 2018, in the United States, the death rate for African Americans/Blacks was higher (16.3 per 100,000) compared with any other racial/ethnic group (2.5 Whites)

57. Road accident death rate in India is ten times the levels seen in the European Union and is costing the economy an estimated 3% of the GDP on an annual basis.

58. After this time a high loss of weight and an increased death rate could be observed. Under the influence of “Ablacton” the gland alveoli are shrinking and the volume of epithelial cells is increasing.

59. And, as you can see, the death rate goes down from 65,000 deaths per conflict per year in the 1950s to less than 2,000 deaths per conflict per year in this decade, as horrific as it is.

60. The death rate due to accidents has fallen by 21 percent in the United States during the last decade, according to figures released by the National Safety Council, making the decade more outstanding in accident prevention than any other of the century.

61. The Oxford Institute of Population Ageing, however, concluded that population ageing has slowed considerably in Europe and will have the greatest future impact in Asia, especially as Asia is in stage five (very low birth rate and low death rate) of the demographic transition model.

62. Syndicated columnist Norman Podhoretz comments on the results: “These effects include a rise in criminal behavior; a rise in drug and alcohol use; a rise in teenage pregnancy, abortion and venereal disease, and a rise in the adolescent death rate from violent causes (homicide, motor vehicle accidents, suicide).

63. In the area that Corbett knew well, dead people are usually cremated completely, but when there is a bad disease epidemic, the death rate outruns the supply of cremation pyre wood and people burn the body a little and throw it over the edge of the burning ghat.

64. In 1981, 120,000 new cases of lung cancer will have been diagnosed and 105,000 people will die of lung cancer.1 Approximately 200,000 people will die of lung cancer in the year 2,000 if the present rise in the death rate continues.2 Approximately 90 percent of people with Bronchogenic carcinoma die of their disease.3