Use "dead light" in a sentence

1. Four other people were presumed dead after a light aircraft went missing.

2. You wanna light some candles, play pass the parcel with a fucking dead girl?

3. Here, the dead were cremated to enable their souls to ascend to the light.

4. We used some dry grass and dead twigs as tinder to light the camp fire.

5. 13 A light came wobbling up the Banbury Road, Oxford,[] in the dead of night.

6. Her skin felt dry and rough; her hands, lying on the counterpane, were withered and light as dead leaves.

7. Penguin dead, Gordon dead, done.

8. That I do not dream, in the dead of night, of returning to your light and the promises of heaven?

9. 4 As the light grows dimmer, the monuments feel even larger, more crowded around us, a city of the dead.

10. LADY CAPULET Alack the day, she's dead, she's dead, she's dead!

11. The comforting blue flame of the pilot light was dead, blown out by the gusting wind of the night before.


13. Dead hand, dead hand, knock on this door.

14. Stone dead [Stone-dead] has no fellow. 

15. 1 Let the dead bury the dead. 

16. Dead breathe I living breathe, tread dead dust, devour a urinous offal from all dead.

17. NURSE She's dead, deceas'd, she's dead; alack the day!

18. Everything your dead shrink had on my dead friend.

19. O child! -- my soul, and not my child! -- Dead art thou, dead! -- alack, my child is dead;

20. 8 Stone dead [Stone-dead] has no fellow. 

21. It's dead.

22. Dead metal.

23. Dead wolf.

24. Absolutely dead.

25. Drop dead.

26. Dead toast.

27. Playing dead.

28. You're dead.

29. Jimmy Tudeski may be dead but he ain't exactly dead.

30. Tron's dead.

31. Dead prick!

32. Andrew Capra is dead. He's been dead for two years.

33. Belial in the Dead Sea Scrolls: In these texts, we have Belial taking on a very prominent role in the battle of “light vs darkness”

34. 5 Better unchaste than humourless, better dead than a dead weight.

35. Dead over there.

36. But Abati's dead.

37. Alma's not dead.

38. I'm not dead!

39. They're all dead!

40. Chivalry isn't dead.

41. I'm dead tired.

42. Two dead stiffs.

43. We are dead.

44. Am I dead?

45. The line's dead.

46. The refinery's dead.

47. She's not dead.

48. So what do you do with a dead mall, dead office park?

49. It seemed as if nature wore a perpetual frown , the sky was turbid and the light of day lacked lustre " like a dead man ' s eye " .

50. A dead body of a male adult, a dead consignor, a target.

51. All dead ends.

52. They're all dead.

53. Chivalry's dead now.

54. The battery's dead.

55. He's not dead.

56. Laeddis isn't dead.

57. Tyranny is dead!

58. “Travel light, live light, spread the light, be the light.” — Yogi Bhajan

59. A person who is Brain dead is dead, with no chance of …

60. Organ donors may be living, brain dead, or dead via circulatory death.

61. Braindead! Lyrics: I just wanna be pretty brain-dead / I just wanna be pretty brain-dead / I just wanna be pretty brain-dead / I just wanna be pretty brain-dead / I

62. You're dead, your daughter's dead, your grandson's dead, your son spent his wedding night in a dungeon and I'm Lord of Riverrun.

63. Light to light amber

64. Understanding Lighting: Front Light, Back light & Side Light

65. The guy's dead, Cam.

66. Hail the victorious dead.

67. My son is dead!

68. Better jumpy than dead.

69. Soon you'll be dead.

70. Me really dead tired.

71. Manager Liu is dead!

72. She can't be dead.

73. Father Cuthbert is dead,

74. Captain, Christina is dead.

75. It's a dead end!

76. It's a dead end.

77. Print media is dead.

78. Guardians of the dead.

79. Better dead than burgundy.

80. The tiger fell dead.