Use "deadly enemy" in a sentence

1. Fog is the sailor's deadly enemy.

2. He has become my deadly enemy.

3. The Type 27 Grenade Discharger also launched deadly grenades into the enemy formation.

4. Her tranquil life was threatened by the coming of a man whom she regarded as her deadly enemy.

5. Deadly pathogen.

6. The Deadly Nadder!

7. Or “deadly arrows.”

8. Enemy of my enemy.


10. Silent but deadly.

11. In 1990, British politician Lord Hailsham wrote that “the most deadly enemy of morality is not atheism, agnosticism, materialism, greed nor any other of the accepted causes.

12. Courageousness on the face of deadly enemy assault merits equal consideration and the declaration of 'martyrdom' is but a noble way to respect and honour the fallen heroes.

13. Beanball, known as " Deadbean " (デッドビーン) in Japan, is an enemy from Mega Man ZX. Beanball is a hobby machine that was modified into a deadly weapon

14. They are deadly enemies .

15. His aim is deadly .

16. How deadly has smoking been?

17. We sat in deadly silence.

18. The concert was absolutely deadly.

19. The conference was deadly dull.

20. Frogs More Deadly than Tigers?

21. The two became deadly enemies.

22. He was in deadly earnest .

23. They set a deadly trap.

24. The enemy of my enemy is my friend...

25. The enemy of my enemy... is my friend.

26. Devour all on your deadly pyre!

27. Hank can shoot with deadly precision.

28. A Deadly Spark Sets Europe Aflame

29. Avoid the deadly snare of greed.

30. The shock was deadly to him.

31. Some mushrooms contain a deadly poison.

32. From Deadly Mission to Peaceful Pursuit

33. Passive smoking can be deadly too.

34. She suffered from a deadly disease.

35. The two rapidly became deadly enemies.

36. 15 They beat off the enemy ( all the enemy attacks ).

37. African Clawed Frog Spreads Deadly Amphibian Fungus

38. His tongue is a deadly poisonous serpent.

39. 26 The two rapidly became deadly enemies.

40. With my comrades before the deadly mission.

41. The toad's skin secretes a deadly poison.

42. If not treated, hypothermia can be deadly.

43. Deadly Missions from Overlord to Market - Garden.

44. Left untreated, Cardiopulmonary disease can be deadly.

45. 3 Devour all on your deadly pyre!

46. Beware of his dark and deadly Apocalypse.

47. No alluring jingle of belted Accouterment goes with him, no gift of deadly humor adorns his equally deadly gun-play

48. No alluring jingle of belted accouterment goes with him, no gift of deadly humor Adorns his equally deadly gun-play

49. Arbalests will kill enemy Helbadiers and Helbadiers will Kill enemy Paladins

50. Scares the enemy.

51. A common enemy.

52. Houston scooters Booted from sidewalks to deadly streets

53. However in small babies Atelectasis can be deadly

54. Deadly Affrays; The Violent Deaths of the U.S

55. (Revelation 6:5, 6) Deadly plagues ravage mankind.

56. Two more had burst - spilling their deadly contents.

57. Fighting the enemy.

58. Filled with deadly Afterdamp 'cause owners didn't care,

59. The Duchess levelled a deadly look at Nikko.

60. I always thought ancient history was deadly Boring.

61. Beanball retaliation could (literally) be deadly for baseball

62. Soon the deadly tide of disease was turned.

63. TO WALK in a minefield can be deadly.

64. You may laugh but I'm in deadly earnest.

65. Grass Awns are deadly dangerous for your dog

66. Senate Acquits Trump of inciting deadly Capitol attack

67. This syringe contains atropine... extracted from deadly nightshade.

68. Last night, a deadly fight took place here

69. The weekly meeting tends to be deadly dull .

70. And any primate can harbor deadly infectious agents.

71. The sun emits healthful rays and deadly ones.

72. The accident subjected her to a deadly blow.

73. What a deadly trap overindulgence in alcohol is!

74. A deadly lassitude had taken hold of him.

75. 2 Belladonna and red arsenic are deadly poisons .

76. An old Arab proverb says, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend".

77. Tank's drawing enemy fire!

78. He's not the enemy.

79. We annihilated the enemy.

80. God Becomes an Enemy