Use "deadly virus" in a sentence

1. In 2009, a deadly virus burned through our civilization.

2. The subheading declared: “Deadly Virus Among Causes of Continuing Shortage.”

3. What is an Aerosolizing procedure? Imagine a balloon - a potentially deadly virus balloon filled with glitter

4. In 1967, a virus called Motaba, which causes a deadly fever, is discovered in the African jungle.

5. With these new deadly virus is associated, human genetic science and technology are advancing by leaps and bounds.

6. It is very unnerving to find out that someone you see every day is carrying a potentially deadly virus.

7. Infection with the hepatitis-C virus can be deadly and is most often transmitted through blood transfusions and intravenous drug use.

8. The deadly outbreak among members of a Choir has stunned health officials, who have concluded that the virus was almost certainly transmitted through the …

9. 2 days ago · Images from South Florida's spring Break season offer little hint a deadly virus is still running rampant in the country

10. Deadly pathogen.

11. The Deadly Nadder!

12. Or “deadly arrows.”


14. Silent but deadly.

15. They are deadly enemies .

16. His aim is deadly .

17. Begomoviruses other than: Abutilon mosaic virus, Sweet potato leaf curl virus, Tomato yellow leaf curl virus, Tomato yellow leaf curl Sardinia virus, Tomato yellow leaf curl Malaga virus, Tomato yellow leaf curl Axarquia virus,

18. Attenuated virus: A weakened, less vigorous virus

19. Examples of viruses which can be propagated are avian laryngotracheitis (ILT) virus, a reovirus/tenosynovitis virus, infectious bursal disease virus, avian pox virus, and a Newcastle disease virus.

20. Human Biohazards included the hepatitis-B virus, rubella virus, respiratory syncytial virus, herpes simplex virus, influenza viruses, Mycobacterium-tuberculosis, Salmonella, and Staphylococcus-aureus.

21. An Attenuated virus is a weakened, less vigorous virus

22. However, sometimes the virus virus can sicken humans.

23. How deadly has smoking been?

24. We sat in deadly silence.

25. The concert was absolutely deadly.

26. The conference was deadly dull.

27. The World Organisation for Animal Health said on Monday that the name swine flu is a misnomer as the deadly virus has origins among birds and humans as well as pigs.

28. Frogs More Deadly than Tigers?

29. The two became deadly enemies.

30. He was in deadly earnest .

31. They set a deadly trap.

32. Human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV, is the virus that causes Aids

33. Devour all on your deadly pyre!

34. Hank can shoot with deadly precision.

35. A Deadly Spark Sets Europe Aflame

36. Fog is the sailor's deadly enemy.

37. He has become my deadly enemy.

38. Avoid the deadly snare of greed.

39. The shock was deadly to him.

40. Some mushrooms contain a deadly poison.

41. From Deadly Mission to Peaceful Pursuit

42. Passive smoking can be deadly too.

43. She suffered from a deadly disease.

44. The two rapidly became deadly enemies.

45. Leafhoppers are known to transmit at least 7 other viruses to sugarcane including Fiji disease virus (FDV), sugarcane mosaic virus (SrMV), sugarcane steak virus (SCSMV), peanut clump virus (PCV), sugarcane yellow leaf virus (SCYLV), sugarcane Bacilliform virus (SCBV), and sugarcane mild mosaic virus (SCMMV), all of which are economically important (Cronje 2003).

46. “Arbovirus,” short for arthropod-borne virus, doesn’t refer to one particular virus

47. Attenuated Virus Vaccines Attenuated virus vaccines have dramatically reduced the incidence of several important diseases and the spread of wild-type virus

48. African Clawed Frog Spreads Deadly Amphibian Fungus

49. His tongue is a deadly poisonous serpent.

50. 26 The two rapidly became deadly enemies.

51. The AIDS virus is called HIV, an abbreviation for human immunodeficiency virus.

52. 22 Pneumonia, tracheitis, bronchitis, gastroenteritis etc. caused by co-infections of bacteria and canine distemper virus, parainfluenza virus, infectious hepatitis virus,[] coronavirus.

53. The Cowpox virus is closely related to variola, the causative virus of smallpox

54. The Human Immunodeficiency Virus is the virus which kills the defensive white cells.

55. With my comrades before the deadly mission.

56. The toad's skin secretes a deadly poison.

57. If not treated, hypothermia can be deadly.

58. Deadly Missions from Overlord to Market - Garden.

59. Left untreated, Cardiopulmonary disease can be deadly.

60. 3 Devour all on your deadly pyre!

61. Beware of his dark and deadly Apocalypse.

62. No alluring jingle of belted Accouterment goes with him, no gift of deadly humor adorns his equally deadly gun-play

63. Nosema and Varroa mites), viruses (Deformed Wing Virus, Black Queen Cell Virus, Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus) and model pesticides (thiacloprid, τ-fluvalinate).

64. Anti-Virus - again licensed from Symantec, an anti-virus capability not dissimilar from Norton's Anti-virus will be included in the package.

65. No alluring jingle of belted accouterment goes with him, no gift of deadly humor Adorns his equally deadly gun-play

66. Appending Virus: An Appending virus is a type of virus that adds its code to the end of the file of a host program

67. What are Adamantane antivirals? Adamantane antivirals are only active against influenza A virus, an RNA virus, but has no action against influenza B virus

68. The virus is tentatively named as Taro Bacilliform CH virus (TaBCHV), and it is the second badnavirus infecting taro plants, following Taro Bacilliform virus (TaBV)

69. Houston scooters Booted from sidewalks to deadly streets

70. However in small babies Atelectasis can be deadly

71. Deadly Affrays; The Violent Deaths of the U.S

72. (Revelation 6:5, 6) Deadly plagues ravage mankind.

73. Two more had burst - spilling their deadly contents.

74. An improved process for recovery of virus from allantoic fluid of virus-infected chick embryos.

75. Dengue virus is an arthropod borne virus transmitted by Ades egypt i and Ades albopictus.

76. Filled with deadly Afterdamp 'cause owners didn't care,

77. The Duchess levelled a deadly look at Nikko.

78. I always thought ancient history was deadly Boring.

79. Beanball retaliation could (literally) be deadly for baseball

80. Soon the deadly tide of disease was turned.