Use "dead well" in a sentence

1. Well, I thought your campaign was dead.

2. Well, like Kelton said, it's a dead end.

3. I might as well be dead!’—Jonah 4:1-3.

4. Well, whatever... that probe is picking up... it's not dead.

5. Well, I'm dead either way, so do it yourself, asshole.

6. Well, you're a dead man walking, what does it matter?

7. As well, pets can bring back fleas from dead rodents, he said.

8. Cadaveric donation comprises organ donation—that is, taking organs (heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, pancreas) from brain dead people, as well as tissue donation, meaning taking tissues (skin, corneas, tendons, bone) from brain dead as well as heart dead people

9. Well, flashes of lightning can illuminate, but they can also strike one dead.

10. Well, being dead kind of rules him out as a murder suspect, right?

11. Well, he is dead, replied the man who placed the erroneously typed ad.

12. Halys corpses, as well as overwintering survival in the presence of fresh dead Conspecifics.

13. The witch comes in the dead of night, when the moon is well-hid.

14. Well, you better be sick, dead, or mute, Ay- Ay- Ron. Here. Oh man.

15. Why has he thrown Conscience like a dead rat, to putrefy in the well?

16. This causes well known dead time effect which distorts the output voltage and current.

17. Exfoliates dead skin: As with all methods of exfoliating, dry Brushing gets rid of the day's dirt and oil as well as dead skin cells

18. Happens irl as well, with all fishing methods (float, bottom, carp rigs, live/dead Baitfishes)

19. Furthermore, a dream where you see a dead Anteater is a good one as well.

20. And, well, my boy and I, we sent them all back dead in a box.

21. Penguin dead, Gordon dead, done.

22. Dealing with overeager dead-code elimination is a problem for benchmarking statically compiled languages, as well.

23. LADY CAPULET Alack the day, she's dead, she's dead, she's dead!

24. It was an omnivorous grazer , sweeping up drifting fish , jellyfish and dead carrion as well as plants .

25. Keep in mind that improperly cooked meat, as well as dead Armadillos, often still harbor bacteria and …

26. Anubis — the god of the kingdom of the dead, was responsible for the process of mummification and funeral, as well as for the stay of dead souls in the afterlife.

27. The fishing industry flourishing along a stretch of the shore of the Dead Sea well illustrates what today?


29. I concluded my prayer thinking there was no purpose to life, so I might as well be dead.

30. Dead hand, dead hand, knock on this door.

31. Stone dead [Stone-dead] has no fellow. 

32. 1 Let the dead bury the dead. 

33. The sixth and last pack of Civilization VI’s New Frontier Pass adds Portugal as a playable Civilization, as well as an optional zombie mode in which dead units might not stay dead

34. Dead breathe I living breathe, tread dead dust, devour a urinous offal from all dead.

35. NURSE She's dead, deceas'd, she's dead; alack the day!

36. Everything your dead shrink had on my dead friend.

37. O child! -- my soul, and not my child! -- Dead art thou, dead! -- alack, my child is dead;

38. 8 Stone dead [Stone-dead] has no fellow. 

39. It's dead.

40. Dead metal.

41. Dead wolf.

42. Absolutely dead.

43. Drop dead.

44. Dead toast.

45. Armies were sometimes known to sever the penises of their enemies to count the dead, as well as for trophies.

46. Playing dead.

47. You're dead.

48. Jimmy Tudeski may be dead but he ain't exactly dead.

49. Tron's dead.

50. Dead prick!

51. Andrew Capra is dead. He's been dead for two years.

52. Well, we hung him from his neck until he was dead, and that's when Maggie and me got this idea, see?

53. 5 Better unchaste than humourless, better dead than a dead weight.

54. Dead over there.

55. But Abati's dead.

56. Alma's not dead.

57. I'm not dead!

58. They're all dead!

59. Chivalry isn't dead.

60. I'm dead tired.

61. Two dead stiffs.

62. We are dead.

63. Am I dead?

64. The line's dead.

65. The refinery's dead.

66. She's not dead.

67. So what do you do with a dead mall, dead office park?

68. A dead body of a male adult, a dead consignor, a target.

69. All dead ends.

70. Resurrecting the dead is well within the capacity of the Creator of heaven and earth, who is infinite in wisdom and power.

71. They're all dead.

72. Chivalry's dead now.

73. The battery's dead.

74. He's not dead.

75. Laeddis isn't dead.

76. Tyranny is dead!

77. A person who is Brain dead is dead, with no chance of …

78. But these people, they tend to tell you that not only can they communicate with the dead -- "Hi, there" -- but they can hear the dead as well, and they can relay this information back to the living.

79. Organ donors may be living, brain dead, or dead via circulatory death.

80. Braindead! Lyrics: I just wanna be pretty brain-dead / I just wanna be pretty brain-dead / I just wanna be pretty brain-dead / I just wanna be pretty brain-dead / I