Use "deal a blow" in a sentence

1. Cudgel: 1 n a club that is used as a weapon Types: bastinado a Cudgel used to give someone a beating on the soles of the feet shillalah , shillelagh a Cudgel made of hardwood (usually oak or blackthorn) Type of: club stout stick that is larger at one end v strike with a Cudgel Synonyms: fustigate Type of: hit deal a blow to, either with the

2. Bludgeon: 1 n a club used as a weapon Types: blackjack , cosh , sap a piece of metal covered by leather with a flexible handle; used for hitting people Type of: club stout stick that is larger at one end v strike with a club or a Bludgeon Synonyms: club Type of: hit deal a blow to, either with the hand or with an instrument v overcome or