Use "dead reckoning" in a sentence

1. Dead reckoning was carefully documented for future navigation

2. AMVER advances vessels along their tracks by dead reckoning computations.

3. The new navigational tool known as the Dead Reckoning Tracer was also implemented for navigation and tracking of surface ships.

4. The application of the data fusion unit enables the ultrasonic laser positioning system to eliminate accumulated errors in the dead reckoning positioning system.

5. The Δh-circle is characterized by the fact that any chord drawn from the dead reckoning at a certain azimuthal angle will represent the difference in altitude of that celestial body which at the time of observation was located in the corresponding azimuthal great circle.

6. Dermot Brigant is Sookie Stackhouse's great uncle, Niall Brigant's son, and Fintan's fraternal twin brother in "The Southern Vampire Mysteries".He appears in the novels Dead and Gone, Dead in the Family and Dead Reckoning and said to look like he could be Jason's twin, and it is hard to tell them apart